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Everything posted by pharcyde

  1. Almost. In the PC version you have to have a very high persuade skill in order for her calling you 'friend'. I think it 14 when i was playing male and 11 when playing female. Doh! I left that out. You will have to pursuade her in the xbox version as well. My persuade is usually so high and always works I totally forgot that you need to have persuade.
  2. Quit being a negative nancy. He IS right. Developers today say almost nothing, useful information is most of the time burried under the "marketing" phases that are simply the same damn thing we hear all the time. That is why I only bother to read previews and flip over message boards because developers interviews say little now, we most get meanless "hype" about things. Take this as a example, they say the game will allow for a sequel and yet they say epic levels are in so I wonder what exactly that means, I cannot imagine a sequel of a game were I simply break Star Wars level limits, its absurd to play a game that starts with enemies of Yoda level so direct sequels are out if we reach high levels in this game and if we dont why bother to implement epic levels anyway? Conflicting information or information that does not make sense if we take a deep look at it. Welcome to the gaming world of 2004. Yoda levels? What the fu*k?
  3. In the xbox version of KOTOR if you trigger Juhani's side quest you won't be able to get the premium items from that dude in Korriban. The guy that sells the dominator guantlets. It's a pretty lame glitch. As people said earlier just keep talking to everyone constantly to get their sidequests. Plus those people must be in your party inorder for certain sidequests to be triggered. For example, keep talking to Mission and eventually she will mention her brother and Lena. Have Mission in your party and Lena will eventually come up to you and the side quest will be triggered. To turn Yuthura just keep talking to her while you are trying to gain prestige in the sith academy. Get to know her and become her friend. Then when the time comes where you have to choose to fight her or Uthar, side with Yuthura. Spare her and convince her to go to the light. This all applies to the xbox version so im not sure how different things are with the pc version.
  4. Quit being a negative nancy.
  5. Yeah it seems as if Lucas has totally lost the concept of collaberation. He has surrounded himself with yes men who never question his judgement. I can spend hours bitching about Geroge Lucas.
  6. Everything you posted makes a ton of sense. The changes you suggest aren't even that major and yet it would change the quality of the phantom menace ten fold.
  7. /standing ovation
  8. Wasn't the original idea to have a trilogy of games, modelling after the movie trilogies? I interpreted KotOR as all three three Star Wars movies alltogether, it's been stated lately however, that KotOR II is to KotOR what ANH is to ESB. So youre saying KOTOR2 is a prequal? I think you meant Kotor2 is to kotor what esb was to anh.
  9. The Sith strongly oppose gay marriages. That is why they are hunting down the last jedi.
  10. Sounds like most of you guys want the planets to be more like Star Wars: Galaxies.
  11. Dude, if you want to be a bounty hunter in an RPG environment so bad, play Galaxies. Also, what's this "munchkin" people keep referring to?
  12. Dude, Darth Banooby... that is the worst signature ever. Get rid of it. "By my dark will all know who I am?" Is that English? I have no idea what that is.
  13. I took this guy seriously until I read "l33t jedi skills".
  14. I'll make my own little whishlist/suggestion type thing in this thread. This pertains to party interaction. I'd like to see a younger brash/hard headed jedi that behaves similiar to Anakin in Episode II. Throughout the course of the game this younger jedi will challenge you to lightsaber sparring matches. After every sparring match depending on if you win or lose can affect your character as well as this younger jedi characters lightside/darkside shift. For example: If you beat this character in a sparring match you can either belittle/taunt him for trying to duel with you, which will cause you to get darkside points and cause this jedi to dislike you even more, driving him further into the darkside. Or you can give him pointers and help his saber techniques, which will give you both lightside points. I feel this could add a whole new dynamic to party interaction especially with a fellow jedi. I'd also like to see some kind of side quest where you come across Exar Kun's spirit/ghost. This would work for darkside users. Have Exar give you orders and certain tasks he wants you to perform. Then after you are finished he can give you some darkside only goodies such as a lightsaber crystsal, lightsaber, armor/robes, a sith armulet that gives some pretty sweet strength/dexterity bonuses.
  15. As a lightsider I used either a single green or a double bladed green. When I was darkside I used a double bladed red. My favorite would have to be a traditional single bladed green lightsaber. The green color saber goes with the brown robes quite nicely.
  16. You assume correctly. I always play Korriban after the Leviathan, too....if only because I don't like the idea of going to all that work converting Yuthura only to have her get blown to chunky giblets by the Sith. But if you do Korriban as your first or second planet, you can fly to Dantooine and she'll be there. Same with that Kel Algwinn guy. Right on. I learn new things about this game every day and I have beaten it several times.
  17. Wait, you could go and talk to Yuthura on Dantooine after you convert her to the lightside on Korriban? By the time I do this in the game Dantooine has been destroyed. I'm going to assume you have to do this before the Leviathan.
  18. Male Guardian Weapons Master I prefer being dominant with a lightsaber, rather than highly skilled with force powers.
  19. Bobba Fett is one of the most overrated characters in the history of cinema. I wouldn't mind having a Fett in KOTOR2, as long as i'd be able to kill him.
  20. catholic preist I feel sorry for the younger sith boys.
  21. BAH! Vader is overrated. My vote goes for Exar Kun, one of the most powerful, charismatic Sith Lords ever.
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