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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. We have an inbox? I mean, yeah, me too! Mine's so full all the time and stuff.
  2. Damn me and my completionist side. I'm struggling through Infamous Second Son to finish it a second time just to unlock the achievements for doing so. It's a fun game and a fine story, but not enough to want to play it through a second time!
  3. It's kind of funny playing through InFamous Second Son as a "bad guy". I turned Fetch into a bloodthirsty maniac so far.
  4. Ontario, Canada here. Mine also says "shipping soon". The only notification I've received via email is about the t-shirt swag. The actual physical copy of the game which I ordered still seems to be in limbo.
  5. Finished InFamous Second Son. Surprisingly fun game. And while the story was straightforward and you knew where it was going, it was actually pretty good. Side missions were fun, especially the ones where you have to liberate an area by destroying the mobile DUP unit in that area. I bought it for $19.99, and combined with First Light which I got for free from PSN, that's one of the better $20 I've spent on games recently. More fun than I've had with a lot of the games I paid full price for.
  6. Speaking of the physical copies, when does "shipping soon" status in my order profile actually switch to "shipped"?
  7. InFamous Second Son. I liked First Light enough that I decided to get this one on sale for $20. One thing I don't like is the tutorial isn't very informative. It'll wait until you fail or stand around doing nothing for a while before a screen prompt actually instructs you on which buttons/powers to use. Other than that, it plays a lot like First Light. So decent fun so far.
  8. I found it to be the best of the series. I enjoyed my play through of Infinite, but only found the first two games decent.
  9. It's also weird how few people seem to be running around (at least in my experience on the PS4). I've had to solo quite a few of those random Gold Tier event encounters because no other player was on the map with me at the time. At most, there's maybe 1 or 2 people there. I also think Destiny failed at the loot system. The majority of the guns/equipment drops suck, and the time it takes to upgrade each individual good piece of armor is ridiculous. You have to grind so much to upgrade, but the maps are so empty there's not enough stuff to spend your time grinding on.
  10. Tried to get back into playing Destiny. It's just so boring, once you've finished the main story and done those raids/bounties a couple of times. It just feels so empty. Borderlands did a better job of making things seem engaging, even after you'd gone through the game a time or two.
  11. With those episodic games, I like to wait until the entire season is done and they come out with their "full season" compilation. It's one of the reasons I haven't picked up Resident Evil Revelations 2 yet.
  12. It's not that long if you don't get caught up in doing all the side stuff.
  13. I'm not sure which game to give a go next. Battlefield Hardline intrigues me, as does the Final Fantasy remake that was released today. But neither intrigue me *that much* to make me jump and get them.
  14. The Survival game mode in the battle arena in Infamous: First light is pretty fun. The Rescue game mode, not so much.
  15. Finished Infamous First Light. Maybe it's because it was free, so my expectations weren't very high coming in. But I have to say I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The combat was fun, the story was straightforward and obvious which direction it was heading, and the various open world activities were cool. Considering I've never played any games from this series before, it was good enough that I'm actually thinking about picking up the previous games for cheap.
  16. I downloaded Infamous: First Light for free as part of the PSN+ thing. Tried it for about an hour. Not bad. A decent time waster.
  17. I think that's part of what made playing through more than once seem like such a chore. The completionist side simply couldn't leave any herb un-picked, or any lost ring un-returned. If I'd just stuck with the main story (plus the more relevant sidequests), I might not have felt so bogged down.
  18. Got the Trespassing achievement in Dying Light for completing all quarantine zones. Now that that's out of the way I think I'm done with Dying Light.
  19. The patch for Dying Light seems to have also altered the amounts of certain things you can create. Before, you could create 5 molotovs each time you had enough ingredients. Now it's down to 2. The exploding bomb firecrackers used to allow 8 per creation, but now that's also down to 2. I guess this is their way of trying to make the game harder?
  20. Just finished the "Pit" boss fight in Dying Light for the second time, this time in my New Game+ play through. Much easier this time, not only because I knew exactly what to do, but because my character's health is a lot higher and because I have other abilities unlocked that I didn't the first time. Still a really crappy boss fight, though.
  21. They put out a patch today that adds some outfits, some weapons (though I've yet to see any new ones yet), improves the textures on some items, and (this may just be placebo effect) the parkour feels a little bit smoother and more Mirror's Edge like. It fixed the issue I was having about not being able to level up my survivor skill from level 24 to level 25. Prior to the patch, I was stuck with needing 1000 survivor points to level up, but nothing I did gained (or lost) me survivor points. I think I've come across some of the weapons. I haven't noticed anything other than they've given existing weapons personalized names. Like a sickle will now be called "Darkness", but I haven't seen a benefit to it in terms of its stats.
  22. Is the upcoming Battlefield Hardline a brand new game, or an expansion/DLC to an existing Battlefield game? The trailer looks kind of cool. Then again, I'm a sucker for cop games.
  23. Playing Dying Light to finish off the quarantine zones. The idiot that I am, I didn't even notice them my first time through. No wonder I didn't get credit for that achievement. D'oh!
  24. The achievements/trophies must be messed up in Dying Light. On my second play through, I got an achievement for finishing all sidequests after I'd completed a quest I did the previous time through. This on the heels of me wondering why the achievement didn't unlock when I'd finished every single quest the first time around. Then there's the "finish all quarantine zone" achievement. I've unlocked all safe zones, and have been to every single area that needed visiting, and I still haven't got that achievement to unlock.
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