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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Brown bread, good butter, and comb honey.
  2. Excellent effort Walsie, I know how hard it is to change routines. Especially when you enjoy them Is this break just for the month or longer ? **** you for even suggesting longer. Come the end of the month I am going to get completely bongoed on the finest available wines.
  3. Richard Burton, describing Elizabeth Taylor (age 19)
  4. Also the railways were the wrong guage.
  5. Week three of my sponsored no booze and no caffeine thing. Raised over £100 for cancer support - assuming I make it to the end of the month. No more headaches, not really lost much noticeable weight, but I am definitely eating less crap. Out of preference I'm eating salads, which is downright strange.Sweat has stopped smelling odd. Miss the coffee at breakfast, miss the beer just after work. Otherwise not bad. Helps that I have liberally placed bottles of booze and jars of coffee around. Easier not to succumb when it's so easy. Still not actually enjoying fruit tea. Hate going out and drinking fruit juice or soft drinks. They just make me wired.
  6. I wonder how much of this grand architecture is down to less than democratic regimes trying to find legitimacy in public shows of power/taste/virtue?
  7. A good troll is surely no better than a popular bully - while not being the same thing. Just because their antics amuse you doesn't make them any better people.
  8. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/10/10/internet_trolls_dark_tetrad_personality_defects/ And the paper in question: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886914000324 Crucially, from the paper.
  9. I just realised this thread has Michael Bolton.
  10. LOL. "Something must be done. This is something, therefore it must be done." In the grown up world you assess the value of a policy before enacting it. Have you considered the cost and disruption of applying meaningful checks on the volumes of traffic the US and UK experience? You anti-government types seem to have some very odd ideas about how governments work. They can't do anything right unless they're doing the things you want them to do. Then they become all powerful.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3r5An4vBL8
  12. Then you've seen more real girl parts than me this weekend. You should sound happier about it. You know, unless they were horrid.
  13. Blocking travelers really isn't even remotely the solution. All it will do is give the illusion of safety. Ebola has to be tackled in Africa. If you get a major transmission of the disease there then not only will you have ignored people dying in a horrendous fashion, but you will also have established a truly huge reservoir for infection. If that reservoir gets established, then we're going to see outbreaks all the damn time.
  14. I had to look up 'obola'. What fantasy land are you living in where the President can close off the USA from all travellers? Is it the same one where the US doesn't intervene of get involved in other countries. *ding ding ding* Hello in there. This is the World.
  15. I've just had it pointed out to me that learning to make explosives is fine if you work for the Army. "Or look like you do"?? ~~ My food has arrived, and we've sorted it by expiry date. Provided the apoc occurs before 2016 we should outlast most of you by ;...well until the neighbours get hungry. YOU PEOPLE HAVE CRAP SUPERSOAKERS. ~~~ Subedit: SO ARE YOUR SOCKS. Seriously. What the **** is wrong with the people who make socks? What happened to plain thick wool socks. These hiking socks look like a Sid Meier civ map.
  16. What do you smell like on the internet? I can say, without hyperbole, that you really don't want to know.
  17. It's because some of our higher learning institutions aren't about expanding people's minds, but indoctrinating them. A mind that questions everything without drawing any conclusions is that of a baby. A mind that does not accept it's span is limited and is unwilling to learn from the truth of others is no better than that of a toddler.
  18. Thankfully not everything that could be a disaster becomes a disaster.
  19. Ditto. Take care, big fellah. Don't kill anyone I wouldn't kill.
  20. Neither. Thrown, bladed, brawling, or blunt. Why? No ammunition.* *note: thrown weapons have ammunition, but you could pick up almost anything to throw, making ammo almost unlimited. I'd go explosives. Extremely limited, but extremely effective. Stockpiling explosives, or learning to make them, can get you into serious trouble.
  21. Three letter acronym alarm: I assume SJW means Single Jiggling Wombat.
  22. Evening out, all on fruit juice. I feel grimly satisfied, and sad that I've needlessly squandered a night out/
  23. I'd think carefully before becoming upset by anything a troll alt posts.
  24. He's not going to be laughing when he wakes up at three a.m. to see it undulating outside his bedroom window.
  25. There is a little bit of magic in everything. *smug* I have a magic arse.
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