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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Only if she's a force ghost.
  2. Besides, since when have LA been able to know ANYTHING about cannon consistency? Compare the character and ship designs in, say, Knights of the Old Republic and the Sith War trilogy found within, to the stuff that was found in the two games and what has been seen in TOR (and it's been specifically said that the art style was forced on Bioware by LA). Mandalorians went from actual aliens to dudes in armor. Basalisk war droids went from having the Mandalorian ride it and looking insect like, to being a starfighter from the book/game Shadows of the Empire The Sith War where Courescant was invaded became a minor scuffle in popular culture. As to Kreia, the only person who could give us a firm idea on her motivations (despite your protestations gromm) would be Avallone. It's his character, he knows what she really would be thinking and what she really wanted to do.
  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...-Kane-Of-Gaming
  4. Soo... in the insanity that is Saints Row 3, they have a "Sex appeal slider" for both genders. Basically this makes the "sexy bulges" on the boys and girls bigger and smaller. Also, in the end of the trailer showing this off (I'm not posting where I found it becuase it's a pr0n centered cousin of kotaku) I saw what can only be called a "[sex toy] sword"
  5. And the US Air Force had a virus... from numbskulls playing Mafia Wars (it was a keylogger) on their work computer.
  6. You and everyone else. But you'll be unique among them, with that particular combination of chin depth and eyebrow distance that the character generator provides. Actually, I doubt it. Most of the kiddies will want to be Jedi. I know that in Galaxies it was like a 3-1 bias against Empire.
  7. I've heard from several friends who saw it that the acting was down right horrible... ? but that the tongue-in-cheek humour saved it. It's kind of obvious that no-ones taking themselves seriously in it. As long as you approach it in that manner.. and understand that they're doing a pseudo-partial-steampunk version rather then sticking to exactly what was in the book.. (Not that any film version has truly stuck to the book, but some have been closer then others) It's pretty much full of some decent actors just having a laugh rather then being serious. If you look at the actors in it, none of them are actually bad actors : Mathew Macfadyen, Luke Evans, Roy Stevenson, Mads Mikkelson, Christoph Waltz... The whole film has that, slightly campy, over-acted, non-serious attitude. So yeah, its not something thats got depth of acting. Is it as much over the top idiotic fun as this? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108333/
  8. Yes there is, God is time and space, God is all matter, God is the truth, if you lie, your being ungodly, because God is in all of us, God is all matter. Yes, Gavials are scary, especially in person with it snapping its jaws at you (experience), now imagine it in 3d...er....um mutated. This post... *examines axe... looks at grindstone... looks back at axe* Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  9. I'm gonna be a Sith >.> <.<
  10. Parents listed our old house today... looks different, empty. Of course, it's been staged so.
  11. So... at the start it's pretty awesome, but then it becomes methodical... and then boring... and then some of the missions just make you wanna throw stuff because they have REDICULOUS requirements (at one point you go chasing after an ICBM... when you have to restart (as you inevitably will) you will HAVE TO jam your hand on the throttle otherwise you go five seconds before "sorry kid, it's out of range!")
  12. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. So far, good and bad. Good in that the flight can be REDICULOUSLY viceral. One of the modes actually sets you up so you're chasing the opposing fighter down and trying to pick him off. Looks like a bloody movie, bad news is that they added in limits on what you can do in your jet (no rolling because the computer fights you on it). And they almost FORCE you to use the "cinematic combat mode" admittedly. I've only really played the intro mission where they introduced that mode
  13. I think I'm pretty consistent in arguing that kids don't reason effectively, due to a combination of factors, including susceptibility to peer pressure/advertising as much as raw mental immaturity. Just wanna point out... that the arbitrary definition of an adult as being 18 is rather rediculous. Especially if you ask the 17 year olds What would the alternative be though, sitting a written test to pass into adulthood? Measuring hormone levels in the bloodstream? Bring the severed head of a traditional enemy? Going on a pilgrimage? Somewhere, somebody has to make that "arbitrary" line True, there is that necessity for an arbitrary point, but I'd think that it should be all or nothing... rather than slowly trickling abilities to the youngsters.
  14. Mostly the roasts are written not to poke fun at the "Roastee" but more for the 2nd rate comedians who fill out the panel to A) Get random celebs to say things they normally wouldn't and B) insult their peers with as little tact as possible. Probably the best example of this was the one for David Hasselhoff where they tried to make Pam Anderson actually do comedy.
  15. Well, he's also made himself the most visible candidate by going on every talk show under the sun. I think Romney would end up as the best "moderate" candidate (if those still existed), and Cain... well Cain might not understand fully what he'd have to deal with as a political figure in the position of executive rather than as a CEO. Political experience counts, particularly as an executive.
  16. I think I'm pretty consistent in arguing that kids don't reason effectively, due to a combination of factors, including susceptibility to peer pressure/advertising as much as raw mental immaturity. Just wanna point out... that the arbitrary definition of an adult as being 18 is rather rediculous.
  17. I've watched it a little on Youtube & News coverage. It seems like it's made up of a handful of Campus Communists and a few hundred useful idiots. Most of the folks there when asked are unable to fomulate a coherent sentence about why they are there. The few that can are obviously left wing nut jobs/commies. The irony is that ten years from now the ones that actually do graduate will be working for the companies they are protesting against and probably doing well in them. Well, it seems like the big thing that all of them are fighting for is the removal of businesses and their money from politics. One thing that's interesting is how Fox News is playing this, the Tea Party (which has about the same level of coherence and rightwing nutjobs and so on) is the "demonstration of people's rights to enter politics" while this group manages to somehow be "violent nutjobs" who are "disorganized" and "nazi's" (Ann Coulter mainly)
  18. *Cough* Mild topic hijacking, but Anyone following this "Occupy Wall Street" thing? It'd stayed below my radar for WEEKS and is now becoming MUCH more powerful (people are likening it to the Tea Party). And it does seem like Nanci Pelosi is trying to hijack it's message, and say that they aren't dissatisfied with the current economic climate in the polls, and instead say that they're "Dissatisfied with Congress". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street So... thoughts? Expansion on the bare bones I've given? SPEAK!
  19. Well, did you see what happened with the woman from the "SexBox" thing on Fox News? http://www.amazon.com/Cult-Perfection-Maki...nDateDescending Also, a list! http://www.cracked.com/article_18939_8-stu...ic-reviews.html
  20. Viva La Revolucion!
  21. According to my Chinese History teacher, there's also a bill making it's way through congress that will increase Tariffs on Chinese goods in an effort to "bring jobs back" here, but he's worried it'd trigger a trade war.
  22. I'm wondering, though, just how unhealthy/toxic does something have to be to warrant banning its sale as food, in your opinion? Not trying to be aggressive here - I'm not sure banning trans-fats is a smart idea, either. Just curious as to where you'd draw the line. If it WILL kill/harm the consumer with just small doses in a short to moderate time then ban it. Fen-Fen comes to mind. If it MIGHT kill/harm in large doses over a long time, don't ban but educate on the dangers and benfefits of moderation. Tobacco, trans-fat, etc. Just a question, but, do you support legalization of Pot? Also, this is somewhat related, but I had to laugh when a girl I'm hanging with did the math in her head and justified buying a set of speakers and a camera by "That's only four hamburgers of money!"
  23. Doesn't that describe every city that was ones a hub for activity but has since had it's dominant industry removed? Like Detroit?
  24. Will include segments penned by R.A. Salvator
  25. Well... Hurlie, you have to realize that most of the critics of Romney are also the guys who whoop and holler at Perry's executions and who also scream to let the poverty stricken folk die in the streets.
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