I often find myself forgetting what I did 2 minutes ago and forget what I was just thinking about even though I wasn't distracted, other times I can remember things perfectly from years ago.
actually there is an assassin protocol thingy but you can't get it through normal means. You have to cheat to get that. He also has his own armor and special disruptor rifle.
Actually, your system is very low end. I'm not surprised you're not getting great performance. Pentium 4s are slow and your vid card is integrated(integrated=sux).
I made a guardian/marauder "gunslinger" as you say and he was probably my 2nd most powerful build in terms of non-force attacks. I think at the end game he topped out at 85-90. This build was only beat out by my guardian/marauder lightsaber user who maxed out at 100+.
I typically use the random name generator until I get something I like. I did a build that was based around Obi Wan so that time I made a name: Wanobi Kenobi. like the character was a distant ancestor or something.