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Everything posted by Calax

  1. It's a show on Discovery about a group of people who are living as if the world ended. I only saw the Ads so I don't know how good it is, but apparently they had taken a string of Car batteries and used them to power every thing they needed, but the batteries dried out or something http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Colony_(TV_series)
  2. so I picked a bad example, but still the point stands that we are "brainwashed" by the society we're raised in, taboo's, shame, modest, all of these are pushed into our head by our society, which is not necessarily a bad thing but can limit peoples thinking.
  3. I know that I tend to loose people and sound stupid because my mind makes weird connections between items.
  4. mine was like 5 seconds before my computer died... it may just be your computer doesn't have the ram or processor to keep up or something.
  5. I think they're more making the point that your opinion doesn't necessarily mean that everyone thinks similarly, nor that the game is one of the best made.
  6. to the Starcraft system, I can kinda understand it from a design perspective. They can have tournament and it'll become easier to find exploits and see strategies that they can either force to change (by rebalancing) or leave in but allow the other contestants to see the fight and find new tactics.
  7. *shrugs* the only reason they were able to call it cannon is because it doesn't mess with anything in the books. It just "fleshes out" what "really happened" at that time. Honestly if that's how it happened... I'd be very very very angry... to the point where I'd strangle imaginary kittens.
  8. I just love the idea of "they're up there looking down on me". Thank you but I don't need the last 20 generations of my family watching me do what all men do... or shower... or anything really.
  9. Ah, but do they know these facts because they were taught about others and decided that this was the best way? Or do they know this because it's drilled into our heads from day 1 of school that America is da greatest nation? I'm not saying out school system is trying to corrupt our youth or anything, just that often our sense of good, evil, right, wrong, proper, and improper, is built around the society we live in. For example, in the 1800's people weren't really bothered by slavery, in fact they thought it was the way things were done. This was because society raised them with this concept, now a days we view slavery as abominable, but to hold our ancestors up to the same moral standards we have is a stupid idea because we don't have the same mindset or frame of reference that they did. As to the Apocolypto comment, you're really using a movie to prove your point? I guess that you also believe that in the Civil War a single militia captain was able to make the british loose the war. Or that at the end of the roman empire, King Arthur was a Roman captain who ran a garrison and who trusted indentured servants more than he trusted other Legionaries. If you're going to argue, give examples and facts rather than changing somebody elses words to suit your needs, or changing what you said to "win". Particularly on the 'net where your every word is logged by the system.
  10. I just have to laugh that you're trying to promote Cricket and are using a baseball bat to do it :D
  11. Better than Red Alert 3... which required a 'net connection for EVERYTHING!
  12. need to have one extra for that buddy. I'm not the type to just have one laying around... what I may do is strip out the HD and take it into a shop to see what they think.
  13. If I remember the gist of the article (or a similar one) it's basically "due to DRM on these electronic books, those who are sight impared are incapable of enjoying the books because the software they use to change the text into audio triggers the DRM scheme. So what ends up happening is that a good citizen turns around and pirates the bloody thing simply so that they can enjoy the book they purchased". THen I think they mentioned that one of the harry potter books (the last one maybe?) is about 500 pages in written format, but the one for the blind is something like 6 volumes each bout 700 pages of brail. Thus it makes more sense for them to either have the book read to them by a family member/friend, or to have the book converted to audio. *shrugs* They make a good case, but most of the DRM problems with books don't translate into the Gaming, Movie, or music mediums all that well. Simply because usually the DRM schemes don't deny us the very reason we PURCHASED the thing (ok, on games SOME do, but 90% of the schemes out there don't). So while the DRM point is valid to a degree with the other media, I don't think it's gonna hold that much water in the public perception. Then again, maybe I'm overestimating the public at large who don't deal with DRM on games... Probably if they were to read this article and then be told that there was DRM on a PC game, they'd think that the exact same thing happened with games.
  14. Burnout Paradise... It's a good racing game, but then I've never been a racing fan... time to check that sucker back in.
  15. in related news http://kotaku.com/5329863/x+wing-vs-tie-fi...king-a-comeback SQUEEE!
  16. T-Wing was also in Mysteries of the Sith. still it's a game, and usually stuff designed for video games isn't put into cannon unless the series is designed off the games. This is due to the fact that most games need to make up something special so it's not like every other game, and to allow for an increase in difficulty as you progress. This is why in the Force Unleashed you're fighting stormtroopers who can survive 15 lightsaber hits to the face before going down.
  17. my computer (which as we read before, is now deader than a doornail) is going to cost less than I thought... I just need to hit up Fry's and pick up my AMD 64 2.2 ghz duel core AGAIN for 50 bucks
  18. dude, it's ok for the first few missions, then it bogs down into "repeat three missions ad-naseum"
  19. But... But.... BELLY FLOPS!
  20. Ok, according to the motherboards debug thingy, (the number display on the motherboard) I've got a program chipset error. ... and when I unplug everything from my motherboard (HD, Ram, Graphics card... I think I missed a CD drive, whups) it comes up with a memory error. Best Guess from the tech support at EVGA is that overheating (unlikely) or a power surge fried my CPU so that it didn't know what it was doing anymore.
  21. I don't know, but there is a reset connector on the board, I lost the manual to it, but several reviews mention it... and say that it's in a hard location to find. ok, found the maunal online http://www.evga.com/support/manuals/files/122-M2-NF59.pdf it appears I can dump the CMOS data... I think I might have done it but I"m not sure, it's hard finding this stuff
  22. Didn't know I could reset it... let me go find my stuff for the board
  23. Which of those gives you the "Vent" button? EDIT: That was my 1000th counted post. I should have saved it for something good, it took over 5 years to get! The land of macro's. Basically all that button does is post in whichever channel I'm chatting in what the vent information for my guild is if we've got pugs in our team.
  24. Problem is that that requires that I be able to manipulate my computer, right now it turns on... and tries to spin my CD drive, but otherwise nothing.
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