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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Whoever designed the driving mechanics in Far Cry 4 needs to be fired. Driving a vehicle feels like I'm drunk the entire time and I'm pushing around a square box that doesn't like to turn smoothly. I'm early on, but I just know some of the missions will require driving. I'm not looking forward to those at all.
  2. That ending, plus slideshows/cutscenes showing the results of the various choices you made through the series, would have been satisfactory for me. What killed it for me was not only the idiot ending we got, but we didn't even see much in terms of how our actions affected anything. At least with regards to the original ending that shipped with the game. Basically, screw the starchild.
  3. The "power" system could have been a good inclusion, if it weren't for the fact it was way too easy to earn points. None of the missions took me much time to reach the requisite power for them, so all the dialogue of "we're just not strong enough to even talk to these guys yet!" thing rang a bit hollow since all it took was a couple of rifts being closed and returning a ring to a lonely wife.
  4. That was the only easy part, I think the loyal mabari is guaranteed to carry the top model for your inquisitor's class. That's what I got, and I've read most others getting too. Now, getting a 2h sword that is not ugly... And there is no decent 1h sword in the game at all, Caliban at least looks nice but, well, is nit very good. Either by design or by necessity, they're going to have to implement a less random top tier schematic vendor in dlc. The Caliban 1-handed sword is the only decent weapon I have found in the game for a sword-and-shield character. Do the weapons level up depending on when you get it? Because mine was pretty high level because I didn't get it until late on while killing a pretty high level dragon. No, they're static. Which is why it tends to be better to craft your own. That's what I attempted to do. But I never found good one-handed sword designs that were more powerful than Caliban.
  5. The trick is to find one of their spawns and let them retreat when the icon over their head turns into an alarm. That triggers a reinforcement wave. After a few of those, the Matron will spawn. Good to know. I've just been slaughtering them wholesale whenever I see them.
  6. That was the only easy part, I think the loyal mabari is guaranteed to carry the top model for your inquisitor's class. That's what I got, and I've read most others getting too. Now, getting a 2h sword that is not ugly... And there is no decent 1h sword in the game at all, Caliban at least looks nice but, well, is nit very good. Either by design or by necessity, they're going to have to implement a less random top tier schematic vendor in dlc. The Caliban 1-handed sword is the only decent weapon I have found in the game for a sword-and-shield character. Do the weapons level up depending on when you get it? Because mine was pretty high level because I didn't get it until late on while killing a pretty high level dragon.
  7. Last attempt in Shadow of Mordor to complete the hunting challenges. I give up on the Ghul Matron challenge. She just never appears. I'll hunt down pack after pack of ghuls, but the matron never comes out to play.
  8. I've never understood how someone can have such a hatred for a game and not see a single redeeming quality in it. I can't think of a single game I've played that I utterly hated 99% of it. Some games just weren't very fun, but I didn't find every aspect of it mind-numbingly loathsome. *shrugs*
  9. So I ended up finishing the outcast challenges after all. The only one that gave me a problem was that timed one where you had to race across a map and rescue three slaves within 2 minutes (the timer actually reset once a slave was rescued). I was able to tame a caragor and use it to distract the guards while I sneaked in and cut the slaves loose. I've got one main story mission to go, and then I've got two hunter challenges. I'm not sure how to complete the hunter challenge because I can't find a ghul matron anywhere on the map to slaughter. The only time I've faced one of those was way back for a specific mission and I haven't seen it reappear since.
  11. I don't know if I have the patience for a Nightmare run. Mainly because I don't trust the party AI to do the smart thing in combat, and I don't have the patience to micromanage the entire party for a prolonged combat encounter.
  12. Managed to finish off all three weapons challenges in Shadow of Mordor. The bow and sword ones were easy. The knife ones were a bit more challenging because you had to avoid detection in a few of them. I don't know if I'll be able to finish the outcast challenges because of that one timed mission I'm stuck on.
  13. Be honest, you are in it for the bewbs. Considering the reduction Lara got in the reboot, if I was in it for the boobs I'd list the original as much, much better than the new one.
  14. The original Tomb Raider was one of my favorites back in the day. It's one of the first games I can recall when I actually was anxious for a sequel. But I generally suck at platforming games, so it also caused no end of frustration for me trying to achieve some of those combo jumps and ledge grabs. The new Tomb Raider wasn't anywhere near as difficult -- and a part of me liked that. I also liked the story in this one, so that combination allowed me to overlook any comparisons to the old Tomb Raider and just enjoy the new one for what it was.
