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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. You and I have not been drinking on a Saturday, obviously.
  2. On a side note, why not encourage your neighbours to buy kits? Then if they die of flu you can have their food!
  3. US guidelines on 'building a kit'. http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit It really is just common sense in the event of even a power outage.
  4. Death threats, at least in the UK, will get you arrested, prosecuted, and sent to jail. The internet is not the kiddie pool. Don't piss in it.
  5. I've just done a stock take on food, clothing, toilet paper, candles, batteries etc. Restocked to 3 weeks ample supplies, less water, cost £178. And now I have stores for when I can't be arsed to go to the shops on Sunday.
  6. NHS guidance: http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/eprr/pi/
  7. UK Govt paper on an influenza pandemic. Not too stodgy. Interesting reading. https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/archives/london-prepared-London-Resilience-Pandemic-Influenza-Response-Plan-v5.pdf In deference to WoD, note the predicted duration of a flu pandemic is 15 weeks, consisting of several waves. this does not mean - in my opinion - that anything less than 15 weeks food and supplies is irrelevant.
  8. Just an FYI. Your favourite son will betray you. Win.
  9. I'm not an expert on mental illnesses but aren't schizos extremely dangerous? Schizophrenia in combination with other disorders and experiences can be very dangerous. But it's a mistake to treat 'crazy people' as always dangerous. It's not fair on them, and you'll really miss out on knowing some interesting people.
  10. Hm, thats news to me, what makes you think that they're drugged up? Would explain a lot though. That was certainly the case with many of the Taliban fighters. The Taliban actually implemented policies that brought Afganistan's Opium output to lows not seen in decades if not centuries. Not long after the U.S./U.K. overthrew them and occupied the nation, Opium output reached record levels. Note that at the time (and possibly today too (I haven't looked it up)) the U.S. and U.K. were the #1 and #2 importers respectively of both 'legal' and 'illegal' opiates in the world. You do realise the Talibs deal in opium base and heroin?
  11. I agree with your overall point. a pandemic that kills millions is the real concern. But I don't think it's sensible to write off ebola just yet. It isn't remotely contained, so while it has only killed a few thousand, it ain't even the end of the beginning. A lack of consensus between experts doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to professionals. It just means to have to consider and judge their arguments. And not simply pick the one which feels sexiest. Another aspect of being a grown up is to make a small effort to look to your own protection in the event of a civil emergency. Don't go nuts, just stock enough food to ride out restricted travel and food shortages. Not everyone is going to do this, so many people will freak out. But you don't have to be part of the problem.
  12. I think I mentioned that I make jam and marmalade pretty regularly. I once accidentally burned the marmalade* and it turned to a solid toffee like burnt caramel orange goo. I dissolved and filtered this goo (to get it out of the pan it was stuck to). Best bitters mix ever. Sweetish, but not very sweet, all the orange oils dampened ever so slightly. If you can duplicate this then please tell me the precise procedure. I've tried five times to duplicate, and can't. But it really is worth it. *I only use the juice and potato-peelered zest of the oranges. ~~ Still on the wagon, no booze, no coffee, no cola. No more shakes of headaches, and I'm sleeping better, actually feeling more alert now.
  13. Old friend of mine having schizo episode. About 25% word salad in the emails. Is it wrong that I kind of find the writing genius?
  14. Here's a question for anyone still reading this thread: If the regular Ukrainian army was losing so badly to the rebels, why did Russia smuggle in paratroopers?
  15. Yes I know, I did my time in the military, but if you really think that PT in the military is a good example of great physical training then I seriously ask you if you are joking. Thousands of presses later my buddies in the military weren't any fitter, in fact they got weaker each day because besides the awful exercise regime its is ignorant of muscular recovery, which gets really bad if you only sleep 5 hours a day. Do the same exercises every single day seven days a week and you will get weaker because the body cannot repair the ever increasing amount of damage. Thats why special forces training is so different because things are real there. (They have PT days in the gym) Unless, like me, you break your spine, you aren't weaker at the end of basic than when you started.
  16. Your OP mentioned The Descent. the book is so much better than the film it's not even funny. The book is one of the few times I've had chills while reading nonfiction. It's great. Actual _horror_ plus *spoilers* people get eaten.
  17. ROFL the old 'experts are full of crap' line. But YOU'VE got the skinny, right?
  18. I'm more worried about success than Ebola. If there's a conspiracy here it's one of willful cupidity on the part of the general public. UK government guidelines have always encouraged a degree of prepping to aid civil stabilty in the event of a crisis. You should always have a basic kit with alternate light, heating, prescription drugs, first aid and two weeks of food. To which I add four litres of simple bleach, a shovel, and a large quantity of particularly foul air-freshener that will make you cough your guts up in a confined space.
  19. I'd like hands that I can control with my mind. You should see my handwriting.
  20. Today I have been mostly whingeing about how ****ing cold it's become. Seriously. The thermometer just dropped by two thirds.
  22. Wait, what? How?
  23. Are you still in Finnish Innsmouth(Finnsmouth?)? If so,they may suspect you are a fishman.
  24. This victory should be a front page heartwarmer.
  25. *scratching noise of note taking* So that's a large value tender, connected to your IP address today...
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