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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Human's capacity for both good and evil sometimes scares me a bit.
  2. It's like W.W.I. No one wins in the end. Failure for all was inevitable from the beginning. Or maybe I am just very depressed today.
  3. Plan is to fail and hope u haven't made too big a mess.
  4. This rant might not be on topic but I see little hope for whatever Bush is trying to accomplish in Iraq. No matter how many hospitals or schools the US builds in Iraq or how much progress in democracy is made in Iraq, the Iraqis did not invite the US and will always be hostile towards US occupation and see us as oppressors. The fact that public safety and life in general are getting worse for the majority of Iraqis since the US took over aren't really helping winning any heart or mind. Unless the US is planning to turn Iraq into the 51st state of America (which would probably take half a century and many bloodsheds), US control over Iraq is not going to bear any fruit of success.
  5. Switch your screen resolution to the lowest setting may help with the controls. Patience and luck will take care of the rest. Hopefully.
  6. ^Crap. I should have credited the artist. If you google phoenix, that's the first picture that comes up. Glad you enjoyed it though.
  7. I have only read manga. Also phoenixes are red-haired.
  8. ^So you are a red-haired phoenix with freakishly long arms?
  9. Clearly you've never watched the Boondock Saints.
  10. Aging does turn some Chinese's hair into a light brown or almost red before it goes gray and white. Actually my hair in the reflection of my monitor does look kinda red but it's too oily and dusty to tell.
  11. That's nothing to be ashamed of. I am listening to Jackie Chan singing Mulan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3T9YjckhQM
  12. @Alan - The one with the hockey hat?
  13. Where is the rest of your body? Are you in sneak mode or something?
  14. So Krookie, do your hands reach your knees when you stand up straight?
  15. Meta - So... any plan to move to America? Btw, if you are going to visit the Obsidian office, you would be within walking distance from my den, so watch out...
  16. ^I never thought GJK is your alt, btw. I just think he could have been the 12-year-old version of you and this is a half-compliment (or a half-diss depending on how you look at it).
  17. Masterbation is bad because when the habits are abused it could be harmful to your sexual relationship with your spouse. As Azakon pointed out, we each has to draw the line for our own moral convictions and I simply choose the point when the egg and the sperm are combined in unity where the individual's potential future becomes whole. I hope that is clear enough.
  18. The fetus is obviously not an individual but it does have the potential to be an individual. The potential of life is fully realized at the moment of conception, thus though the body has yet to develop, abortion is at least guilty of destroying the potential existence of a human being and personally I value that potential no less than my own potential existence in the future. Of couse, abortion is a more complicated issue since there are cases when the mother's life is also at stake or when it involves a rape. As for whether the embryo has a soul, I don't have an opinion since I don't even have enough understanding of the soul to say that I believe in its existence.
  19. Ok happy b-day, Baley, though I had stopped reading most of your posts when you went all Shakespeare on us but please hold no grudge against me since my English is still at middle school level.
  20. I can't help but chuckle at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkOt7hXSJ-0
  21. So are Mothman, Blank and Gray Jedi Knight your complementary self for this forum?
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