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Everything posted by Quiquag

  1. I like the option of exploring both roles...maybe when you start the game you can be the apprentice....then become the master one way or another...then take on your own apprentice.
  2. You can choose for them to board your ship??? Why did they make that optional? *In game* Do you want the Sith to board your ship? (options) Yes of course No Perhaps later
  3. I never used Jedi Sentinel either since it seemed they didn't have any unique powers. I think the Sentinel, Gaurdian and Consular classes will come back in the second game. Then the new classes will be similar. Jedi weapon master is similar to gaurdian, watchman is like sentinel, and Jedi Master is like Jedi Consular.
  4. Theres some good info there.
  5. I want longer combat. Besides you wont have the problem of it looking stupid, since the characters will have a new animations.
  6. Well I hope the turrent mini game occurs far less then it did in the first game.
  7. SWG is a good idea in theory but it isn't any fun if you want to be a Jedi. SWG is perfect if your idea of gaming is being Taun taun handler number 4 or Speeder Bike rental guy 8. Anyway....I think there will be bounty hunter/assasan missions in KOTOR 2. In KOTOR 1 there were a few missions like this, so I imagine they will be used again.
  8. Cold spoon eh? lol I think you should use something better like an oar or kricket bat.....on fire.
  9. By saber whip do you mean like hitting someone with the butt of your lightsaber, or having an actually whip like catwoman?
  10. All of the characters would walk over mines, and run right up to enemies with blasters. Granades would almost always knock out a party member.
  11. Excuse me, but when did I attack you to warrant a smart ass remark like that? As far as I know I have never really interacted with you....now if you want to act like that jackass Jenny Star we can make something of this.
  12. It's a sequel, of course it's not groundbreaking. 4 weeks ago when I posted that I was talking about the footage not being ground breaking in terms of new info.
  13. Lagging was a slight problem in KOTOR. The game itself lagged once in a while, when too many characters were on the screen. However more importantly the characters in your party would lag behind you, and fall behind you by vast distances. The area I most noticed this problem was on Manan, however it did happen through out the game in various areas. The problem was annoying because it prevented you from reaching other areas, until all of your party joined you. Perhaps the devs can you a beaming or spawn system to reunite lagging party members in KOTOR2. This system can be seen in co-op Halo. If one character is too far behind, that character is beamed to the rest of the party. This system would prevent long waits for lost party members to transverse areas of the map to reunite with the party.
  14. Who cares? Stop acting like such a newbie.
  15. Malon......I didn't bring this thread back so please stop acting like Im the one being annoying. Jenny Star has revived my old threads from weeks ago, for the purpose of insulting me with remarks like "You're a stupid head" and "Your idea is stupid" and "You're a.....a...shut up". So be nice newbie.
  16. Im not really mad at Malon for not reading the post better...I don't even know her really. Im not really even mad at Jenny Star for trying to get back at me for laughing at his thread about hiding your weapons and typing in all caps. I think rather funny actually, his "attack" on me really really hurts....it makes me sad inside
  17. Im so sorry someone brought back a tread from like 4 or 5 weeks ago...
  18. The robes question is answered in the faqs...and there are many screen shots of the new robes...
  19. Buy it for the Xbox then
  20. I agree with a larger character portrait selection, and different lightsaber hilts...Im not sure what you mean by "the beam should look different"....but thats ok.
  21. Thats my problem with the Gamecube...I bought one a while ago just because I had some money to blow. Up until I found out there is going to be a new Zelda game, and a Resident Evil 4 which isnt a remake of all the other ones, I regreted buying a cube. However now with Nintendo's new line up Im not so upset about buying the cube.
  22. In game controls?....By this you mean having your PC use a control pad??...I voted for wtf by the way...
  23. The 20 minute video he is refering to was at E3 last year...I believe. It featured a swoop racing segment, some dev interviews, and some of the town in Tatooine.
  24. I think we know the answer to that question.....Jennai Starr. Not only should we put our weapons away but we should USE CAPS AT ALL TIMES AND NEVER END A SENTENCE OR USE PARAGRAPHS.
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