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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Not really shoehorning when you consider that one of the people who harassed them said "We'll do to you what we did to the Jews." My point wasn't that it didn't happen in the world, but the news story didn't have to enforce goodwins law and should instead have let people make up their own minds without linking the ban to Nazi's. And either way, the fact of the matter is that the french did jack to the jews in the first place so there is little reason for that to even be IN there without giving it some sort of context beyond just the quote. Where was it said, who said it, that sort of thing does matter when you're dealing with a quote where people are trying to link things to WWII and the nazi party.
  2. Wow... really? They shoehorned "Goodwin's Law" into that last paragraph? Also if you replace niqab with any other article of clothing, it works fine. Including things that would get you arrested for public indecency in most places (Like "panties" or "top")
  3. Ok, so... sega weekend AND company of Heroes weekend. Jesus that's a lot of good games for little cash.
  4. I have found the pet that I want to own... and no, that's not a light being put on kitteh, that's kitteh itself doing the glowing in order to stomp out feline aids.
  5. Just watched the Gundam 00 movie.... Honestly, it wasn't worth it. It felt like the entire first half of the film was useless overall, everything that happened at that point could have happened in the span of 10 instead of 50 minutes. Also the moral I got out of it was I WISH I was kidding.
  6. But it still didn't build. The entire thing (to me) felt a bit disjointed up until the very end (probably because of the fact you keep going back to Detroit). A good story would flow pretty well and not seemingly have everything be in it's own little box.
  7. The issue with Deus Ex is that here doesn't seem to be a sense of... DOING anything or urgency. There doesn't seem to be an overarching story, so much as an overarching theme about the augmented v non-augmented. And the "conspiracy" as I've mentioned before, doesn't really live up to Deus Ex level conspiracies. It's just kinda "Oh hai.... I'm your conspiracy for the evening, would you like a bit of bree?"
  8. My bloody roommate decided that he's going to entirely change the room, including how I usually end up getting on my bloody bed, because "It looks better". He's trying to defuse the situation saying constantly "It's fine!" but My issue is more with the fact that he didn't even tell me this was happening before he did it, and did it at work saying "You'd yell about it either way." Still entirely missing the bloody point >.<
  9. And so illogical : you have a place with only children that send adults in another town. Yet, they managed to have still children dozens of years after its creation. How ? No idea. Orphans from all over the Wasteland. well, they're allowed to live until they hit 16. I'll leave it at that.
  10. No idea. *Looks at his original post* Cleeek zeee Liiiinnnkkkk!
  11. Realized that my advanced math classes (310 and 335) don't count towards my major (the highest math course in my major is 267). Sent off a mail to my advisor about it.
  12. Isn't that from the guys who did Epic Movie?
  13. Character inspired by John Woo films is poster child of all action heroes. Also Max killing small army worth of enemies in previous 2 games should make it bit easier to accept. Rockstar + RAGE + Euphoria + Max Payne should be fun. Didn't they try to play up in the second one that the series isn't an action game at heart? It's more a Noire story?
  14. Had a HORRIBLE day at work. Spent 5 hours bent backwards pulling out celing tiles and washing them, then scrubbing them (while they're still in the celing) before the truck pulled up to give us food, and had way to much food on it for us as we unloaded it. Then realized after talking with a female friend that literally my entire school career (again) is riding (again) on this semester. I fail this school, I don't really have another chance.
  15. Pick up Space Marine. It's single player is pretty dang good, and the multi is only going to get better once the DLC (free!) hits next month
  16. Melee Commander/Thaddeus combo with maybe a Gatling good dreadnaught riding sidecar makes things go SO much quicker. (For the record, the Gatling WILL gib just about anything that gets in it's special abilities arc.)
  17. Actually, what the hell DID happpen to squats? got run over and eaten by a Tyranid Hive fleet.
  18. http://kotaku.com/5839086/tax-breaks-for-g...-their-fairness That is both scary and amusing at the same time.
  19. You kidding me? Harrison Ford himself stated in an interview not a long time ago that C&A was a silly child movie. Personally I disagree with Ford, but I do wish to point out that the bloody thing was way way way to long.
  20. In the upper lefthand corner of your library which view are you on?
  21. Basically it's what tale said in a nutshell. Companies don't want to have to deal with the issues of having an employee being paid by them to create his own thing that he'll sell for a million. I think engineering companies have similar clauses that control IP of their inventors. But they are not being paid by them to work on their own project, its their free time. Its not even if they use resources from the company that they are working for at the moment, its an automatic measure. It seems too extreme, it will probably kill what little creativity this industry has. They've been doing it in other creative mediums (as I mentioned, engineering stuff and inventions) as well as including such things as "no competition" clauses for employment contracts every so often.
  22. YES, YES and OH YES Ever heard of Onichanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad?
  23. Basically it's what tale said in a nutshell. Companies don't want to have to deal with the issues of having an employee being paid by them to create his own thing that he'll sell for a million. I think engineering companies have similar clauses that control IP of their inventors.
  24. Also, waiting for the "Exterminatus" DLC (basically, Gears "Horde" mode, or Nazi Zombies, or Dawn of War 2 Retributions Last Stand Mode... but for Space Marines) is going to be... excruciating.
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