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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. If you say so, but I only said that it was more stable than the current situation. I'm not certain a stalinist regime predicated upon fear and constant random death qualifies as stable as such. Not in the same way the the MCC board could be said to be stable. Or a chemical compound. Or platform.
  2. Maybe tax clothes made of silk, but not cotton, wool, polyester... *thinks* Or velour.
  3. How can it be irrelevant who's doing the killing? If the US invaded France, and I went across the channel and started shooting Frenchmen is that the USA's fault?
  4. Also, anyone who tells me forks are meant to do anything other than hurt people will have to sit through being stabbed in the face. That's my hobby.
  5. My thinking was that clothes are obligatory under law. So is it fair to tax them?
  6. Sorry to hear that, mate. One of my oldest friends was diagnosed with MS a few years ago.
  7. The truth is they cut it off from the public because the stones appear to be becoming younger. Suggesting some dour mystic forces are at work. It's like the fnords all over the window sill at the Texas book depository. Alright it's a lie, but it'll make staring at rocks more interesting.
  8. I got the Blackhawk Down reference! See aso the 112 shiites killed just now in an explosion. I've no doubt there is violence aginst people who see us as occupiers, but the main drift seems to be some kind of hellish Balkan style ethnic cleansing.
  9. in missouri, on interstate 44, they put up a sign just west of fort leonard wood (waynesville, between rolla and springfield) that says "drug checkpoint ahead" on the eastbound lane. the highway patrol regularly catches folks that get off at the next exit. as it turns out, there is no drug checkpoint, and the next exit is where the cops actually sit. the reason they can bust you? because the exit itself is essentially a dead end, with no reason for anybody to get off unless they live there, or they're trying to turn around to avoid the checkpoint. it's rather funny, actually. taks Genius.
  10. Are clothes always taxed? If so, why? Are they not essentials?
  11. There's High Church and Low Church WH40k. Low Church is teh uber marines and giant ridiculousness. Which gets in the kids, which is commercially vital. high Church is the more esoteric stuff like the Inquisitor game, and gets into the serious business of chaos, aliens, and the nature of man. As a silly/serious person myself, I love it.
  12. If YOu chaps had pitched in earlier it could have been over by Chrsitmas, and the rage engendered by the years of slaughter would have been lessened, probably avoiding the treaty. Heh, balme America eh? How PC of you! But seriously, that is exactly the kind of thing I would have argued the US needed to stay out of. And to tell the truth, if not for the Zimmerman incident, the US would never have gotten involved. The Lusitania did not piss anyone off. The Zimmerman Telegram did. Why no. Merely the whingeing of a nation that is incaable of fighting wars until it is losing.
  13. I'll accept guns are made to shoot bullets. But anyone who tells me bullets are meant to do other than kill people will have to sit through being shot.
  14. Th British Museum is excellent. The Library did not impress me. You have much cooler libraries in the USA. Don't miss out Oxford, where you should try to see the Pitt Rivers collection in the Natural History Museum. Shrunken heads, and swords made of teeth!
  15. It helps if you also belt out the Soviet national anthem.
  16. Actually, Calax I reckon I would, judging by what I've just read about him. I shall ohop off into town and see if i can find some.
  17. Noice Marines my boy, turn people inside out with the power of Rock! Ain't nothing faggy with that and you know that the Slaneesh boys get plenty of groupies, some of them even have the normal amount of appendages! The guy who made goatse would worship Slaanesh. End of argument.
  18. If you don't mind explaining how to me I can always load up the old girl and have a bash. However, i only have SoU.
  19. That might have actually made the whole experience interesting. Lunar eclipses are teh lame, especially when the zombies are out... I keep telling you, man, those are crack addicts. Just because they quit moving when you cut their heads off don't make 'em zombies.
  20. You say that after you've careened down that section near Mort Homme wood in a testarossa, flinging champagne bottles at pickelhaube wearing types.
  21. If YOu chaps had pitched in earlier it could have been over by Chrsitmas, and the rage engendered by the years of slaughter would have been lessened, probably avoiding the treaty.
  22. I don't think the Soviet Union would have coped very well without the uniting force of the Nazi invaders.
  23. My fantasies focus more on white sandy beaches than masses of rotting corpses. EDIT: Actually, I mustn't lie. My fantasies, or rather my dreams are about driving fast cars and the horror of trench warfare.
  24. That's because they were behind you, like in that film.
  25. Let him eat biltong.
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