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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. BGDA was a fun game. It honours the BG name. Period. However, to comapre JE to an action game liek that does everyone a miservice as the games are NOTHING alike. JE is a RPG with real time combat. BGDA is 100% action game. Next place.
  2. "BL combat is ALSO fun." No, no it isn't. It's boring. It's easy. It's repetive. As for the other argument, I have no problem with hack 'n' slash. I ahve a problem with mindless hack 'n' slash. Some of my favorite NWN PWs are hack n slash as in teh focus is 100% on combat; but it's fun and definitely not mindless. BL is definitely of the mindless avriety as is TOEE but nowhere near as bad as BL. IWD is also not mindless hack 'n' slash.
  3. BL, inspite of its good role-playing, is very much the defibition of 'hack n slash'. And, it's combat is 1000x worse than TOEE's. Also, Troika chose TOEE because theyw ere asked by Atari to choose a pre existing D&D pnp module IIRC. TOEE has a great combat system; but poor combat.
  4. "It doesn't matter who the original inhabitants are at all. Only the current inhabitants really mattered. " Eldar destroys you as like he said going by this logic, Isreal is in the right since they currently inhabit and control the region.
  5. "Still, there's nothing like having folks literally claim that he is the second coming of Hitler or that he just as bad or worse than Saddam Hussein to engender some sympathy. I'm not going to argue policy in this thread, but I will argue that, if you want to do real damage to President Bush, you'd be better off making arguments that aren't simply ridiculous on their face." Eldar wins. "that led to the current conflict after the West imposed Israel upon the Middle-East without any attention to their own feelings." Boo hoo. As SP pointed out, the idea that the Palestinians have some 'god given right' to the land in question is balony. The lands werne't originally theirs. The idea that the 'Jews stole them' is ridiculousness to the highest degree. And, oh, judging others is a two way street. the ME has NO problem judging the West. They do it all the time.
  6. It should be pointed out that the Palestinians are not the original inhabiters of that land neither. So, let's stop the pointing fingers when it comes to who stole what piece of land.
  7. "If you think I'm so wrong then prove me wrong in a more constructive way rather then cheap sarcasm." No way to really prove any right or wrong on this issue on the war actually happens. Afterall, war is very much unpredictable.
  8. "know, these titles are not bad. I'm not saying they are bad. But, i think Ubisoft is just trying to milk gamers. Yes, "milking gamers" is the only goal of publishers, but Ubisoft is just doing it better than others.(Not as good as EA though)" You call it milking gamers; I call it giving players what they want. I don't know anyone can consider that a bad thing. The whole point is to give consumers what they want, and making sequels to popular games is doing exactly that.
  9. "BTW, anyone who says that Iran would be a cakewalk like Iraq doesn't know one thing what he's talking about." That depends on the approach the US uses. The US Coalition used kid gloves in the war with Iraq. And, people seem to be overestimating the Iranian people's love for the Iranian leadership. Would it be cakewalk? It depends on what the goal would be. If it's just the removal of nuclear power from Iran; I doubt it be that hard. If it's the rmeoval of the Iranian leadership which would mean having troops inside Iranian cities then the US woudl likely meet the same problems they have in Iraq. Don't forget the Iranians are so advanced that they blame the US for their plane crashing awhile back because the US limited their ability to purchase parts.. Haha. I should point out, however, I don't see a war with Iran happening anytime soon and likely definitely not on Bush's watch.
  10. "Again, we were on beginners, but I mean, come one" There's a reason why it's called beginner. I'm sure of it.
  11. That was Saddam's thinking... and, that thinking led him to spoend months inside a hole in the ground and then more months in prison. Not exactly the best thinking.
  12. Ya, because only minimum wage jobs are being created, and million dollars jobs are being sent over seas. Hahaha. Ya, right.
  13. I think the rules are already in the title - RPGs in Production. Can't be made much clearer than that. PC, Console, pnp, it's all good. Well.. except pnp because this is the Computer and Console Forum.
  14. Bush is not perfect. He's mad ehis share of errors. Including some big ones. I also didn't vote for him either time ( " ); but he's done an okay. The US's economy is on the rise, Iraq while it's been and will continue to be a bumpy road is still moving along and certainly is better than what they had prior to the war. I should point out, wher'e all the talk about Amerikan jobs. I remember when people were quick to attack Bush for all the job losses. Where are those same people when month after month jobs are being created en masse? Hmm. As for the topic, the Iranian leader is a joke. But, hey we Westerners believe in 'free speech' so he can say what he wants and then we cna make fun of him for his ridiculous believes. Hahaha. Everyone wins.
  15. "Why don't you post this in BioWare's forum?" Why? This is the 'Other Games - Computer and Console' forum. KOTOR obviously fits here perfectly. If you don't like how Obsidian has set up their boards go complain to them.
  16. I'm greedy. I'll take both. I also think Rocky 5 was underrated. Not the best movie ever; but very solid. I like the triad relationshoip between Rocky, his son, and his student boxer. Good stuff.
  17. PST's ccombat was more challenging, more fun, and better combat than BL. Easily. OMG! I can't beleive I find myself DEFENDING PST's combat. R00fles!
  18. Ehh.. Torment's combat was easily better than BL's.
  19. I think both sides are acting kin dof childish. It's more proof that 'communities' are overrated espicially on the net.
  20. Thanks. Add another to my collection of Netters that hate me. Oh how will I surive? Oh, easy. I'll eat food, and drink some liquid. That's how.
  21. He's a Ninja. Ninjas are known for holding grudges so what did ya expect?
  22. LOL True some of your alter egos posted reasonably well, and in the rules (for the most part). However, sadly, it's the case of them being punished for being an alter ego of someone who was banned. :D
  23. Gabrielle is evil. She stole and copied my post and made it her own!
  24. Human paladins don't cry over allowing goblins to be killed. Human paladins wouldn't survive 2 seconds in drow society. Human paladins see things in black and white; Drizzt if you actually read the books definitely doens't. He may be 'good'; but he's most certainly not 'black and white good'. Drizzt is shaped by his heritage, and culture as much as anyone. In fact, he lives in constant fear of being like his fellow drow. Every mistake he makes he worries it's the first step to damnation. Drizzt is a fantastically deep character that gets a lots of bashing mostly because of the backlash due to fanboys copying him verbatim. Sadly, the only thing the fanboys ultimately copy is his stats; not his heart and soul. LONG LIVE DRIZZT!
  25. WOW! All I gotta to say is that kalfear has one of the most polite responses I've seen from someone who just got a warning on a message baord. LOL :D I missed the actual post that got the warning; but heh. I'm wodnering what Houkka did that got you so upset as his post in response to your original wasn't too bad. Though you state he has a habit of baiting you so I'm probably not gettingt he whole story by that one post. <> :D
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