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Everything posted by Quiquag

  1. Im happy they fixed the slashing door animation.
  2. KOTOR wasn't intended to be a copy of the origional trilogy. The devs simply drew on characters they knew wouldn't fail, instead of taking a chance on too many new characters. What is this crap you say about the game was not meant to be origional? The devs made it 4000 years before the movies to try and tell a new story and be ORIGIONAL. It's ok...better luck with your next post newbie.
  3. I think the wrist rocket launcher was confirmed somewhere....I read about it a little while ago in some interview.
  4. It is...but you do get to improve on it or even find or build a new one. This is on a side note but has anyone noticed that nothing concerning lightsabers were on sale anywhere.....except the stupid space station download.
  5. Why do you want a multiplayer?!? (PS there is another thread about this you know) If you want to play a multiplayer game with Jedi...you have Jedi Academy and Outcast.
  6. I wonder what Lucas was thinking when he decided to contradict himself from the origional trilogy. In the first movies the force was a mystical energy that bound the galaxy together and grew with life. Then in the prequels the force has to do with biology and mediclorian count in the blood stream....George Lucas....if you ever grace these boards, and happen to see this.....please please please don't do anything stupid like EP1 and 2 again...and if it's not too late...please make E3 not horrible. Also try to keep making games like KOTOR and KOTOR 2 that don't suck.
  7. They're working on the source code for the game so it comes out soon......and not reading threads like this.
  8. I have to say that I don't want to see a Rakata in KOTOR 2 either. Their voices were especially annoying, and their language consisted of like 5 words. However, I do agree that the new NPCs should be more origional then the ones in the first KOTOR. Not that the origional NPCs weren't interesting, but most of them had been done...you had your chewie look alike...your Obi-Wan (Joe lee), R2, C3PO that wasn't gay, Solo (Mission)......the only real origional characters were Bastilla, and Juhani
  9. My guess would be those who thought Mission was hot...although she was 14 year old Twilek jail bait in the game. I don't know about anyone else but I never even used Mission in my party with the exception of the sewers on Taris. ps. When was it said that Yuthura will be in your party?
  10. If it happens it happens, but I doubt it will. I don't think the devs will give you the option of not being a Jedi since the entire story line of the game involves you being the last known Jedi.
  11. LOL A Yoda that thinks like George Bush and the attitude of Bastilla? Thats the most frightening image ever lol. I agree though that if a Yoda character is included it shouldn't be a clone of Yoda or Vandar. The new Yoda character could maybe be younger (like not a 100 +), or female, or old but on the dark side.
  12. Its cool that more then 3 of your party members will be seen fighting all at once. I always wondered why so many of my party stayed on the Hawk when docked on the Star Forge.
  13. Maybe a darker less flaming purple saber.
  14. Well the graphics for the first game were really good...I think the game engine hasn't aged enough to become tiresome. I think it's fine the same graphics are being used.
  15. Why are all the video game shows on tech tv still showing "live footage" from E3? The stupid G4 shows all seem to have ex MTV hosts with the IQs of almonds, and the hosts know nothing about video games. Also explain why the KOTOR2 footage lasted like 8 seconds where the stupid backyard wrestling game got about 4 minutes.....RIP Tech Tv.
  16. You mean Carth and Zalbaar weren't supposed to stand 2 inches away from enemies with a blaster using the sniper attack??
  17. No!!!! Why are you newbies bringing this thread back...just let it go away...like Jennai Star did...we almost forgot about him until you two brought this back.
  18. What was Lucas thinking when he came up with Count Dooku...Count Dracula...what the hell?
  19. Yeah I hope there aren't too many pre-rendered characters in KOTOR2....although in the first one there were only a few.
  20. I get so tired of every game site having the same interviews and same previews. It's like they just copy and paste.
  21. Yeah thats true...but one side quest for an entire world?
  22. Maybe the devs have figured out how to add more content to a disk....or maybe the game can come on two disks.
  23. You'll look like a really tough sith or jedi with your pink saber and your dress and flower hat.
  24. Just two endings...thats exactly like the first game. There should be six different endings depending on what class you become.
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