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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I would. Make sure you don't confuse your genitives, datives, and ablatives. I imagine that in porn these would be particularly important.
  2. I may regard Miliband as a spineless nerd, but HM Loyal Opposition tend to fall in step on defence stuff. In this instance HM Gov failed to make the case to the people, and Labour acted accordingly. That's their job. It seems from the dossier shown to the BBC that two key points mobilised the government: 1. That there have been 14 'credible' instances of Assad using chemical weapons already 2. That the rebels could not have deployed chemical weapons on the scale indicated in this attack While neither argument is very powerful, it does suggest we are going to see more attacks on a comparable scale. Maybe less, but we should expect them. If we do, then the 'anti-war' lobby better stand up and acknowledge its involvement. Just because I am always furious at their moral hand-washing.
  3. I discovered I had a load of bacon (8 rashers) which had been in the fridge for a week. I have just eaten them all. Naturally that wouldn't be a balanced meal, so I put cheese on top and drank four cups of tea.
  4. I liked the necromongers. I always seem to end up rooting for the bad guys, if only because they make such a big effort.
  5. That PBJ thing cracked me up. That could easily have been me.
  6. How can you ask such a question, of course. Hasn't everyone? No. OMG Walsie !!!! I can't believe you never have watched American Horror Story Where have you been living, the shows are brilliant. Especially if you think the whole French Maid or Nun costume looks sexy and you like horror these shows are a must I don't really watch TV unless it's on Channel 4 OD, or BBC iplayer.
  7. The same day UN inspectors arrive and that's the perfect excuse for the West, already gunning for him, to step in after the requisite videos of dead children and crying adults, etc. Seems a really weird decision to make. Ah well, hope this adventure just costs from the TLAMs. Malc it sounds like you are doubting that Assad is behind the attacks, remember he doesn't care about Canada or the Canadian people. I heard one of his favourite meals is Roast Moose, sorry to upset you but you need to realize he is a bad person For the record, I also like roast moose.
  8. I already thought of the idea of having caches with clues dependent on my relatives having paid attention to my bull**** stories for years prior.
  9. 1. Serenity was a film. It had to have material that could mass appeal. That meant punching. 2. Serenity was a last gasp, so it was obliged to tie up loose ends. Not much sodding point keeping secrets to the grave.
  10. Nice avatar, LC
  11. How can you ask such a question, of course. Hasn't everyone? No.
  12. My siblings all cook well. My mother was one of the best intentioned, and yet profoundly awful cooks ever.
  13. Very vivid dreams about going back to visit my old school. Subtext pretty clearly about ti passing, and growing up. Up betimes and cold leftovers. Delicious.
  14. There's no doubt that they HAD chemical weapons in Syria, but there wasn't any doubt in Iraq that they HAD possessed them. If anything this is a weaker case for precisely the reason you mention, Bruce. We don't know if the people we are threatening to bomb are the ones who owned and used them. But the better parallel is that the legal case on Iraq ignored the attorney general's point that military action could be undertaken on humanitarian grounds. This is effectively how David Cameron has been trying to sell it in the UK (in my view). He is arguing that the international community cannot allow anyone to get away with chemical weapons use. Sadly I fear that all he is doing is sending a signal to every tinpot 'rebel' that if they can acquire and use chemical weapons then there's a good chance the government will get schwacked. Again, I say that the entire way the US and UK are 'protecting' their intelligence sources screams out someone highly placed and believed to be credible within the Syrian top brass. They are probably just wondering how to get him and his family out. But it will still be just the word of one man.
  15. It's entirely possible I've only ever had crap bisques, but I am fairly sure that the concept is just a bit rubbish. A soup that is both sickly cloying, AND watery.
  16. You can't pick your brothers.
  17. I remember it. Rwanda isn't a good comparison though, fully ethnic conflict, outright mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands over a short time with the main weapons being low tech, no real organised resistance on the ground. Ex Yugloslavia would be better- and Lebanon's civil war even better, since the issues were similar (minority religion in power, mainly sectarian rather than ethnic, lots of regional proxies etc). And in Lebanon the foreign interventions failed dreadfully, except ironically, the Syrian one which eventually succeeded. And even then it only worked because the Lebanese themselves got sick of fighting each other. I acknowledge your logic, but suggest that the important parallel is not the tactical methods or the scale. The key question is whether we are prepared to sit by and just watch it happen, knowing that tens of thousands (if nor hundreds of thousands) will die. The only important difference (to my mind) is the practicality of intervention.
  18. Spindly insect arms. Common to all models, but usually they don't try hitting people. Her punches were so weak that not only could I ignore them, but I could carry on speaking intelligibly as blows were impacting my jaw! Needless to say this infuriated her considerably. So much so that she carried on for several minutes until forcibly restrained by the host of the party. It is my persistent opinion that she had been driven bonkers by malnutrition.
  19. Works great! Take a piece of cotton, put it in a little metal jar and put it in an oven until its really dry. Seal the jar with tape so no moisture gets in. Perfect tinder to start a fire, one spark of a magnesium stick should be enough to make it burn good. I was told ths works equally well with scraps of an old cotton shirt
  20. Extract:
  21. Sausages, steam fried, with courgettes on top of them in the pan. Boiled potatoes in their skin.
  22. I once got punched full in the face by a girl like that. Just for not looking at her.
  23. Checked out the news-stand on the way round this afternoon. British papers are full-on, especially the Independent, which makes me laugh.
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