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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Having played for a while I honestly gotta say that I think that they really needed to work on animations and better voice selection. It felt like I was trying to talk to a bunch of machines who would use the same five poses no matter their situation (a woman at one point sobbed at me while acting as if I'd said something very profound and sage about the state of the economy.
  2. Well, One thing that warhammer did really well was 'public quests' which WoW caught onto like 2/3 years later.
  3. In other news, there was also a 5.3 in Colorado.
  4. I just got bugged by the self reference/product placement. In your tech guy's room there's a FFXVII poster and one of the buildings you see in one of the early establishing fly by shots is of Eidos.
  5. In the spirit of tomorrows release even though it's already been thrown out there.
  6. Winter Assault is Order and Chaos (Basically Imp's and Eldar vs Chaos and Orks). And their campaigns for DoW2 and Chaos Rising are actually fairly well done, it's just that I think they feel they have to do a campaign for every faction later on, so they just make it cut and paste. The only thing that's kept Retribution on my computer has been the Last Stand setting for multiplayer.
  7. Calax


    I'm in Iowa. I was looking at BMW's before I got my current Acura and my dad and all his friends decided to dissuade me because "You're going to Iowa! There's Snow! Get a front wheel drive!" (My integra is a 1998 hatchback with a V4 and a 1.5L engine)
  8. Calax


    Ok, so I've been watching a small pile of Top Gear, And I have a question slightly created by that, and partly created by my hunt for a car for Iowa. Why should somebody avoid Rear wheel drive if they're going into icy areas? I know that there's the whole "well there's no weight on the back" but that can be remedied (which most people out here do anyway). Also, I just want to say, I want a Mustang.
  9. They've already basically ditched the F22's gen of fighters... at least in terms of getting new ones. Honestly, I'm just hoping that Gates proposed cost changes (he's changing how the DoD creates projects so they aren't outrageous amounts of sums) go into effect and stay there.
  10. Notice the use of "Was a dogfighter" rather than "was/is a fighter". Meaning it wasn't called that classification, but was known for dogfighting. I don't think any aircraft currently used is actually referred to as a "dogfighter" and are instead just called fighters.
  11. No, the EPA deals with the actual pollution and cleanup. The Department of Ag is the ones who deal with the substance itself IIRC. Also USDA isn't just some fancy acronym hung on everything under the sun having to do with beef and foods... it's the United States Department of Agriculture.
  12. I think the Mig 25 and 31 were the interceptor's while the 21 was a dogfighter in vietnam
  13. Well, this is MMO's you're talking about... if it wasn't supported after there'd be no reason for the monthly fee
  14. the Pak runs at 50 mil a pop, plus pilot training costs. F22 runs at 150 mil a pop. If anything, ruskies make really cheap stuff.
  15. Governmental enforcement against DDT and other pesticides from being over used. And if they actually had any government Umph put behind them they'd also work to reign in groups like Monsanto who basically ruin small farmers.
  16. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-100210-1.html And yet, even that article you linked says that the current F22 can easily dogfight your precious Pak http://skylinenewsroom.com/2011/08/12/sukh...re-raptor-prey/
  17. http://www.lockheedmartin.com/products/f35/
  18. >.> my car is having issues with the CD player (It thinks I keep inserting a disk...)
  19. Watched the Campy Awesome that is "Iron Monkey". Basically it's a wire fu movie with a camp level that's off the charts (They literally have the final battle contrived so it's on poles above a lake of fire).
  20. I'm not saying they're just going to up and fall. But they are shedding subscribers, compared to previously where they just kept getting more and more subscriptions (however the question is how they count subscriptions).
  21. I can just see Adolfs every other status update: Adolf Hitler says: Oh, and by the way, screw those bloody Jews! Note: this post was in jest, not serious.
  22. But in WoW, the people suck. I really liked 'vanilla' WoW though, the later expansions just seemed to make things worse or less fun for me, for some reason. There are a few million people playing the game, so I'm sure there are a few people you might like. Of course you'd have to wade through a sea of losers to find them I have a couple groups of friends that play different MMO's and I usually stick with playing with them. Every once in awhile I'll meet someone new, but for the most part I avoid general chat and the like. Actually right now Blizz is staring down the barrel of constantly dropping subscription numbers.
  23. Is that the Japanese emperor or the current REAL political head?
  24. American Ingenuity is Canadian.
  25. I've considered getting an account there for sometime, but I hear the movie streaming selection leaves something to be desired. Thoughts? It's kinda hit and miss. Many of the movies from a few years ago that were popular are unavailable, but several of the newer ones are entirely available. I'd probably end up getting it more for the TV shows. Pity. It sounded so promising, thanks for the info. It's still nice to have if you don't have a TV, as it gives you tv series and such, and a few of the lower budget movies (like the futureama movies).
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