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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. POR2 - This has been covered to death, and it should be clear cut why. IWD2 - Outside of the solid implementation of 3.0 D&D rules, it was simply a let down. DQ8 - A horrible, horrible reminder of the past. Not one redeemable quality, and highly overrated. DS - Eek. This one make me puke. I'd add DS2; but it wouldn't be fair as I haven't played it. DD - Spamming hundreds of easy monsters automatiucally makes this one worthless. Wizards & Warriors - A rip off of old school CRPGs. VTM:R - Aug. Even at its worst BL is a masterpiece comapred to this joke. Horrendous. It may have come first with the idea of a 'DM' in a CRPG; but the game was just plain crap; that it promptly vanished into pooland. ES series - All of them. Overrated empty spaces. When the best part of a game is its size there's something wrong. There ar eother games I didn't care for like TOEE, FF9, and FFX-2 as well as others I ahven't played or I have simply forgotten; but these are the worst of the worst who have stuck their awfulness in my crawl. I'm espicially likely forgot some of the early to mid 90s awful CRPGs... "Anything done by Bioware. Anything done by Troika. Anything done by Bethesda. Anything done by Squarenix. Anything done by Obsidian. Anything and everything." LOL :D
  2. "Didn't I just explain this? Of course KotOR I was more balanced, they had years to develop the game. KotOR II was done very quickly. Considering the time constraints, we are lucky we got the game we did. It was a solid story with fun characters. It wasn't as balanced because that was clearly not a priority over story and characterization." of course, the engine work was all done for them. The base story, and even some of the characters were done as well. All they did was add more stuff. Oooo. Of course, it took less time to develop. If it took as long I'd really be worried. "
  3. "Wasn't there already a game that came out based on Vampire: The Requiem? I could be wrong, but I know there was a previous Vampire game before Bloodlines. I think it sold pretty well." It bombed. And, with good reason. It was an awful, awful, awful game. POR2 awful - if not worse. Even BL's weaknessses ar ebetter than that Vampire game's strengths. Horrid, horrid game. It gives me fictional nightmares just think about the horribility of it. BL is a good but flawed game. The other one is just BLANK. And, LOL, about the werewolf. Still, I seriously doubt this thread will go anywehrre. It's 99% guarantee that Obsidian will make BL2. Of course, now they will just to prove me wrong. Ha.
  4. "Alas, the US and UK threw all of that out of the window by launching an illegal external attack on Iraq to protect us all from WMDs that didn't exist. The 'coalition' showed itself willing to ignore the UN and do whatever it thought best. International law and the authority of the UN were weakened." Very convienent how you ignore the fact that the authority of the UN was weakened by the UN's inability to stop Iraq from breaking Resolution after Resolution.
  5. "Well, Bioware's last difficult game was BG2 and even then it wasn't that challenging, except for the fire breathing squirrel. Yeah, that killed me.Bioware just doesn't make challenging games." Oh please. I know you. You've died thousands of times in BIO games.
  6. Yes, both KOTORs are easy.
  7. Still NWN, and Madden 2006.
  8. "Iran has made verbal threats and nothing more. Of course Bushie started the whole verbal threats and attacks by calling them being part of the "Axis of Evil." Iran has been threatening Isreal for pretty much sinc eit was created. And, it's been an enemy of the US wayyyyy before Bush ever came into power. In fact, the reasonw hy the current Iranian dictator is in power is in large part due to the KIDNAPPING and subseuqent THREATENING of death of AMEIRKAN citizens. And, le'ts not forget about them accusing the US of being the 'Great Satan'. Face it, if the US wans't the Superpower, Isreal would be wiped out. Isreal is an ally and a friend of the US. The US has an obligation to stand by Isreal so any threat against Isreal is soemthing the US should take serious. Hasn't WW2 taught anyone anything? You don't ignore your friends being threatened espicially with instinction. I know, I for one, would step in if any of my friends were threatened with death.
  9. "So far as I know Iran has not actually made threats against Israel or America or anyone else" You jokin' right?
  10. FO series had great theme songs; but otherwise the music while good was unmemorable.
  11. Oh please. The only fire haazards around here are the posts making up nonsense. You know posts like 'it's impossible!", 'oh my it's a fire hazard that occurs once every 2 billion times', 'he's a stalker''. Now, those are fire hazards!
  12. Um. He partially owns the company. How cna you stalk a company you own? WOWSERS! Oh noes! The Doctors are stalking Bioware! Oh noes, Feargus is stalking Obsidian! HELP!!!
  13. JE2, ME1+2+3, and Obsidian's secret game.
  14. The Amerikans needed a win to finish first, and to recieve a bye into the 2nd round of the play-offs. A tie would have done nothing for them.
  15. "Any thread thats even the slighest bit controversial gets shutdown immediately aswellas" This post is 100% false unless your idea of 'controversial' is skewered to a high degree.
  16. "Has any one been keeping up with the world championships .. I would be interested in a Canadian - Russia final cause Russia has been pretty dominate so far- and we beat the American(even if it was close)" Yeah, 'cause scoring the game winner into an empty net proves anything. Ha. Let's see a real winner next time (if the US beats their first round opponent that is).
  17. That was indeed spurious. And, no, I don't need to see another link tot eh ablony falsely supporting such silliness. McDonald's shouldn't be blamed for her dexterity of 3. She stole their fairly earned money since she has never been taught how to drink coffee properly.
  18. No. Bio sucks.
  19. How was KOTOR2 complex? It was pretty striaght forward much like KOTOR1.
  20. "AIs are still too dumb to allow real strategic combat for optimal death against the enemy and they won't be for a very very very long time. So, the only way for the NPCs to act intelligently in combat is to have the player have control." True or not, still doens't mean controlling npcs like slaves in battles = role-playing 'cause it doesn't.
  21. "Combat hasnt got anything to do with roleplaying" Yes, it does. Unless you only treat combat like its some tatical squad based game it very much has to do with role-playing. Or, better yet, in an ideal CRPG it sure can. Khalid not being the bravest of warriors is a good example of role-playing in combat.
  22. I prefer AI henchmen ala FO, SOU, and HOTU the most. AI Expert Hirelings are ok to a limited degree though it shouldn't be every character like the OC. Controllable parties are good in tatical games; not REAL role-playing games though they don't neccessarily hurt the fun factor either way.
  23. "don't know if it counts as stupid, but I tried to do Durlag's tower without a thief.." Nah. Not stupid. It be stupid to have a rogue in your party at all.
  24. Nonsense. The Earth wa shaving problems well ebfore the advancement of humans. Afdterall, Earth has no problems making species instinct on its own. Earth = Greatest Evil. Man = Greatest Good. Nothing but man or man infleuenced creatures (like pets) truly care about other living things. Man is the only creature that cAN go against its natural instincts and prosper. That's why we rule the world. It's also why we are capable of great good as well a sgreat evil. LONG LIVE HUMANS!!!
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