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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I yanked some numbers off the board's side, Pcb 180 7r102 0000 f00 but (and this is a guess) the P/N is 122m2nf59tr aka this http://computers.pricegrabber.com/motherbo.../m34842987.html
  2. That's most likely an error code that we could use to help tell what the problem is if we knew your chipset. well the driver disk for that says it's an EVGA mainboard with the driver version 63.nf590 SLI
  3. well, in terms of speed people usually go off the values from Xwing. Tie figher and Xwing=100 Bomber (?) 80 Gunboat 90 Interceptor 110 Awing 120 Tie Advanced 145 Defender 156 Y wing 76 Bwing 91 and the T wing is a fighter they came up with for the Tie fighter game to give to pirates so that they didn't have to change the difficulty by throwing stupid amounts of ships at you.
  4. well... as for beeps, NOTHING happens, and where numbers are supposed to be displayed on my board the just do a cycle of half shown numbers that go (I think) 3 9 blank.
  5. You didn't realize this when he confirmed blatantly the incest in Ultimates? Loeb was good wayyy back in the day, but now he just is terrible.
  6. Have you checked your BIOS? If not that's what I would do. you pull one out and slap the other in - it's not that hard. How would i check my Bios if I can't see anything? And I don't even know the first thing about putting these together... all I know is VERY basic about the slots on the sucker, when I built this it was with my brother.
  7. I've not heard of a virus killing a motherboard before - are you sure it was a virus and not a bad part? If you are concerned take your HD and attach it to a Linux system and then scan for virii using that. well, the reason I think it was the motherboard is becuase when I flick it on, it draws power, but non of the UI comes on (speakers, monitor, keyboard or mouse) and it acts like it's trying to check my cd drives. When you actually look at the board (not sure if it's the mother board or HD) there's a digital readout that just keeps flicking numbers around. I mean if somebody would tell me how to swap out the HD for another one that I've got I'll give it a shot but...
  8. By downloading torrents I appear to have gotten a virus that killed my motherboard..... I'm gonna go insane aren't I?
  9. I was dling some... non gaming material over bit torrent, and turns out one of them had some really nasty virus attached. Said virus shot my motherboard in the head and now I need a new one it seems. I think I had a 2.4 gig dual-core processor but I'm not entirely sure. So, my questions are thus, what can I get that'll allow me to have a similar gaming experiance and not force me to purchase everything again, where can I find my model number so I can figure out what exactly I have, and what can I do to kill what's on my HD BEFORE it wrecks the new Motherboard?
  10. That looks horrible, even for an MMO. Even Hearts of Iron has more intuitive interface. Hehe, the first picture includes enough mods to make me vomit with overstimulation. @Calax: On the right you have a button for Vent which I assume starts Vent for you without having to minimize the game. How did you do that? Actually, I could simplify that by large degree by removing the frames for the raid. Honestly you can get bar mods to simplify it even more, I just never went ahead and did that. That is the standard UI with Deadly Boss Mods, KTM threat meter, Xpearl raid frames, fubar and a few others.
  11. Yogg Saron in the depths of Ulduar. (currently the last boss in the game)
  12. It'll get easier, on Expert I was at the point (I've gotten rusty) where the biggest danger was my friends shotguns. in WoW Atm, working on Yogg-Saron (post pics in the proper thread).
  13. Actually there is a decent amount of info on the T Wing. It is around the same speed as a TIE Interceptor i believe, and has slightly better weapons hull and shields then an R 41 Star Chaser (which is slightly better then a Z 95 but not as good as an X Wing) However it was suppose to replace the A Wing so it was dumped and sold to pirates and smugglers to make the alliance money. Nihilus5078 - I must protest about the TIE Defender being put in the same class as the B Wing. It is faster then an A Wing, and tougher then an X Wing with more firepower then a B Wing. It is totally unbalanced since it is superior to any other fighter out there. As much as i love the fighter it would make the empire too strong. Unless they gimp it like they did in X Wing Alliance which bothered me, kinda like how they also gimped the missile boat, bah! here's the thing bud, the Twing and R41 ONLY appeared in the Xwing games, NOTHING else.
  14. the EU in general is pretty ok. it's biggest problem stems from the different authors telling stories that contradict, this was solved somewhat in the NJO but even that suffered from having characters radically different in terms of power and personality between books.
  15. with Enhanced Edition and now the directors cut patches applied my loading times are faster than the ones I have on WoW.
  16. Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I got IW off Steam a few years ago, right after playing Deus Ex. I doubt your feelings will change. It's an OK game on it's own, but when compared to the original it dies alone and unloved.
  17. ... they're bitching because when you hit 80 you're one of the weakest classes until you hit the highest gear levels, then you blow people up so they nerf you. Power levels for various classes change with every patch, and I think it's deliberate. Blizzard doesn't want balanced classes; they want frequently changing unbalance. I remember when a druid couldn't get into a group even as an off-tank or off-healing. Now they do solid DPS or Tanking or Healing. Well, The thing about warriors is they're so gear dependant that literally they're having to cap our block so we won't do to much damage with shield slam. With every gear level they see come in they have to nerf us (more so now that we're running around with Titans Grip). Literally without the TG nerf our DPS warrior in ulduar would be doing around 8-10k dps
  18. oh, patch 1.5 removes DRM
  19. ... they're bitching because when you hit 80 you're one of the weakest classes until you hit the highest gear levels, then you blow people up so they nerf you.
  20. TAGES issues? if that means it kept asking for my CD when it was in the drive then yes.
  21. I had to crack the witcher to get it to work on my system Also wanted to point out that the "directors cut" (ie european cut) was just released as a patch in america.
  22. Nope. It requires the .dll to be there unless you mod it however, although that's easy. And the Steam version is no different - it, in fact, has more DRM than the non-Steam version (you can play without installing SecuROM due to an interesting little quirk in the system Bethesda went with). well I want the one that requires steam because I don't have to track the disks. But if I get it from work I get a 15% discount
  23. does the retail version require steam?
  24. Tie Fighter 2
  25. Thinking about spending the money for the PC version of Fallout 3 on steam... but am unsure.
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