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Everything posted by EnderAndrew

  1. Spellmar says too easy. That could have been a typo, but many people don't know the difference between to, two and too.
  2. Reese Witherspoon and Chris Klein
  3. Koreans eye silicon replacement Correspondents in Seoul SEPTEMBER 05, 2005 A TEAM of South Korean scientists say they have developed a new technology that could replace silicon-based semiconductors. The team led by Kim Hyun-Tak of the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) said they had successfully manufactured what is known as a "Mott Insulator." Named after Sir Nevill Mott, a British scientist who won the 1977 Nobel Physics Prize, Mott insulators, although metal-based, do not normally conduct electrical charges. Subjected to a high-voltage shock, however, Mott insulators can conduct electricity at relatively low temperatures of 67 degrees. "Silicon generates heat, making it impossible to place ultra-thin circuits on chips but Mott metals do not generate heat while carrying out the same job of semiconductors," ETRI President Lim Joo-Hwan said. "Semiconductors of the 20th century will eventually give way to Mott insulators," Kim Hyun-Tak said. He said Mott insulators could open a new market worth $US100 billion ($131 billion) per year globally, including displays and new devices that would not use silicon-based semiconductors. By making use of such Mott metal insulators, chips with five-nanometre circuits would be possible, he said. Existing semiconductor chips can theoretically carry 40-nanometre circuits but leading edge products on the market currently run at around 90-nanometres. One nanometre is one billionth of a metre. Samsung Electronics, the worlds top memory chipmaker, stunned the world last year by unveiling the most advanced flash memory chips based on 60-nanometre circuits. Experts said this level likely represents the technical limit for miniaturising circuits with silicon-based semiconductor chips.
  4. And thus I clothe my naked villainy With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
  5. Do you apologize or act at all contrite? No. You just smile/laugh via an emoticon, not with your original post, but in response to his. So he is saying that it is uncouth and people might be offended, and you laugh. Then we get: You laugh at people being offended, never apologize or back down. What facts did I miss?
  6. I think the dialogue was much better all around, even for minor NPCs.
  7. I don't see why we can't branch into other pantheons. Who would be Loki?
  8. Um... what brought that on? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She called Meta a retard, and then refused to back down from it when Meta politely said it was uncouth and could offend certain people. Her post ended up being deleted earlier this evening.
  9. I am not amused by people who careless throw around the term retard, let alone at clever chaps like Metadigital. I am amused even less when a person is called on their poor decorum and refuses to apologize. Don't get me started on not being amused.
  10. If only the game had the original intended ending, and then there would be no doubt.
  11. Exactly.
  12. I assumed you needed your uber-character from the OC to take into the expansions though.
  13. METAdigital + phosPHOR = Metaphor.
  14. Obsidian has said there will not be a content patch. A bug fix patch may happen, but I doubt it.
  15. I think in part Shakespeare on the whole is often overrated. He often rambles when he doesn't need to. When we put on a Shakespeare play, it is custom to cut quite a bit, and still his plays are fairly wordy while rushing through at a brisk pace. But some of his monologues, like above are pure brilliance. I think he nails our will to survive, and calls it for what it really is, our fear of that which we don't know in death.
  16. I say hire a good voice actor for the really important dialogue, and then use text for everyone else. It allows you to write lengthier dialogue for the minor PCs without recording endless dialogue in the studio.
  17. Come on! Nothing? No reply? Not even a groan? How about this one... A Buddhist monk walks up to a hot dog vendor and says,
  18. I had a teacher like that as well. Had being the operative word. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
  19. "Tribute" [spoken] This is the greatest and best song in the world... Tribute. Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here, we was hitchhikin' down a long and lonesome road. All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon... in the middle... of the road. And he said: [sung] "Play the best song in the world, or I'll eat your soul." (soul) [spoken] Well me and Kyle, we looked at each other, and we each said... "Okay." [sung] And we played the first thing that came to our heads, Just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, it was The Best Song in the World. Look into my eyes and it's easy to see One and one make two, two and one make three, It was destiny. Once every hundred-thousand years or so, When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow And the grass doth grow... Needless to say, the beast was stunned. Whip-crack went his Whoopy tail, And the beast was done. He asked us: "(snort) Be you angels?" And we said, "Nay. We are but men." Rock! Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah, Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh! This is not The Greatest Song in the World, no. This is just a tribute. Couldn't remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no. This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World, All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World, All right! It was the best mutha****in' song the greatest song in the world. [2-part skat] [spoken] And the peculiar thing is this my friends: the song we sang on that fateful night it didn't actually sound anything like this song. [sung] This is just a tribute! You gotta believe me! And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion. Ah, ****! Good God, God lovin', So surprised to find you can't stop it. [skat] All right! All right!
  20. Well, I'm off for a bit. The forums will have to go on without me for the next 30 minutes. I could put up a sign that said: Gone Chopin, Bach in a Minuet.
  21. Be cowful what you utter about udders. You cud be overheard. You know, I cud milk this all day, but why go on?
  22. Dead puppies Dead puppies Dead puppies aren't much fun They don't come when you call They don't chase squirrels at all Dead puppies aren't much fun My puppy died late last fall He's still rotting in the hall Dead puppies aren't much fun Mom says puppy's days are through She's gonna throw him in the stew Dead puppies aren't much fun Dead puppies Dead puppies Dead puppies aren't much fun Dead puppies Dead puppies Dead puppies aren't much fun Dead puppies Dead puppies
  23. I shall try to make up for it with a better pun. Dangling by a thread, some questioned whether or not the tattered and frayed prosecution could patch up their case so close to clothesing arguments. But when pressed, the material witness in the suit came apart at the seams. 'Do not pull the wool over my eyes! Sew, it was you!' The tailor's lawyer had cotton on to her tapestry, woven together by lies, coated in tails. Some of us were on pins and needles, and one loony onlooker was in stitches. Leather or not the jury was suede was left to be steamed.
  24. Digital cameras are cheap. Incriminating photos are priceless.
  25. The NHL games are the titles that I feel have the fewest features. EA just ships that one in rather than work on it. However games like Tiger Woods, Madden or NCAA Football do change quite a bit from year to year.
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