  15. Finally came across some "timed" missions in Shadow of Mordor. God, do I ever hate timed missions. There's one that I can't finish because I have like 2 minutes to rescue 3 slaves, who are far apart on the maps, and have to use Corogors to get to them. Problem is each slave is guarded by 5 or more enemies who swarm you and you can't dispatch them quickly.
  16. Some of these bosses in Shadow of Mordor are difficult because of their strengths/weaknesses. One guy's only weaknesses were vulnerable to explosions and fear of those caragors or whatever. Yet he was camped in a section of map that had neither of those things available to me. I guess I could get him to chase me half across the map, but man ...
  17. They could have linked the SP with the MP by allowing you to play through some of those war room missions in MP. And unlike ME3, where the MP (originally) was a part of your "score" for the ideal ending, nothing seemed to matter in DAI so it would have simply been a periphery thing. It's not like if you chose to ignore the war room missions, it affected your ending anyway. So tying them to the MP could have been kind of interesting.
  18. It's inevitable in video games. "I know the world is about to end any second now, but I have time to rescue this kitten from that tree. The old lady will reward me with 5 extra credits!"
  19. Which faction did you side with during your only play through? Mages or Templars? Because there's actually a bit of a difference to make a 2nd play through a bit of a change from the first. Not a huge difference, but a difference (ie. different second in command to Corypheus to fight/learn about, extra backstory on Corypheus). I was disappointed in the Celene/Gaspard/Briala choice though. The only thing that changes is the slideshow at the end. In-game, you don't see a single effect of choosing one over the other. I was under the impression that some stuff changes at the Exalted Plains. There's also a quest Leliana gives you that opens up a small area which allows you to learn more about Corypheus if you side with the templars (it's tied with Calpernia's backstory, so it's only available, AFAIK, if she's the sub-boss). You get it by siding with the Mages too, though the quests are given by Cullen and the area is different. You don't get the memory shards of Corypheus through the Samson quest line, do you? I never came across them. Only when doing the Calpernia "sidequest".
  20. It's kind of funny. I've defeated 4 of the 5 warchiefs in Shadow of Mordor, and all were much, much easier than some of the regular captains that have moved up the ranks. The highest power warchief is something like a +12, whereas I've got a captain right now who is +20 in power (and has some ridiculous immunities).
  21. That's inaccurate. Flowers are usually less than a pound.
  22. Which faction did you side with during your only play through? Mages or Templars? Because there's actually a bit of a difference to make a 2nd play through a bit of a change from the first. Not a huge difference, but a difference (ie. different second in command to Corypheus to fight/learn about, extra backstory on Corypheus). I was disappointed in the Celene/Gaspard/Briala choice though. The only thing that changes is the slideshow at the end. In-game, you don't see a single effect of choosing one over the other. I was under the impression that some stuff changes at the Exalted Plains. I sided with the mages my first time, then the templars the second time. I can't recall a single "oh, cool, this is different" moment in the Exalted Plains between my two play throughs. The major difference is the sub-boss. If you side with the mages, you get Samson. If you side with the templars, you get Calpernia. There's also a quest Leliana gives you that opens up a small area which allows you to learn more about Corypheus if you side with the templars (it's tied with Calpernia's backstory, so it's only available, AFAIK, if she's the sub-boss). You also get a couple of War Board missions associated with the templars that you don't get with the mages (Fiona just kind of sits in Skyhold doing nothing). Beyond that, I haven't noticed any real difference about how the other areas play out depending on your mage/templar choice.
  23. How do you even beat that guy? He always seems to show up in an area of the map that doesn't even have things you can blow up to cause explosions.
  24. I hate the arrow shooters/spear throwers in Shadow of Mordor. They're annoying as all hell, especially when I'm engaged in melee combat with a group of 10 orcs already.
  25. Which faction did you side with during your only play through? Mages or Templars? Because there's actually a bit of a difference to make a 2nd play through a bit of a change from the first. Not a huge difference, but a difference (ie. different second in command to Corypheus to fight/learn about, extra backstory on Corypheus). I was disappointed in the Celene/Gaspard/Briala choice though. The only thing that changes is the slideshow at the end. In-game, you don't see a single effect of choosing one over the other.
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