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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That's one of the things I thought as well. If they'd cut out one or two of the "side quest" areas and instead focused a bit more attention on the main quest, it could have really come together nicely. There are a lot of maps you can venture to that don't have a direct relation to the main quest. I'd have liked to see a bit less of that and a bit more main quest.
  2. I'm still trying to figure out how to end the quest at 100 approval. I can get my approval back up to 100, but I seem to lose 2 or 3 approval by the time the last "boss fight" takes place.
  3. It's easy to see things that aren't there if you've convinced yourself they are.
  4. Your opinion is irrelevant, i just explaining why i hate Bioware Isn't that a tad bit hypocritical of you? You're doing what you accuse BioWare of doing (ie. anyone with a differing opinion is dismissed as irrelevant). If you're incapable of being tolerant of other people's opinions, why do you expect more of BioWare?
  5. Image of Islam being put to the bad side in the game, Qunari themselves the horn head devilish are the "militant" type of Muslim, the magic users who are likely to be possesed by demons are normal Muslims and should be slaghtered and lobotomized, these two what make Kirkwal that is USA turn up side down. A "Muslim" man who believe doing God work blow up the building, a "Muslim" leader who tired of the city decided to run amok and force everyone to convert because of his Qoran is stolen. The "Christians" Templars and fanatics are becoming reactionists for these "Muslims", so "Christians" fighting "Muslims". The Christians are bad too, they hate both types of Muslims. The conclusion is religion is bad, atheist is good. That's the way i see it. I just ask for...explanation. Why Bioware, why? That's all... No offense, but I think you're reading into the characters/storylines something that isn't there, and are thus angry over something that you've yourself created that doesn't exist in the game.
  6. I can think of a few posters on this site that would enjoy picking up a random piece of poop on the street just to smell it and complain about how much it stinks.
  7. The warriors don't seem to have anything to say to each other. In the times when I've brought along two of Cassandra, Blackwall, and the Iron Bull, they don't converse. They'll chat with the mage or rogue in my party, but I can't recall them ever exchanging banter with one another.
  8. I wonder if there are specific NPC companions who banter with each other more than others. Maybe it's coincidence, but the banter I hear differs greatly depending on my party formation. With one group of 3 NPCs it's like I'm walking around by myself, while with others they're quite chatty with each other.
  9. Is that the one with the cyborg ninja dude where stealth is nonexistent? I didn't mind it so much. But it didn't seem even remotely close to what the other Metal Gear games were like.
  10. I don't mind that. If you can wipe out an entire platoon with one fireball, you shouldn't get XP for doing it.
  11. That's still going strong? I used to play that game religiously, but then they started changing the way they rated pitchers and I found it really messed with the "accuracy" of the game. A pitcher like Tom Glavine, who wasn't exactly a fireballer and who walked a decent amount, always sucked in my games when I'd replay historical seasons, even though in real life he was tremendous during that same stretch. I finally gave up historical replays and created an all fictional game with fictional teams. I've enjoyed it so much more since. The problem with the historical games is when excellent players aren't excellent it just ruins the immersion. Plus I found I always had biases against certain teams because of what they've done to my favorite teams in real life. You should go give the web site & community a look. Markus & Co. have come a long way over the years. Plus there is just a TON of user made mods & content :http://www.ootpdevelopments.com For the most part I do fictional seasons, as it's less stressful when players don't produce like they're "supposed to". But I'm still a fan of replaying seasons when the mood hits, and I've found the new pitching ratings (at least from when I'd last played -- not sure how much they've changed recently) do a horrible job. Unless the pitcher is a fireballer who strikes out a lot of batters, they're typically not very good.
  12. It's like you don't even read my posts. I said as much directly above you.
  13. I gotta get around to doing a play through in preparation for Wild Hunt. It's been long enough since I last played it that I'll probably have forgotten some of it.
  14. Can't help being overleveled for some of them. Not that it helps that much on higher difficulties. The Crestwood dragon is really the easiest in the game. It has the least tricks, with basically just those "lightning circles" that keep dealing AoE damage to everyone. The three dragons in ... crap, Emerald Groves? Emprise du Lion? One of those maps anyway ... were difficult because they were all at or above your party's level. In fact, one of the three was a Level 23 dragon when my party were all around Level 19 or 20.
