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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    It's the first game. The Rangers won't be so stupid (hopefully) with the penalties, and the Devils power play will not score 6 (technically 5) goals in one. Plus, Lundqvist won't be a moron in game 2.
  2. Odd.. As I said at the Codex, last time length came up, theyw ere shooting for 30-40 hours. If true, WOWSERS! Ther ebetter be lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots of role-playing to make up for the (imo) lack of length.. Even JE, as short as it supposedly wa,s was upwards uof 30 hours if you actually played it as opposed to those who button smashed through everything including dialogue and supposedly finsihed it in 10-15 hours...
  3. Volourn


  4. "nor shall ever be, a K3 forum." Considering that Obsidian has admitted to asking/bugging/begging LA for the oppurtunity to develop K3; I surely wouldn't rule it out.
  5. Volourn


    I'm glad you agree.
  6. Volourn


    "Also, Henrik Lundquist is inexperienced in the playoffs" He was inexperienced in the Olympics... didn't stop him from single handedly winninga good. And, no, Sundin fans, that's a fact. "Martin Brodeur is too good for just Jagr to take on alone. That whole Rangers team has to be up to snuff evey game to beat the Devils.' Martin Broduer is awesome. And, if the Rangers lose, it will be 100% of him because the Devils don't scare Lundqvist on offense. And, yes, Jagr *can* beat the Devils singlehandedly. He's gotten the Rangers 100 points practically single handedly (with some help from Lundqvist; the only other worthy player on the team).
  7. "Hmm, I wonder if these statements are related somehow." Hehe. Except the fact the SW games are tb. "Then it's pretty easy to see that you haven't actually played the Geneforge demos." Nice try; but I have. Big almost empty map with cities of one note npcs, and bland combat.
  8. Volourn


    I change my mind. I'm too much of a Ranger fanboy to actually go against them. Besides, I predicated doom for them before the season started, and was proven wrong, so they'll surprised us all again here with the major upset. So... Rangers in 6 over Devils. "
  9. "Chances are Obsidian would be the first to know about Atari's commercial plans though." True. "I've made a few posts over there before and never got a response. *shrug* I suppose another shot wouldn't hurt." Yeah. Atari reps post there; but not as much comparitvely to Obsidian (on the actual NWN2 boards).
  10. The Spiderweb games are simplynot good. They are also overrated. I've tried all the demos, and their nothing but overglorified dungeon crawl. The Codex crowd slobbers over it because it has turn based combat. It's too bad that the tb combat is of the simpliest nature as to be boring and unthinking. There is absolutely no role-playing in the demo, and I'd rather not fork over my cash for the full game(s) to be prven right or wrong about. The sad thing is that the graphics are the best aprt of the game(s). LOLOLOLOLOLLIPOP The one thing I like about Spiderweb is that the owner is a Bioware fanboy which makes the Spiderweb fanboys cry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  11. Anything with NWN2 and buying it are questions best asked Atari. They are in control of that stuff; not Obsidian.
  12. Volourn


    "NEW YORK over NEW JERSEY - Sorry Volourn! I wish the Rangers had a chance here, but the Devils are too hot and too deep. Good news is Brodeur is getting old." Why apologize? You chose the Rangers to win. :D Western Conference Detroit over Edmonton in 5 games - Slam dunk easy win. I wouldn't doubt this is a sweep. Dallas over Colorado in 6 games - Colorado is good. Dallas is better. San Jose over Nashville in 6 games - Nashville is surprising this year; but the Thornton/Cheechoo combo will be too much. Calgary over Anaheim in 5 games - I don't care for Calgary; but they're obviously better than Anaheim. Eastern Conference Ottawa over Tampa in 7 games - Ottawa is the better team; but Tampa is the defending champs. They won't be gotten ridden off so easily. Philly over Buffalo in 6 games-- Buffalo has simply over performed thier expectations this year. They'll go home happy even as they go the PC route of 'we're dissapointed'. Carolina over Montrealin 6 games - Montreal is good enough to make the play-offs; but that's it unless Kovalev dominates. New Jersey over NY Rangers in 6 - Two weeks ago; I'd have said the Rangers in 6. However, Brodeur and co are too hot right now to lose to the majorly slumping solo effort Rangers. I'd have gone with a sweep; but I figure Jagr will dominate in one game, and Lundqvist will steal another making it a decent showing after 7 years of non play-off hockey for the Rangers. The devils are the only team who I would even think of picking over the Rangers in the first round. The one shining light is that despite Brodeur's great success in the play-offs; he's weak against the Rangers.. of course most of his play-off games versus the Rangers were against the dominateing Messier-Leetch-Richter teams,and Rangers 'o6 will not be mistaken for those....
  13. "Anywho, it's pretty neat how CRPGs (well, the media in general, whatever) has trivialized combat and its consequenses. Just wiped out a whole tribe of gobs, no problem! No one will care. Just murdered everyone in some sect because they were all 'evil', no problem! The law is on your side. Yay plausibility!" Your viewing this scenario from a modern point of view. In most fantasy games, why would the (human) 'law' be against you if you wipe out a tribe of gobs? Or why would the law (presuming it's good or even neutral) oppose you for wiping out an 'evil' sect? I do agree that oftne times combat is trivialized more than it ought to be in CRPGs; but you gave (mostly) poor examples.
  14. All spellcasting classes are the most powerful of classes, and with good reason. Many spells can replace skills of other classes. Wizards have Tenser's Transformation, and clerics have spells like divine power. Very few (if any) non spellcasting classes have abilities that replace powerful spells (perhaps just the rogue with its scroll useage). As it should be. The idea that classes should be equal is ridiculous. A bard is a friggin' singing entertainer for gah sake. The idea that one should be of equal footing with an Archmage or a Divine Agent of a GOD is ludicrous beyond belief. That said, even the so called 'weaker' classes are all useful. Heck, I have a bard I amde in NWN that was the equal (if not greater) that the vast majority of so called 'tanks' in a an action based PW so it's all about how ya build them. So stop whining about (lack of) power, and simply role-play, lameos. P.S. How can anyone claim that 2E edition speciality priests are more powerful than 3E priests when 3E priests have way more hit points, a bunch of feats (including feats that make their spells stronger and them better in direct combat), higher stat bonuses, spells save that make it impossible to pass, etc., etc. The extra bonuses that 2E speciality priests ar enothing comapred to all that, imo.
  15. Volourn


