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Everything posted by Calax

  1. God... all this wow talk has me feeling like a guy who's been sober, but is now standing in the middle of a bar.
  2. I think that's kind one of the issues overall. half the time in games, we're fighting a against a guy who's got enough magical power that he declares himself a god... well when the gods are real aren't we just working for another guy who's doing the exact same thing as the power-drunk megalomaniac? Basically if there is a religion with a god that unequivocally exists, then it's no longer a faith, it's just a really badly managed kingdom.
  3. Why would I want to play a game where the main features are "griefing" and "unbridled capitalism with no regulation"
  4. Honestly, from what I understand, that movie should have been about Kyle Raynor rather than Hal Jordan. Would have removed the Corps aspect, but would certainly have given the whinyness somewhere to come from (after all, the guys real origin story created a tv trope and a femenist movement within comics because his love interest got killed and stuffed into a refrigerator)
  5. My point wasn't really "why is there christians!?" (although for FFXIII I'm wondering why the pope was in game) it was more "why is there only one particular faith that is able to control an entire people? And why is there a Church in all of these settings in the first place? Why must there be a religious aspect with a higher being yutzing around with people?" And given that there's usually one brand of theology within the game world, why aren't there smaller sects of that theology that are arguing about points of worship? Like Lutherans vs Methodists would for christianity. Just feels... off.
  6. I just have one question about games in general and fantasy games in particular: Why is there always a single mega church who's gods and demons are perfectly real and always throwing around divine inspiration? Even when it's left up in the air there's always something that pushes things more towards "exists" than not. I mean, it's not like you have to have a god or pantheon to have supernatural elements. It just seems... odd. Particularly given it's always one single church with one single theology that manages to hold the whole world in it's grip. I suppose it'd be a hold over from dark ages europe (aka the default setting for fantasy settings basis) where the catholic church was in charge, but even then they had theological competition with Muslims.
  7. Actually it seems like they've realized "OH crap! We've started to hemmorage subscribers!"
  8. Pretty well I bet, particularly with the role players who want to cure the panda breeding issue
  9. Why is there a picture of Reb Brown?
  10. My frame of reference is still stuck in late 90's era. I suppose that's the best way to put it.
  11. This isn't a personal association... just an association born out of the fact that when I read up on ward stuff in the day, it'd always be "30 years ago in vietnam". I'm not old enough to have lived around nam
  12. Feeling old again because when people say "30 years ago!" I still think "Vietnam!"
  13. Is that sales or items shipped? That could make a large difference overall as Steam probably accounts for quite a bit of their install base for the PC. I think Squeenix is going to end up having a few more bad games before stockholders revolt and revamp the upper eschelon. I know that one of their bigger investors dumped his stock citing (effectively) the fact that recent square titles have been garbage.
  14. Nah, just got to work and had my hours on the weekend slashed in half. I'm thinking next semester I'm gonna take out a loan if I get into the London class that I want.
  15. Hai Eldar! Anywho, I'm getting ready to leap into the shower to go to work.
  16. Why would you have "Whao" Keanu be the musclebound barbarian?
  17. Wait wait wait... having lived there for 18 odd years, I can say that Sacramento and it's surrounding areas are not by any means a Metropolis like LA, DC, or Vegas is. There's a LOT of open land and agrarian territory.
  18. Just want o say, that apparently the new iphone is eating families... because a husband can buy this, and basically start spying on his wife's location with this "my friends" thing.
  19. Calax


    You don't have to make everyone land on either side of the slave issue, and could easily have a few guys who just view themselves as fighting for their nation, not for anything else. It's just that the Civil war stuff I've seen that's from a southern perspective, makes the southern soldiers into some sort of paragon of a gentleman that'll get himself killed for a fine southern belle. While the northern solders are treated sort of as standard army, just people who are doing a job.
  20. Calax


    Only thing I could really think of is don't go making all the southerners upstanding young gentlmen who really don't like that whole "slavery" thing but don't like them thar yankee's tramplin on state rites! That's kinda becoming a peeve of mine, making the protagonist always the man who lives by MODERN standards and MODERN morals rather than those found in his time, and getting offended by something extremely normal (like a knight going to bed with a 15 year old wench at a bar)
  21. From what I've heard, Thor.
  22. From what I've heard, basically Jedi are space bhuddists. (at least that's where most of their mythos/ethics come from) Honestly, it's an idiotic code to live by overall. Particularly the entire "black and white" thing.
  23. Sooo... basically Jedi can do one night stands to satisfy Carnal Lusts and not have healthy relationships.. And they're supposed to be the paragons of society!?
  24. he does have a point. I once tried looking for beat-em-up games for PS/PS2, that allowed 2 players to play through the game together, and it turned out not many games existed. Dynasty Warriors indeed plays like one, but in full 3D environment and with hordes of enemies. as for the "Citizen Kane of video games", I can't comment since I have no idea what he means This was kinda more my thing. The stance that Dynasty Warriors is inherently bad, while things like streets of rage and double dragon were fantastic is annoying. The fact is that he's a (semi)popular critic of games who's actually a part of the industry and actually is saying that gives him a few points to me.
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