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Everything posted by Calax

  1. http://kotaku.com/5348445/weekend-reader-s...as-achievements Basically guy gets pissed and writes a essay about how games should be ashamed at making sex into a reward. Specifically targeting Alpha Protocol because of it's achievement.
  2. It's not always about that. As good as home cable internet connections can be, if you have lots of guys in a living room all trying to play using the same line, lag can start to increase. Not that such LAN 'parties' are very common anymore. Or for those still without cable internet, it's nearly impossible. There are still people w/out cable internet who like to play games w/their family/friends now and then. For hubby, it's just principle. He doesn't want to suck up bandwidth/be forced to register/login just to sit next to me and play a game pc-to-pc. As mentioned countless times before, you can still have lan play you must just verify each of the accounts on Battle.net. No lag, yay! On a side note they're revamping Battle.net to act more like steam (so you can see when somebody is playing ANY blizzard game on Bnet or WoW) and communicate between games.
  3. not really coming out soon, but in terms of Mech, Mech4 is gonna be free soon. That said, I think the only RTS that I know of that's soon is gonna be SupCom2 and Starcraft 2
  4. Honestly popularity has little to do with being good before a game comes out. And still it's one of the most anticipated titles for the PC ALREADY makes a point that a LOT of people are interested and want it. I'm sure it'd be farther down if it was just Kotor 3. But then that'd also depend on the developer for K3 and what we knew. IF BioWare was doing the KotOR III, it might be in the Top 40. And also, probably 80-90% of the KotOR fans dont care if it's not MMO or if it is MMO. But take the dont care side and multiply that with the anti-MMO crew and you'll be adding maybe 10% of KotOR fans to 80-90%, higher is better, right. . And again, I dont give a crap about popularity, I play games that I like and not top 40 bull crap. So why'd you bring up popularity anyway?
  5. I haven't been innoculated but it appears my area is "bracing itself" for the winter pig flu season.
  6. Nobody has anything on the Warhammer 40k marines however. Those guys just rock worlds.
  7. .. just wow.. Although I have to respect a chick who's clothes can turn into a giant dragon which eats a 30+ feet monster! Actually, her clothes are made of her hair, that she can control, so when you use that monster she's slowly getting more and more nude
  8. Went to school, realized I'd signed up for the wrong class and came home a tiny bit embarrassed (signed up for geography lab instead of Geology) Ah well, I'm still over the required credits. That said, I'm back with my favorite History teacher. This guy uses a text book that is actually a text book instead of "ooohh pretty pictures!" and he starts the discussion about american history with the fall of rome, and Elizabeth I and Martin Luther. He has a different style of teaching that is nice (no real homework, only three papers that are due, must show improvement between the papers, no point scale). I've had him before and loved him. He's having us read a Tony Hillerman novel and Killer Angels for his class (history of America from beginning of time to 1860) Also taking Human Sexuality again (replacing a grade), Philosophy and Sociology. Philosophy looks like it's gonna be the biggest annoyance out of all of em. Soc and Sex look pretty easy right now.
  9. It has nothing to do with loyalty and everything to do with them making good games. I didn't get CoH:Tales of Valor, because it's supposed to be crap. ToV was actually Ok, not great, but OK. I haven't tried the new multiplayer modes, but I was REALLY enjoying the new picked shots mechanic etc.
  10. The problem however with putting two games in similar areas, one mmo, one of any other genre, is that the MMO for the most part has to have a static story. Meaning that the story cannot change to meet with the other games. So if they threw out a warcraft four right now then WoW's questlines and overall plot would have to change DRASTICALLY in order to deal with the fact that this other war has occurred and irrevocably changed the world.
  11. I'm at 3.47 per day since june 05... When I first started posting I was doing 32 odd posts per day (captain spam?) It'd be interesting if they let us see post counts that include WoT.
  12. It's hard to believe that Michael Ironside, and Clancy Brown were both villains in that series isn't it? The first two seasons were FANTASTIC. In the third the animation started to look like it was being underbudgeted and some of the stories were a little stupid. But the ending was friggin sweet. *sigh* I miss the timm-verse.
  13. Oh? They're MMOs. 'Nuff said. and you have a misspelled name therefore you are stupid. c wht I did thar?
  14. Honestly popularity has little to do with being good before a game comes out. And still it's one of the most anticipated titles for the PC ALREADY makes a point that a LOT of people are interested and want it. I'm sure it'd be farther down if it was just Kotor 3. But then that'd also depend on the developer for K3 and what we knew.
  15. It better not be that way, and I'm betting if TOR is big, then there'll probably be no KotOR III for a long time. Yup, so right now you're in a loose loose scenario if you're a K3 deifier. If ToR burns you have a very low chance of seeing a game in the same timeline, if TOR succeeds they won't tell a story near the TOR continuum to prevent a lot of work being done to bring things in line. This is why you'll never see warcraft IV.
  16. you'd also have 99.9% of the board's members. i'm convinced there are only 6 of us posting in here. taks We're all Eldar/Cant's alts aren't we?
  17. unless you have a gamepad I'd say grab the console version. That said I've been having way to much fun as a predator. In one of the rooms that's got goons with all guns I cleared it in 5 minutes with only one detection (basically I went to one side of the room, inverted take down, go to the otherside and cut him down when the others are staring at his body, run back to the first area, another inverted takedown after thugs have started to go back to their "normal" patrol...)
  18. The big thing about CoH that bugged people was some of the really weird things (like tank shells hitting the rubber tire on the back of an army jeep and bouncing off...) of course it does have a big head mode so :D
  19. The only thing I had against that was that it was to small scale. Thus I'm a Supreme Commander junkie.
  20. I thought about it for a second, and realized that usually if somebody is going steady for that long USUALLY they won't be sleeping around with their main squeezes parent.
  21. Actually, I'd say the good bits of butcher bay and Assassins Creed thrown in a blender, then a slapchop, then baked into a cake. It's really that awesome.
  22. well, when 3.0 hit the servers there was a 30% HP nerf to all the bosses in the game.
  23. *shrugs* I donno, I think my Windows is 64 bit, my task manager says I have four gigs of memory (max for the board I purchased) runnin.
  24. It's a game, they are all time-sinks. It's not like we are going to suddenly find the cure for cancer at the end of Dragon Age. That would be kinda sweet tho.
  25. SM? Cath or Armory? overall they're pretty easy... particularly if you coerce an 80 to run you
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