More than that, if they (lucasarts) knew, or atleast had an idea, that they wanted the KOTOR series to be more than just one game, they should have insisted on a level limit for the PC. That way Revan wouldn't be too powerful by the end of KOTOR 1 and would be feasible as a PC in KOTOR 2, and repeat this process so Revan's still feasible in KOTOR 3 (or however many they intend to make).
As it is, Revan got too powerful by the end of KOTOR 1 that it made it pretty much impossible to use him/her as the PC in KOTOR 2.
From a "story" point of view, I'd probably have rather seen Revan remain the protagonist throughout the KOTOR series. But from a gameplay point of view, as well as "logical" point of view, it wouldn't have made much sense since Revan's just way too powerful at the end of the first game.
Poor overall planning on the part of Lucasarts if you ask me.