  16. "Yeah, it would take like.. 15 minutes to finish it up. And it would be a huge success, no doubt about it. They're just not doing it to spite you." *TAKES A SPAZZY FIT... IN THE NUDE*
  17. "Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't both companies part of Black Isle Studios?" No. BIO was an independnet company signed by Interplay(BIS) to make games. Obsidian was never a part of BIS. Its founding members used to work/run BIS which was a division of Interplay.
  18. "I do have to say that licensing Bio tech doesn't really seem like an official connection to me though, otherwise Epic has official connections with half the industry." Yup. When you sign contracts to sell/exchange tech I'd consider that an official connection.
  19. "Obsidian has no official connection with Bioware." Oh really? So.. they didn't license BIO tech from BIO? WOWSERS! "Most of Obsidian is the staff from Interplay and if it weren't for Interplay than Bioware wouldn't be where it is today." False. BIO is where they are today because they made it so. They are 100% responsible for their successes (and possible failures). Just as Obsidian ultimately is for those. Let's also not forget the fact that Interplay tried their bestest to screw BIO (among other developers) so trying to give credit for that to Obsidian is not exactly cool to say in regards to the cool dudes at Obsidian. " I guess they're just trying to repay the favor." Not quite. The BIO owners have a good ralationship with the Obsisidan founders, and since they weren't inetrested in making NWN2 or KOTOR2 they decided to prod them in the right desription. Obsidian (and ye old dogs at Interplay/BIS) did NO favors for BIO. You do know what a favor is right? They did a business deal. A business deal that BIO earned; not given. BIO had a contract(s) with Interplay. It was a professional relationship; not a favor from one to another. A favor is usually done without contracts last I checked.
  20. Volourn


    It's an outside chance consideirng his struggles of late; but thanks to Cheechoo and Thornton taking the night off and gaining no points in their game tonight; Jagr with a great performance tomorrow against the Hasekless (THANKS OLYMPICS!!!) and win both the scoring and goal scoring titles! GO JAGR GO! That said, it's an outside chance. And, *almost* as important if Jagr does that well then the Rangers will win their division outright!!!!
  21. Volourn


    "IMO, after years of watching Jagr, his best defensive ability is his dominating offensive ability. Much like a Lemieux or Gretzky." Again, I never said Jagr was the best defensive player ever. I said he was good, when he needs to be, at defense. The bottom line when he is on the ice, his teams cores more than the opposition at even strength. As does Thornton of course but not quite at Jagr's level (just barely though b/c of the last 10 games). I see Jagr backcheck a lot to steal the puck from the opposition. To say Jagr can't play defense is to not know hockey. P.S. If anyone wnats more proof that the Olympics are evil; just look at what they did to Hasek. "They certainly aren't "loser players." They are if they are doing a poor job of killing penalties. LOL
  22. "Saying that someone is dumb is often incorrect. Very intelligent people often say things that are incorrect. I do not think that Hades is dumb. But his post was." Just ebcause somehting is inccorect doesn't make it dumb. If someone were to post that Jagr has 119 points currently; that would not wrong but it's not really dumb. Sorry; but as far as I'm concerned when someone says a post is dumb they're calling the poster dumb but without the balls to just say it. Now call me (or this post) dumb. LOL :D
  23. "I didn't. Read my post again. I called your post retarded. Which is a distinct, and deliberate, difference." That's a cop out used by those whoa re too weak to state what they really mean. 'What you said is dumb' is a coward's way out. Just say you are dumb'. It's much clearer, to the point, and fully honest if not mean.
  24. "From a fan's point of view, you're right. But from a marketing point of view, a delay from November to March (a guess) means there will be a huge hit in sales." Doubtful. Games are delayed all the time. NWN was delayed multipel times, and it sure didn't hurt it's hype or its sales... unles you are syaing it would have sold 4 million + copies if it wans't delayed. R00fles! Customers will buy what game(s) they want when they come out. I don't of anyone who said to themselves:"I won't buy x game because it was delayed'. LOL And, if such a person exists, they're even more pathetic than us 'normal' geekazoids.
  25. "And he is openly critical of Electronic Arts, a competitor, for not being able to deliver its Godfather video game to consumers on time. "It is absolutely a sin," he proclaimed." Oh,please. A sin? Talk about nonsenical hyperbole. Games being delayed occurs all the time. It's not a sin; it's part of gaming life. He should get over himself. He's also very hypocritical as I doubt all LA games come out always when scheduled either.
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