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Everything posted by Calax

  1. And we still don't care. Actually seeing TOR go down on IGN's charts makes me strangely happy... I wonder why... but that chart is indicitive of what? That people aren't interested in something that doesn't have a newsfeed 24/7 about it before it comes out?
  2. The Mechwarrior Mechs seem more designed around war and their weapons systems rather than the stuff like gundam.
  3. Usually a group of five adventerurs run in and deal with the nest but sometimes they end up dying
  4. I am not kidding you. The first edition of MW was penned by Macross geeks so most of the Mechs in Macross were created in the MW system. The main problem is not the mechs themselves or using them in stories but the little fact that in the US those "design styles" are under another IP. So they have to either change the model completely or keep them without "official" designs. FASA choose to keep the mechs in the game (legal to play that is) but didn't want to rape their lore so they didn't change their looks. If I am not mistaken, this issue cropped up after MW2 was released or so. (And MS destroying FASA) That's why there is such a weird issue about these mechs. Ps: The pictures of these designs are horrible in FASA books. To get a good look at them try the Macross snips on Youtube Quad Mech designs are sub-optimal because you loose about 12 or 16 critical slots (depending or arms configuration) when you switch to 4 legs in the legal construction rules. (Hand and lower arm actuator + 8 free slots in an arm VS hip, knee and feet actuators + 2 free slots. you can remove hand and lower arm and put fixed gun in arm but not in leg) This cramps your ability to install stuff in your Mech by a large margin. true, that's always been kinda weird that you can't throw arms on a 4 legged mech. Probably the "in lore" thing was that the arms would throw off the computer to much (trying to coordinate that many pieces of equipment). I hope that Mech5 (or whatever it's called) will have a bit more of a CoD4 style of story telling (I did like the holotank for backround info in Mech 2). My favorite mech is probably an Ice Ferret (feneris) in it's primary config..
  5. Those are the ones in my backyard >_>
  6. Murader, Rifelman, Vindicator, and Wolfhound were all kinda bad designs. But one thing to remember is that most of these mechs probably look a lot better when they're put into games or art than they are in those artists renditions that were in the back of the novels (like the one for the Wolfhound) http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n1/n9611.jpg the jumper is a wolfhound.
  7. The tarantula. As to originals, there are several that are original, mostly clan mechs.
  8. http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/6473/368409-screen3_large_super.jpg That don't look like no human to me. Nor does a jenner, madcat, masakari, dashi, tarantula, or urbanmech. My point is that instead of using potentially copyrighted material, they should make more cool mechs like those. Actually the mechs that are involved in the copywrite are from the early 90's era when battletech was basically "lets mishmash all the various giant robots in a fight!". then they got hammered with a lawsuit and those mechs generally disappeared.
  9. Vol'jin is there too I think. He's at the gate, he doesn't go in with you.
  10. That don't look like no human to me. Nor does a jenner, madcat, masakari, dashi, tarantula, or urbanmech.
  11. They shouldn't need to, there are probably about 300 mechs in universe that they can draw from. It'd be like adding a imaginary fighter to a Janes combat simulation game.
  12. She's still in Lordaeron, ruling the forsaken faction. In Wrath there is an event where her majordomo (Varimathras) stages a coup with the help of the Grand Apothecary (they have the Royal Apothecary Society in the game developing a new plague... for use on what is a subject of debate). Players are sent in with either Varian and Jaina (if you're ally) or Thrall and Sylvanas to retake the city. See?:
  13. Shoot em up. An action movie that kinda makes fun of action movies. The plot is nil, the action starts within 2 minutes and doesn't stop for 90 minutes. Also, two people died by getting stabbed by carrots.
  14. You're kidding me... a WARHAMMER is a stolen design? that's one of the biggest mechs in the entire game! Well known because it was in Mech2, and was used in the books quite often.
  15. [quote name='H
  16. there was an atlas and a jenner in the trailer... the one that I can think of that was a trademark screwup was the Phoenix Hawk which was basically a direct ripoff of the mechs from Macross.
  17. Which is why I mentioned old news. They talked about it a bit in 2008 too, it seems. Problem is that Relic makes games exclusivly for THQ now. Thus if THQ says "jump" they say how high, but they are good at putting out strat games.
  18. Went WTF mate to this commercial then learned it's fake. Might be NSFW
  19. *high five* Destructible terrain ftw! Exactly pure mindless fun. Spent far too many hours on the first one. The third one is STUPIDLY better than the first... and some of the destruction puzzles are kinda cool (blow up this tower with one explosive charge a single bullet and your hammer!)
  20. I'd like to see Myth 4, on par with this Dawn of War 2 concept; though the one thing they should absolutely never ~ever consider doing, is DOW's squad based units; Keep it Myth. That looks a lot more interesting than what the game actually was.
  21. [quote name='H
  22. Generally, on the internet, those who back up their arguments with facts, and then use proper grammar in their posts, get more attention paid to them because reding sumtig liek dis can get hard on people. Honestly, you have to look at it from our position, we've NEVER seen anything to say that online petitions work EVER! and you come from nowhere and claim that a game is being made because of an online petition, and then refuse to back up your statements. Also anyone who mildly suggests that KotoR might be better off as ToR or have decided that they're ok with how things are going gets attacked by you for not being a "true fan". You've done little to engender any sort of sympathy or leeway from us.
  23. Actually those bosses are all considered one big bossfight. After you kill the third (the two worms is by far the hardest one there) you get a break to activate the next fight against an edrar.
  24. I wasn't saying it was a classic, just that it was better than doom.
  25. I thought Civial War was great, it was unlike anything theyd done before. You had some great drama in pitting good guys against eachother, it went alot deeper than their previous and latter "lets all gang up against this overpowered new threat" things. World war hulk was really bad, there we agree. Secret Invasion felt kind of pointless. Never touched Annihilation, I hate cosmic stuff. The big thing about Civil war that I saw was that it was a reversal on several characters parts on their beliefs. Of course it didn't help that the tie in comics were confused about just what the SHRA meant (did it mean if you put on a mask you needed to be registered? Or did you have to register if you had powers no matter what?)
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