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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. In fairness to Putin, at least he went to a good surgeon, unlike Berlusconi.
  2. Soup worked. Beef fat turned buttery soft, meat falling off the bone, bones infused with marrow and herb flavours, perfect for gnawing on.
  3. I don't think you could expect any system to prevent the lone wolf idiot.
  4. The coffee was a good idea, the Civ was a mistake. I'm going to play Rebellion, and blow up some planets.
  5. Woke with a start caused by cramping calf muscles, then struck by sudden thought that I might be a total ****hole. Then it occurred to me that we might ALL be ****holes. So I put some soup on, and opened a damn beer. So at least I can't be culpably sober. EDIT: The beer was a mistake, so I'm fixing coffee and playing Civilisation. My computer appears to have taken pity on me, as my start position is covered in gold and flood plains.
  6. I would add that your alphabet appears tired and emotional.
  7. Couldn't sleep, cramp in my calves, worried in general. Up therefore, and to the kitchen. Bought high grade ox tail yesterday, so browned that in cornflour and olive oil, before submerging in water, garlic, dill, rosemary, angostura bitters, salt. I flung in a few carrots and potatoes for good measure. Brought to the boil, dropped the heat, and am now simmering. By lunchtime it will be perfect.
  8. I'm a people watcher, and am fascinated by people. I don't want a smart AI. I want live characters. Check out a few Noel Coward plays, you'll see what I'm talking about.
  9. I don't know about you chaps, but I felt that the AI in the series has got consistently more mental as time has gone by. Yet I refuse to believe that there aren't student projects which coudl do a better job than the AI I've seen. Are they rehashing the original AI approach, rather than inventing from scratch? Are they inventing from scratch each time, and that's why it's not working? It seems to me that given the 'battle space' is nearly identical, and that units differ only in values such as range and movement speed, that combat AI at least should be steadily improving. For god's sake, surely by now they could simply have codified a few classic player fighting styles.
  10. I fear that you have touched upon a potent question across all nations. Historically employment was guaranteed by virtue of being able to create, or to manipulate. When even the UK, with all its infrastructure and education is heavily reliant on government jobs... but perhaps that's another discussion.
  11. I hope I'm not talking beyond my own abilities, but I believe the secret to archery is NOT to aim like a rifle. It is about placing the mind on your target, and allowing the movement to carry the arrow to the target. There are several good books on zen and archery which I feel certain you would enjoy. They also taught me a lot about focus and the buddhism in general. You mentioned sword and halberd in your list of acceptable weapons. These too are reflected in zen thinking on fighting prowess.
  12. I believe the point was already made that if you demand a country exhaust its resources supporting morality when it DOESN'T pay, then it's simply unsustainable. I would restrain my ire and ask if a doctor who works with children needs to refuse all his pay or otherwise be nothing more than a grubby mercenary?
  13. EDIT: Won't link to correct time. Begin at 3:10
  14. Particularly the trousers.
  15. I'm off to go grab some good wine and meat, then settle in with Star Wars Rebellion. As in Absolutely cracking game, once you get used to how it works. Later on, probably play some Borderlands 2.
  16. Superb review. You have saved me both time and money. I am 100% sure I would react as you did.
  17. What sorts are you catching? EDIT: Do you normally catch?
  18. A more cunning trap than even I suspected.
  19. Fair question, well put. However, I believe the answer is Chechnya. Chechnya became a rallying cry for Islamists, yet the US was never remotely involved; and now you have Chechen fighters popping up all over the bloody place, as crack jihadis. You might not believe it but the jifs argue that US _inaction_ 'proved' complicity with Russia in a "crusade against Islam". Because after all - so they continue - the US was an enemy of Russia yet they didn't step in. I believe there is ample evidence that failed states breed terror. If you want to beat terror you have to take action to avoid failed states.
  20. Have you never had a summer holiday that just evaporated like morning mist, leaving you with two missing months and only the memory of a single kiss to show for it? My point is not to assert that it's possible to squeeze MORE into your time. My point is that it's possible to squeeze almost nothing into your time.
  21. It's a trap!
  22. Where did you get that idea? Just because anarchist militias didn't fall neatly into military structure of Republicans you can not count out thousands that did fight and die. My chief reference is The Battle for Spain, by Antony Beevor. I've read other books, going into the weapons and tactics, But I'd have to be honest and say that Beevor wraps it all up for me. I'm going to double check my details this weekend, but I recall that while the anarchists were capable of tremendous courage, they lacked the discipline necessary to do things like dig in correctly or enforce field latrines. These are things which can lead to the decimation of units. Viz: http://anarchism.pageabode.com/node/639 You find the same thing in accounts I've read of the anti-bolshevik 'anarchist' militias fighting around Archangel in the Russian Civil War. Having said that, I do have to concede that previously hard-disciplined troops can adopt anarchist tendencies in mercenary units, or what one old boy referred to as 'Chinese Parliaments'. But i digress.
  23. Rather narrow minded of you, Ros. I'd suggest at least giving it a go.
  24. I agree with Zor, particularly about the what he calls the 'will to power' and I would call the charismatic component. Ultimately we are talking about fighting wars, and the science of war dictates certain virtues triumph over others. Of these I would highlight professionalism and skill, and operational mass. Both interlink with military discipline. The communists learned in their own civil war that almost nothing could be accomplished without enforced discipline. The anarchists and democrats felt it should take a back seat , or what was the point of fighting fascism. Discipline means the commies - and in our case the jifs - enforce boring training, and enforce its application. Discipline means that cohesion and coherence is maintained, and above all, that multiple units can be deployed in operations to significant strategic effect. Discipline means that when morale fluctuates it can be propped (temporarily) with threats. This is what makes the jifs really dangerous, and why the most important thing we could be giving the moderates isn't bullets, but something to do with discipline, beginning with B.
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