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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Just learned about a "study abroad" opportunity from my summer school teacher. Basically I'd take a 400 level course from him, and spend spring break in London. Only issue is coming up with the extra 3 grand to pay my way.
  2. You say that like it's a bad thing! It's from an ultramarine... the Smurfs are supposed to be obsessed with tactics!
  3. Biggest issue I've found is that the idea of difficulty has basically become "THROW MORE STUFF AT THE PLAYER!" until one of the ending areas. Also the lack of the ability to take "Cover" as found in various games as Rainbow Six leads to a sense that your character doesn't care about tactics so much as slapping the sweet bejesus out of his opponents.
  4. Who likes Faux News!? http://kotaku.com/5838164/oh-fox-news-will...out-video-games
  5. You missed the metro tunnels? I don't understand this comment. It almost sounds like you think the metro tunnels were a positive feature rather than a negative. The FO3 metro tunnels were a positive-- they were just massively overused (and unavoidable), such that everyone got sick of them. If they were more varied and not necessary gateways for many game locations, you wouldn't see the complaints that you do. Also, as someone who spends about an hour every workday in the actual DC Metro, it was fun to see a rather humdrum part of my routine transformed into an opportunity for adventure. I am lousy at action games, and easily frustrated into quitting them. Everybody seems to criticize Arkham Asylum for being too easy, but I've hit a difficulty spike that had me walking away from the game. It's the fight that takes place where the electrified floor toggles from one area to the next-- I just can't handle it once there are 2 mooks weilding those freaking shock-prods. I've tried it about 5 times, and I'm getting closer to getting by (putting explosive-spray "mines" at the transition areas to set off at opportune moments certainly helped), but my patience is running thin. Can't I just go back to solving riddles instead?? When AA frustrates me or makes me woozy (I have some motion-sickness issues with it from time to time), I've been going back to advance an old BG2 save. I'm essentially re-playing with the same setup I first ran through the game over a decade ago-- a multiclassed F/M, Keldorn, Anomen, Jahiera, Jan, and Rotational/Imoen-- and just arrived at that town outside Spellhold. in AA if you do things right on that fight, you can set it up so the floor fries your opponents.
  6. Personally I have to say that the zombies wouldn't have been so bad if you had the ability to get in a fist fight.
  7. You mean president Al Gore outlining an universal health care plan. Both. It's to show that we're in the different universes.
  8. Re-watching Jet Li's "The One". Had to pause it due to laughter because they made a reference to George Bush outlining a universal health care plan before a joint session of congress.
  9. Part of this might be sequel baiting/making sure that they can have a franchise. Consider just how much work is going to have to be put into TW3 just to fit in all the paths in TW1 and TW2 and have them be slightly significant (well... more significant than "did I pick Shani or Triss?" was). With Bio's method (which is being tweaked to be a weee bit more freeform than before) they can at least make sure that they have a concrete set of "what happened" that doesn't MASSIVELY change the current political landscape of their personal world.
  10. Go play Witcher 2. Actually I rather hope they don't take it any further. Don't want to see Geralt redecorate the room with ejaculate. The whores on the Witcher actually went with the ambient in a just right kind of way, no more no less. Eidos went to extremes to set ambient to DX and it shows in the Detroit and Shanghai areas. But they lost me right after Shanghai, it starts to feel seriously underdeveloped and linear at that point with fewer events of note. It does show that they cut the game short. Ironically, I get the feeling the ended up falling into the pit that is almost the exact opposite of what I was grumbling about with Witcher 2. Witcher 2= not big enough on scale, but awesome depth and aesthetic that sticks to it's guns from top to bottom. Deus Ex HR= Perfect sense of scale for what you're in, but the depth and aesthetic both took hits. One because of bad storytelling , and the other because they didn't "follow through" with a lot of what was implicated in terms of the environments and the people (only one poor gal who haunts trashcans? really? and how can you have a double tiered city and not have the evil villains try to drop the upper half on the lower?)
  11. I don't think it's just a rumor... after all they did have character concepts for the rebuilt DMC. I don't know about the FPS though... It seems like the only major GOOD FPS games on the two major systems have been from the systems parent companies (directly or indirectly) that were exclusive. I was hunting for any info on the man known as Kojima's projects and found this "He is also currently working on Sdatcher, a radio drama set in the world of Snatcher, working alongside Suda 51 and Akira Yamaoka."
  12. If you told me it also included ultra violent bloodlettings and tentacle rape I might be interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afhc7K9eN78 just go to 1:40
  13. I have found a very strange anime.... it's way to overtly sexual... there's like a boob shot in every single episode, panty shots every seven minutes, and they have an episode where a girl works a sea cucumber like a guys... nethers, and a second girl gets covered in ... stuff.
  14. See, I negated that entire thing and got him with the typhoon.
  15. http://kotaku.com/5836926/fresh-fighter-je...-fans/gallery/1 Le fook!
  16. Not true. The boss fight against the sniper in Metal Gear Solid 3 is the greatest thing in the history of the world. Particularly if you used the internal clock trick.
  17. Intel Core 2 at 2.66 gigs (I think it's an E 8200)
  18. Oh, wikipedia. Tyrannos, greek, per OED. And originally had no bad connotations. Wikipedia says all that. But apparently the English word derives from Latin. And yet you automatically attached a connotation to the word.
  19. I've yet to see a Judge rule in direct contradiction to the constitution. They do use wiggle room created by nebulous wording of the document to rule on stuff, but they don't say "Sorry, you can't say what you want within your own home to your best friend" or "There is no way you're going to own any gun"
  20. I would argue that the Supreme Court doesn't rule (or rather, doesn't act) "Despotically or oppressively" which is from the dictionary quote. And a words root means nothing. Technically the term "Dictator" comes from an elected position during Rome for emergency periods that allows the person some unilateral powers, but they will be forced to stand down by the people and senate.
  21. Federal judges are not subject to democratic controls except by impeachment. That is why they have to restrain themselves from making law instead of honestly interpreting it. In modern history they haven't restrained themselves, which is why we have tyranny of the judiciary in this country. Edit: A tyrant is defined as an illegitimate ruler, look it up. Tyrant noun 1. a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly. 2. any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically. 3. a tyrannical or compulsory influence. 4. an absolute ruler, especially one in ancient Greece or Sicily.
  22. But eliminates the very reason that a vast majority would vote (in the fact that their vote counts). As it is 90% of the voting in the western states doesn't matter because by the time their polls close the politicians basically declare a winner.
  23. Which is also where the electoral college showed it's entire failure. Gore won the popular vote by about 1% but lost the electoral vote by the one state.
  24. TRYING to play Company of Heroes but it eats up so much of my ram it crashes when trying to load from level to level directly rather than through the menu. Am going to try to get a Win 7 64bit from one of my hallmates through the bookstore to remedy this issue.
  25. I don't think there really is one... you can buy all the praxis you need under certain circumstances for the intro, and then go and level up the last few you need for your final augs.
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