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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. You say that after you've careened down that section near Mort Homme wood in a testarossa, flinging champagne bottles at pickelhaube wearing types. What are you? A latent telepath?! That is my exact fantasy. It's no biggie. Surely that's every boy's fantasy?
  2. Interesting question, but I believe you answered it yourself. Your concept of merit is based on success in meeting operational level goals. WHY you're doing the operations in the first place, that's national/strategic level leadership, and it's often pretty arbitrary. Are we trying to get rich, or have a good time, or be very quiet and pious? Do any of these things in teh wrong context and you are going to get a swift kick. Optimise them in the right context and you will get praise.
  3. *toothy grin* We'll see those lilly livers try and get PC with the Holy Inquisition!
  4. Elves, orcs, and dragons are elements of medieval fantasy. Fantasy, in using this style of definition, is swords and sorcery. Now you're just splitting hairs. Actually, I think Tale is some kind of rabbit.
  5. The formatting can be an issue. BUt then equally, you are encouraged not to go crazy with formatting. Keep it simple. The bottom line is it works fine. You can make stuff word microsofties can read, and read what they send you. And it's effectively free. I use it all the time.
  6. A British military comms project that doesn't work? ...Inconceivable!
  7. I liked Jenny Sparks of the Authority, but she died with the twentieth century, of course.
  8. Has anyone got a smily showing a necromancer raising a dead horse, THEN beating it?
  9. Can I fling a champagne bottle at him? If so, count me in.
  10. Walsingham


    Yes, and the US was putting forth that "all men are created equal" while they still had slaves. Generally, when people talk about doing things for freedom, they mean "my freedom." The Spartans did fight for Freedom, not in general, just from Persia. If your word was not enough I have also been advised by my stepfather who is a classicist, that the Spartans really did go on about freedom. Freaky.
  11. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/03/08/is...ini_terminator/
  12. Incidentally I assume everyone here has seen It's All Gone Pete Tong? Great film about a DJ who goes deaf and associated comedy.
  13. Walsingham


    "For freedom"? What is this, Braveheart 3? The Spartans were notorious for not only keeping slaves, but keeping them in horrendous conditions. Young male Spartans would go out into the countryside and hunt slaves for sport. Indeed, so bad were the conditions that the countryside was almost always wracked with slave revolts. I am certainly getting sick, as others are, or this pre-chewed nitwit fodder.
  14. I guess I'd like to die honest. EDIT: make that honourable.
  15. Just when you need him most.
  16. I get tinnitus in my ears from listening to my headphones too loud when younger. For a while I tried pointing this out to people on the train and bus etc, but soon got fed up. People just won't listen. It's sad because I used to have a very good ear for music.
  17. Yes. Hilarious. Why not entertain us with a review of Pride & Prejudice, assuming you haven't actually read it?
  18. Pfah. Give me the Guard any day. A space marine has been engineered to know no fear. An inquisitor is raised and tutored to master it. A guardsman has only his Codex and his gun and himself. He makes his own bravery.
  19. Firstly, "break another nation so it can't hurt us again"? you sound like Georges Clemenceau. We know how this approach precipitated the crises in Germany that lead to the upsurge in extremism and demand for revenge. Fight your wars in that way and you will either find yourself fighting the same people over and over, as they recover and seek revenge. Or you will find yourself fighting the whole world for behaving like a monster, perpetrating genocide. Is that path really better than one more measured but less dogmaticly reassuring? Secondly I cannot understand your notion that you can wall yourself off and expect the world to elave you alone. It will emphatically not leave you alone. It may leave you till alst, but eventually you will find the course of world events written by people who believe the opposite to you. Do you expect them to respect your position or undermine you and take what is yours?
  20. I don't have a checkpoint approach. Read too much zen/rubbish. My life is about fulfilling my ongoing commitments. i have been considering whether to think about settling down and having kids, but nothing doing as yet.
  21. Those who attack us should be wiped from the planet, without remorse or mercy, then we go back minding our own business. If they minded their own store and not bother us then we should not bother them, but if they do decide to bother us then we make them pay with blood. I don't think you're properly applying your brain. You aren't simple, so I don't see how you can genuinely think this is a viable option. The World isn't highschool.
  22. I don't drive or smoke.
  23. The real threat of having you, and everyone you know and your camel killed ain't exactly an environment which promotes feelings of safeness. Yes, I know, but that is why we should simply leave and let them have at it. If they can't be civilized enough to sort their own problems without the need of violence then why should we spend the resources, manpower, and our soldiers lives to force them to act civilized? I am so sick of the US poiking its nose in places it just does not belong. Really? You should have said. You can't just hide under the duvet about this, Sando. The US is in the World. 9/11 occurred because you didn't acre that there were 'sick man' countries just like Iraq is now churning out extremists. Just lowering your gaze and hurrying past won't solve anything.
  24. Is it true that the greatest percentage of that tax burden arises from payments to the Federal Reserve Bank? A PRIVATE consortium?
  25. BBC7 comedy and drama, live, recorded, and free to all. Live the comunism!
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