  15. Don't know if it's patch-related or just better luck on my part, but the companions seem to be bantering a bit more than previously. Still not as much as they did in both DA:O or DA2, but more than they did my first play through of DA:I. Haven't reached the Warden quest yet to see whether the patch fixed the hang up in dialogue with Stroud. That one, along with a couple of Cassandra and Dorian chats, will be telling.
  16. Some of the character models before and after the patch are hilarious in that Bio thread. The patch turned some female warrior who looked young and vibrant into a 90 year old hag with so many wrinkles she'd make a prune jealous.
  17. That's still going strong? I used to play that game religiously, but then they started changing the way they rated pitchers and I found it really messed with the "accuracy" of the game. A pitcher like Tom Glavine, who wasn't exactly a fireballer and who walked a decent amount, always sucked in my games when I'd replay historical seasons, even though in real life he was tremendous during that same stretch.
  18. What's going on? There's (when I last checked) a 68+ page thread where people are complaining about how everything is now low res after the patch. Plus, it sounds like the stability of the game has even gotten worse than prior to the patch. Not sure if that's only PC-related. I didn't notice anything drastic on my PS4, other than like I said about the same party banter/dialogue hang ups still being present for me.
  19. Wow ... the outrage on the Bio boards over what this latest patch has done to a lot of PC gamers' games is ... frightening. How does a patch manage to make a game (especially its graphics) worse than before it was patched? That takes some extra special talent to pull that off. "What's that? You've got a draft? No problem, we'll keep the draft there AND give you a leaky roof once we're done!"
  20. It is? That's disappointing, then, since the party banter is still nonexistent for me and a dialogue cutscene hung up when I was talking to Cassandra back at Haven. Two things that were supposed to be addressed in the patch.
  21. A couple of those patch notes make me happy -- assuming they're referring to what I hope they're referring to. Two issues I've had in both play throughs so far: 1-Party banter, or lack of any. I'll be walking all over the map and they'll maybe converse one time. Hopefully that is what's getting fixed. 2-Dialogue freezes in cutscenes. The biggest offenders (that I've noticed) for me have been Stroud's dialogue during the main quest at Adamant fortress, and Dorian's dialogue in Skyhold when discussing stuff with him. If even those two things are fixed, I'll be a happy gamer.
  22. It's more complex (confusing) than even that. I'd had a dialogue discussion with one of the candidates, told them I'd support them and they'd be perfect for the role. But the end slide show had another person picked for that position.
  23. I'd only agree with that if there's an expansion that builds upon those hints. If it's going to be addressed in a future game 3 or 4 years down the road, I'm not a fan of these unresolved plot points. Largely because as we've seen from previous Bio games where there are "cliff hangers" or unexplained events to come, they always end up falling short. Either the plot gets forgotten or marginalized (Morrigan with the Old God Baby). The only time these cliff hangers get acceptably fleshed out is through an immediate expansion/DLC. I'd actually prefer if they just wrap up all loose ends by the end of a given game. That way they're not tying their hands when the next game comes around, and don't have to include stuff that may not fit the new story, just so that the old story no longer has any unresolved storylines.
  24. The main villain could have been cool, but I don't think they fleshed him out enough. And the final boss fight was a joke (easier than fighting many of the mob bosses you face at various points in the game). Endings seem to have become Bioware's weakpoint in recent games. Though I think DA:I's was just underwhelming, rather than annoying like DA2 or ME3 (IMO anyway). Difficulty of final boss fights is hard to do right in open-ended games. I guess they just went with fixed difficulty, instead of level-scaling? Yeah, they've been really weak with the endings recently. But I agree with you about DA:I's being simply underwhelming, as opposed to smash-head-against-table annoying like ME3's. So I guess it's a step in the right direction? The problem was the final boss just didn't have much power to him. He could have remained whatever level he was, but utilize different immunities or shields. One of the things that makes some of the high level dragons difficult is because not only their immunities and hit points, but because they have those guards/shields that you have to whittle away first before you can even damage them. The final boss should have had something similar like that, maybe a magical barrier/shield that he erected once every little while that you had to destroy first before you could damage him. Instead, he didn't seem to have much going for him other than hit points and whatever magical attacks he threw at you.
  25. The level up system was a big disappointment. You can only level up the character's "special abilities" now, but not their stats. Stat leveling up was one of the best things about RPGs; being able to put points into whatever stat you felt was best. The main villain could have been cool, but I don't think they fleshed him out enough. And the final boss fight was a joke (easier than fighting many of the mob bosses you face at various points in the game).
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