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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I tried a ranged build, but it wasn't very successful. Like you said, the aiming mechanic is wonky at best. So using anything without range results in you being mauled before you even get a chance to aim properly.
  2. I listened to the dialogue the first time around, but my second play through I skip it. I agree, there's something about each voice actor's delivery that ... makes ... it .... seem .... like ... they ... take .... forever ... to .... say ... something.
  3. Up to Level 16 for my Warlock. I've only found one blue armor so far, a gauntlet. It's already weaker (defense-wise) than another gauntlet I found, but its bonuses still make it a superior choice.
  4. The first Revelations was a return to the series slower paced, atmospheric, claustrophobic roots, this looks to be more of the same, except they're trading in a ship for a prison and Jill and Chris for Claire and Moira (Barry Burton's daughter). It seems like the "core" numbered series has gone down the action shooter path to stay while the "offshoot" Revelations series will provide the old-school Resi experience. I'm fine with that as long as they keep making the Revelations series. Also, I'm super excited to get a game where you play as Claire again. It's been a really really long time. What was the last game she starred in? Code Veronica? Hopefully they have her Resi 2 and Code Veronica outfits unlockable, as well as her Browning Hi-Power, assuming she doesn't start with that as default. I liked Revelations for that very reason. It was kind of the best of both worlds, for me. Combined RE's oldschool type horror/atmosphere, but with the newer games' shooting features (which I actually like. I hated aiming in the old games). Plus, I'm a Jill Valentine fanboy, so that was good. This one looks cool, too. Hopefully it's a bit longer.
  5. I kind of wish you could redo your character's face without starting over. Mine has these two antenna for ears that I thought at first looked cool, but now look silly.
  6. Best class? I'm using a Warlock (or whatever it's called) my first time around. Do the classes actually play differently? Or is it basically just the same feel of character with different looking armor?
  7. You can't do it until level 5, it's called the Crucible and it is a separate place that you visit. That would explain why I haven't been able to find anything about it. I just reached level 4 last night.
  8. Bungie just made Destiny for both consoles, so I'm not sure what their relationship is with Microsoft anymore. Speaking of Destiny, just reached level 8 and having a blast exploring the moon. I tried one PvP match and was terrible, but thankfully there is plenty of PvE content to keep me happy. This is going to be a "n00b" question, but how do you get involved in matches against other players? So far, I've done a bunch of solo missions. I've run into other players on the world I'm currently on, but they're doing their own thing and I rarely cross paths with them in any kind of combat situation.
  9. I ended up going with a PS4. It came with the Last of Us, which I'd never played before but have always wanted to. It was also cheaper than the XBox One they had in stock. I have one minor complaint already though (and it's really minor). The USB cord while you're charging the controller is so short. I have to sit on the floor instead of my chair because the cord can't reach that far. It's only an issue while the controller is recharging, but man, couldn't they have sprung for a longer cord?
  10. I couldn't find anywhere near the stat-improving plants that you apparently found in your play through. At most, I found like 5 of each plant, which means an increase of a maximum +10 (+2 for each plant). Each play through I'd have a maximum of two attributes fully maxed out. Apparently I needed to do more adventuring to find these exotic plants.
  11. Down the line, the only Xbox exclusive I can think of that I'd be interested in playing is the new Halo. But that's not enough to sway me.
  12. Is it a full $100 cheaper? I've been looking in my area, and both Wal-Mart and Best Buy have the PS4 at only slightly less (around $450 to $470 compared to the XBox One at around $500 for a bundle including a game).
  13. PS4 or XBox One? I'm in the market for a new system, but I'm not sure which one I want. I've been an Xbox guy lately, but there's just something about the PS4 and its exclusives that I'm starting to lean toward.
  14. My mage had that firestorm spell as well as one that knocks a bunch of enemies over when they're surrounding you. He also had equipped the equivalent of fireball and ice shooting from his fists as "right hand weapon slot" items. They tended to cover all the bases I need covered.
  15. It's a good game in its own right. If you're expecting DS I or II style game play, then you'll probably be disappointed.
  16. The armor variety is woefully lacking. I found some kind of armor in a chest that's got the best stats (better than the fully upgraded armor you get from your faction), but other than that, the armor consists of shirts/jackets/longcoats with very little statistical advantages.
  17. Actually found a stronger sword this second time through. Something Kraken sword or other, best damage I've seen in a sword at 45-110 damage. Had to find the two pieces and forge it back together.
  18. Still on my second play through of Risen 3. I'm debating whether or not to get an XBox One. What's making it difficult for me is the fact every game I want or am looking forward to is still being released on the 360. I'm going to need some really, really good XBox One exclusives to push me over the edge.
  19. Stumbled upon another quest I didn't come across my first time through. I think this one is faction-specific though, as I traveled through this area my first game but didn't see these characters there then as a Voodoo Pirate. I'm now a Guardian mage.
  20. One of the lines of dialogue that cracks me up each time. When trying to negotiate with a stubborn gnome, my companion says, "You're not really going to beat up a gnome, are you?" The deadpan way he says it just hits a funny bone with me.
  21. I chuckled at the focus on "virtual rape". To me, the only annoying part is the fact that they, you know, hacked your character. What they do with your character after that is, quite frankly, irrelevant and stupid to even discuss.
  22. I stumbled across a quest I didn't receive the last time through. I was just exploring the jungle on Taranis and happened to bump into someone I hadn't met in my first game. Considering the size of some of these jungles, I'm betting there's still a few I missed. I'm playing as a mage this time. It's fun throwing fireballs at enemies, especially because you can hit multiple enemies with one shot.
  23. Started my second play through of Risen 3. I'm probably going to make a save right before my decision to join a faction so I can just finish off the two remaining factions from that save without starting right from the beginning.
  24. It was interesting that Feargus mentioned specifically not wanting to release PoE the same time as Dragon Age. I'm not sure they're really direct competition, given a lot of DA's sales will probably come from its console gamers.
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