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Everything posted by EnderAndrew

  1. Ultima IV-VIII Ultima Underworld System Shock 2 Fallout 1 & 2 Planescape Torment Final Fantasy II/IV (depending on US or Japanese name) And how does a game like Dungeon Siege or Fable make this list? How does Fable: Lost Chapters make any list when it isn't even released yet?
  2. I'm confused. How did Russia end up in the NTH sea? He attacked with a strength of one, and France's support was cut. Where did the English fleet in the NTH sea go?
  3. I think Ultima V doesn't get enough credit. It took everything that Ultima IV built upon and greatly improved upon it. Ultima IV lacked a villian and much of a plot. Ultima V had better: graphics plot villian gameplay depth immersion
  4. I have naked pictures of Eldar as well.
  5. There already is a 64-bit version of Windows. I have it. It is Windows x64. Vista comes in a 32 bit or 64 bit beta, and it may ship at retail in both versions as well. However, it doesn't have any real noteable new features, and won't ship til 2006-2007. All the main features they were talking about two years ago like the new file layer, etc. have been cut. There is a new API for running full Windows apps without installng them remotely via Internet Explorer. Hello, Java basically offered similiar functionality years ago before M$ hosed it, but now M$ is making a proprietary version. But didn't they already do that with ActiveX? They don't know this will be done in time for launch, and mark my word, it will be a bigger security nightmare than ActiveX. The new file layer to help searching you can download a beta of for Windows XP and doesn't require Vista. And Google Deskstop Search replaces this with freeware. There is also DirectX 10, but you'll be able to download that for XP. The main new feature is a better looking GUI called Aero. Too bad Aero won't work as well or as fast on NVidia cards. The main new feature of Aero is window transperancy. Yet, I have that in XP with Style XP. Vista looks to be a real worthless upgrade that will just eat system resources and run slower.
  6. I'm so doing that when I get home.
  7. All celebrities look different before and after makeup.
  8. I figured "not" was intentional.
  9. No one blasts Sean Connery for having the wrong accent in half his films.
  10. I normally edit my posts for typos, but you did in fact catch me. There are recipes on that website, btw.
  11. Holy Necroposting Batman! I loathe Ayn Rand for what it is worth, and don't think she was an influence on Atton. I also miss Maria Caliban. She was a great poster.
  12. Eru! That's a horrible website! For shame!
  13. You want me to post nude pictures of Kate Blanchett?
  14. I think Groin of Despair needs one. And this is the first post where rules were posted: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...ic=36187&st=75# The rules have no doubt evolved from there.
  15. The PS1 and PS2 did quite well with exclusive titles. The XBox thrived more with multiplatform titles. I imagine the 360 will have several multiplatform titles that people will buy on the 360 specifically for Live. Sony will stick with exclusive titles, and I'm sure many of the 3rd party developers (read: mainly Japanese) that have made exclusive PS1 and PS2 titles will do so on the PS3.
  16. Thank you. I have to figure who I can suggest that will make Eldar spit coffee on his monitor.
  17. Imagine the things you can do with a ship full of Wookiees!
  18. I would have rather read text rather than hear the same alien VO bits in KOTOR.
  19. That is crazy talk! The Ultima historians almost pretend it doesn't exist. Richard Garriot admits that he really wishes he could take much of it back, what with the time-travel and all.
  20. I claim dibs on the nations of all the absent the players.
  21. We have three webcams, but we usually don't have them hooked up. The only mics I have are headset/mics.
  22. Maybe I'm just starting foreplay?
  23. Jennifer Love Hewitt Edit: Add in George Steinbrenner and A-Fraud
  24. http://biz.gamedaily.com/features.asp?arti...&filter=&rp=357 So Gabe Newell says he doesn't like the 360 because it doesn't have a HDD. He doesn't like the PS3 because it is proprietary. He doesn't like Vista, well he doesn't give a reason why. But his answer to everything is to build on Steam. Isn't Steam proprietary? And given that neither console needs a HDD for caching since performance won't really be an issue for some time, the main reason I suspect he is pushing for HDD's in consoles is for Steam and downloadable content. I respect Newell's willingness to speak his mind, but I think he is being hypocritical for slamming Sony for pushing their technology, and then wanting the industry to adopt his toy. In the end, I imagine most people will eventually get HDDs for the XBox 360, if not right away, for Live purposes. On the PS3, it will depend if developers create a need for the HDD. If there are killer games that require, or are made better by the HDD, then people will buy it. It is that simple. If developers completely ignore the HDD (see PS2) then no one will buy it.
  25. Spellmar is just too quick!
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