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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Gobots....the poor kid's toy.
  2. It was a candid interview. I'd have been more pissed off if he came across as a boring dud.
  3. OMG but BastelA herd a rOoMOR abuot A rUuMUuR ON WWW.KOTOR3IZBEINGMADE.COM TAHT it wuz B ing D velupped.!!!!21341! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
  4. You win the thread prize for stating the situation perfectly. hahaha nutty little heart. :D
  5. Does it say official announcement by Lucasarts, Microsoft, or the developer? No I didn't think so. <_<
  6. More than that, if they (lucasarts) knew, or atleast had an idea, that they wanted the KOTOR series to be more than just one game, they should have insisted on a level limit for the PC. That way Revan wouldn't be too powerful by the end of KOTOR 1 and would be feasible as a PC in KOTOR 2, and repeat this process so Revan's still feasible in KOTOR 3 (or however many they intend to make). As it is, Revan got too powerful by the end of KOTOR 1 that it made it pretty much impossible to use him/her as the PC in KOTOR 2. From a "story" point of view, I'd probably have rather seen Revan remain the protagonist throughout the KOTOR series. But from a gameplay point of view, as well as "logical" point of view, it wouldn't have made much sense since Revan's just way too powerful at the end of the first game. Poor overall planning on the part of Lucasarts if you ask me.
  7. To this day, I've never really messed around with the workbench (other than minor upgrades). I guess that's what happens when the combat is so easy that I'm never really looking for an extra "edge" over my enemies.
  8. Is it? I'm seriously asking, because I'm not a big fan of the TotJ comics and thus don't really know what conflicts took place there, other than the raw basics. Weren't there other factions warring with the Republic other than Sith and Dark Jedi during that time period?
  9. I voted (as the vast majority did) for Go-To. Although I must say it wasn't due to his background story. His actual story (once you got enough influence with him) was pretty interesting. But in terms of using him in my party, I never did. All my conversations with him took place aboard the Ebon Hawk. In terms of backstory or "interesting factor", I would have voted for either Mandalore or HK-47. Both seemed to be much more entertaining in KOTOR 1 and didn't really add too much (except some funny lines from HK about Revan and Bastila) to the game. Although HK-47 might have been different if the Droid planet wasn't scrapped. Mandalore was just flat out boring. Perhaps if they did more with him, such as making uniting the Mandalorian clans a bigger deal, instead of a non-quest that didn't really do much, it could have fleshed him out for TSL. But as it is, he didn't really add anything.
  10. I'm probably as old (or older) than you, but I just wasn't interested in this type of gaming until actually around 2000. Since then I've played all those games on the list from 1998 on, but never had the urge to go back further.
  11. That's quite the list. Admittedly I haven't played any of those prior to BG in 1998.
  12. What that implied to me was that Revan "fell to the Darkside" to stir the Republic into action. He felt that they were too stagnant and wouldn't be able to gather their forces when this "real threat" came calling. To use an analogy, it's like trying to light a fire under a lazy athlete to get him to work. Or to poke a bear to get him angry. Revan "poked" the Republic into action and into preparation for the Real Sith.
  13. "Other" Gluupor Wonky
  14. That's some talent you got going on there.
  15. Really? So then Yoda and Obi-Wan were evil because they manipulated Luke Skywalker. They trained him to defeat the Sith (Emperor and Vader), but kept things from him until they felt the time was right, or until unforeseen events brought them to light ("why didn't you tell me Vader was my father?!?").
  16. I chose neutral, but I don't really think that's the correct word for what she was. I don't believe she was truly evil (DS) because she didn't really hunger for power. She even said to the Exile that if the Exile can defeat her she'd feel vindicated. No "true" Sith or evil being would feel vindicated if they were defeated by someone they trained. I think a lot of her motives were born from what happened to her. Revenge played a big part, as did her belief that the Force was too controlling over peoples' lives. So while she did have some evil intentions, I don't think she was evil in the sense that everything she did was for evil purposes (as compared, for instance, to Darth Malak, who just wanted to rule the galaxy).
  17. Your point being (other than repeating the obvious)?
  18. Play it. It's worth atleast one play thru, maybe more if you're into the setting. I had a blast with my one play through and am currently in the process of playing through again.
  19. Interesting article. I'd never read that one before. Although I don't see where it says they're working on a new RPG. He just comments about them working on the Indiana Jones game, and a new Star Wars game (but doesn't refer to it as a RPG).
  20. The order of some of those quotes is rather messed up. I'm quite the film buff, but some of those quotes, IMO, aren't even that "memorable".
  21. Interesting interview. I'm still waiting for one of them to name Volourn as someone they'd like to punch in the face. Interesting tidbit; I didn't realize Darren Monahan is a co-owner of Obsidian. I figured Feargie is the MAN, and everyone else was just his entourage.
  22. If only that were the case.
  23. It said I needed to log in to vote. Since I'm not registered, KOTOR2 will have to get by without my precious vote.
  24. It's amazing how many of these threads pop up created by newbies. Well, and XboxSithLord.
  25. I was trying to be as polite as the situation warranted. Besides, I'm sure I've seen him make one or two topics that were atleast somewhat non-shortbus-ish.....right?
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