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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I've always had trouble with my joysticks never calibrating correctly, and when you pull right you go much faster than trying to swing left.
  2. Calax


    Started digging into "Russia Against Napoleon" By Dominic Lieven. Basically, the guy is trying to refute the very british centric version of how the last years of the Napoleonic Wars went down, that it wasn't Wellington and Waterloo that beat napoleon in the long run, it was Russian military drive and their logistical capacity (along with Alexandyr I being awesome)
  3. Because it's an easy example of the Japanese putting anti-war messages within their media.
  4. *I believe rule 34 contains your answer.
  5. Well, utilizing gundam as the main example, Timono didn't have the puppet government or anything in 0079. That was a purely independence driven conflict (with the space colony held furthest from the Earth declaring that they should be free), and yet he still managed to drive home the "War is Hell" message by whoing how Aumro Ray transforms from bright young nieve kid (to a degree) into battlehardened weapon. And it potrays just how devestating war can be (What with the entire global climate having been changed due to colony drop). This sort of thing slips through each of his works, and the alternate uses tend to get a little more... hamfisted about it (looking at YOU Endless Waltz!) As to the Samurai thing, I think that traces back to the concepts of the warrior between the cultures. In Japan, being a Samurai is a warrior from top to bottom, you have to spend years training your mind and body on the art of warfare before being considered a Samurai. In the West, to be a warrior just means you spent 12 weeks at a camp with a shotgun and you're ready to blow some suckers heads off. I suppose you could say that much of the video-game based anti-war messages tend to come from the more modern idea of warfare (where fighting is done from behind a computer with drones), compared to "honorable" combat between two people who beat the bejesus out of one another.
  6. I wasn't saying anything about why they were putting the message in place, just that they were putting the messages into most of their war games.
  7. IT better have something to do with kinetic fighting between giant robots and metatron >.> As to Anti-war sentiments, just look at 90% of the japanese war games. Seriously. 90% of the time the war is not perpetrated by the population of a nation having such nationalistic sentiment that they launch an attack on their political enemy, instead it's some minor cabal within that government (or behind it) that ends up triggering the war, and initiating atrocities against both powers to keep the war going and escalating. Ace Combat 5 was a perfect example, shooting war erupts and then the main character's squadron (who become the heroes of the war) is accused of launching a bombing run on a school, when the attack was carried out by an "off the books" aggressor squadron. Both presidents want peace, but are kidnapped, and the entire conflict has it's roots in a previous conflict (the "Belkan War" where not-germany launched the not-ww2 and was being beaten back so they set off seven nukes in their own territory). Or pick ANY Gundam series in general. Non-Universal Century shows are the most obvious, but in general they all have the same "War is hell, never fight! War creates monsters!" theme to it.
  8. Saw that the chair I purchased earlier this year (well.. .at the start of the year) has a break in one of it's supports. Trying to find the reciept I had for it, but it probably got tossed because of how it I put it on there to start with.
  9. Her armor looks to bulky.
  10. Been digging through one of my exam papers. It's due tomorrow (well... tonight) at 5pm via email. One thing I have found interesting while doing this (and talking about Dudley/Earl of Warwick/Duke of Northumberland) is the Poor Law that was enacted in Britannia in 1550. Welfare is communist my FOOT! It's friggin monarchist!
  11. And you prove you can't read. You're the one who kept on about the subject. I merely mentioned that in theory, the News Corp and it's Fox subsidiaries could loose their FCC contract that allows them to broadcast. I mentioned this alongside the fact they're also open to Felony charges for paying a member of another nations government. You're acting like I and the person who's video I posted (which you obviously haven't watched in your self obsessed la la land) said that both things were going to happen no matter what ever else. As it is Fox is loosing their bid to enter the British tv market, and facing severe censure across the pond.
  12. Who the HELL said it was in my head numbskull? You're the one pushing that I'm saying they WILL be when I said it was a possibility. JESUS can you READ?
  13. I don't think repudiating their contract would be "willy Nilly" at this point.
  14. They changed the inventory system.
  15. And yet the point is that the FCC has a very similar requirement as part of a companies contract to broadcast here in the US, thus they can be forced to stop broadcasting if the FCC was getting pissed off (and news corp in general can be hit with criminal charges for other reasons). Did you watch the vid where this is all spelled out or just read my haphazard summary you goof?
  16. The way I heard somebody say it before was "Everyone who didn't like the game at the start left, and then everyone who liked the game at that point was driven off by "NGE"".
  17. Technically, I didn't say "moral behavior", I said "Good Moral Character". There is a difference. And it wouldn't be a legal matter so much as the FCC allowing them to broadcast, so it'd be up to the members of the FCC, not the Courts to decide. R00fles!
  18. But the other companies are not accused of BREAKING THE LAW (which is a codified set of morals).
  19. IIRC SWG effectively was akin to EVE online to begin with (with much of the content being player driven). But then they decided they weren't getting enough subscribers and they had to update the combat mechanics, so they went through and made a complete overhaul of the ENTIRE GAME that changed the class system, combat system, unleashed Jedi and so on.
  20. Does a bit of a look at the entire thing and how Fox is downplaying it (The poster is one of the ACLU members in the Sacramento department). Also pointing out that as of right now, News Corp is vulnerable to American criminal action (due to a foreign espionage act) And if somebody pushed the issue the FCC could (in theory) revoke the ability for News Corp, and it's subsidiaries, to broadcast on the TV because in order to broadcast apparently you need "Good moral character".
  21. Heh, keep your eyes on one side for the vid and they look average to attractive, keep your eyes in the center and they look like hideous trolls. I'm fairly certain it has something to do with how we perceive faces. Our faces are not uniform when we display emotion (ever?). By focusing in the center somehow our brain fills in half of the face with an identical side which makes them looks distorted. Am not explaining very well, but perhaps this article will explain it better. Pretty interesting stuff IMHO. because we emphasize the major features of the face while ignoring the rest of it because it's not the focus of our attention.
  22. You can kill it? I've always run away. You can... There was actually a rather famous incident involving a now departed board member and that sucker.
  23. I still find it hilarious how News Corp and it's underlings are trying to force the entire topic to shift because "it's unfair to smear like this!" when they're known as the top smear monkies in the business.
  24. Well... I woke up, went to class, came home for an hour, went to work and just got off. Right now I smell like whipped cream because I dropped a canister of the stuff at work and it hit just right to create a tiny hole that made that sucker dance around and blast EVERYTHING (mainly me) in the area.
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