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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. This Hades... he says a lot of things...
  2. I don't recall referring to you a fangirl in that post. I was spekaing in generalities. FO is cool and is worthy of fangirlism.
  3. "Maybe it'll be as exclusive as Jade Empire. Who knows?" Which means very exclusive. a PC port that'll come out about 2 years after the intial release isn't that impressive. About that time, ME will come out and at least graphically there is no doubt which is better... and, JE looked (and still looks good) for the time; but it is no ME. Don't expect ME to be ported til like 2009. LOL by then, the sequel for xbox 360 will likely be out. If not the 3rd part. R00fles!
  4. "Because the Xbox 360 will open them up to a larger market of gamers?" Eh? Not really true. How many xbox owners are there? If it was only about the largest market share, they'd likely be choosing the PS3. On topic, are those in game screenshots? If so, they look fantastic. If not, meh. Now, we need MS/Bio to release some actual meaty info about character generation and the like.
  5. "Just like NWN? Fanboi." Yup. Sure beats being a fanboy (or girl) of either KOTOR game.
  6. "Volourn likes JE" This is a fabrication. I LOVE JE!!!!!!!!
  7. Didn't it take you 40+ hours to complete JE, Hades? So, that's 1/8 at least. :ph34r: IGN, even after a year, loves 'em some JE: http://pc.ign.com/articles/706/706188p1.html
  8. And, the fact that Obsidian's said so...
  9. I apologize. I love ther slimes; but this game looks lame.. Slimes - the true Arch Villians of the DQ universe - ar enow heroes out to save their world. Seriosuly, they have their own world? Lame. Let me guess, their society is probably just like humans. Meh.
  10. Give it time. Aomeone will. Likely the following: "This would never happen under Saddam's watch. He only used machines to mass slaughter people. That's no biggy." R00fles! Anyways, I'm disasapointed in Sistani. He used to be kewl now this is just plain shameful.
  11. "Tho the Wii doesn't use gyros, so no one is arguing they stole it directly, Sony just "magically" decided to add it after Nintendo announced it. Anyone who thinks that it wasn't added as a direct response to Nintendo is retarded. Not saying it wasn't smart of Sony business wise tho." And? In a business like this, it's one up or be one upped. The point is it be real hard for Sony to steal an idea from Nintendo that Nintendo never created in the first place.
  12. Eh... Remind me not to 'Ironman Mode' for PC games... Not worth the ffort. Tried 3 times... Time #1: I was stupid. Beyond stupid. I was basically on my last legs after a good 3-4 battles, and presse don even though I should ahve rested. Dumb idea, of course, and I knew better. Evenw arned myself I'd regret it. Got squashed in the next battle. 'Tis happens when all your characters have less than 50% of their hp, no spells left, and outnumbered 3 to 1. R00fles! Time #2: The above was my own fualt. Not the game's fault so I started up again keeping the same party (with the new dwarf fighter in)... was doing well, then the game crashed wiping out the save... Time #3: Rince and repeated Time #2... I said screw it, and decided to do it the old fashion way. Hilarious enoughly, the game has crashed only a couple of time since, and I've died a handful of times mostly whenI'm over pushing it. LOL Just started the temple itself. Got some ghoul followers, characetrs are level 5, and I just made +6 gauntles of strength as well a sfound some ph@t elven chain. Hopefully, I'l actually complete the game. Looks good in thatr egard thus far in spite of the horrid non combaty stuff. I've been testing out the various combat options which is pretty neat... Not that they're really needed; but cool nontheless.
  13. You missed them? And, you call yourself an Obsidian fan! (or do you?) http://pc.ign.com/articles/704/704146p1.html That's one. There were a couple of others (though 2 of them were basically the same one). Enjoy. And, yes, they include actual game play videos. All videos are about 5 minutes long... "And, my comments about it: "Found this on the REAL NWN2 boards.. link to IGN and the "first" NWN2 videos. Good stuff 99%, and 1% bad. Totally sweet. Repost from The Evil Ones Board tm. : Good stuff. ye all should have showed the really huge creatures like a dragon so we can see the size difference in comparison to NWN1 large creatures. The UI looks about the same as NWN with some differences so that's cool. I noticed soemthing in the upper left corner that i couldn't tell what it was though (too dark). Targeting spell icon thingy is cool. I'm not the biggest fan of controlling henchmen like others are; but if youa re gonna do it do it right, I say and it seems thou hast! The videos were really dark though so it wans't 100% as clear as I'd like."
  14. Yes. Yes, I am. Espicially after last week's awesome videos which were nearly perfect. Hopefully, they have some more this week as well as all the interviews/aricles planned which will likely make up for this dissapointment (imo)....
  15. I'm tlaking about 'how connected' the video is, and how it offers nothing about NWN2 except an inch of what we already knew.
  16. "Euh, shattering sword." If that's the only connection, we're in trouble...
  17. Gah. The videos from last week were much, much better. It looked good; but it meant nothing to me. Last week videos > This week's video And, they didn't take 5-10 minutes to download. "but this time I could see what it
  18. "Then this game isn't for you, right? The whole point is this is a niche that won't support retail. You're happy with retail games, so you aren't part of the target audience in the first place -- you saying you won't buy it online is like me saying I won't buy Madden online -- utterly irrelevant because I was never going to buy it in any case." Nope. Not the same. Go back to page 1. I stated quite clearly I thought this game had potential. If it was coming out in stores, it would be a very possible buy.Look, if Madden was offered through DD only, I simply would not buy it. DD is evil. Plain, and simple.
  19. If I want to look at someone's wii, I'll pull down my underwear. Thanks.
  20. http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3blog.html?topic_id=24600407 'Nough said.
  21. "But how many of them have you tried?" Counting demos? Quite a few. Most notebably, the ones by the Avernum dudes. "forgive us for being blunt, but we suspect that many of the folks 'gainst download games is simply the deadbeats that can't get no credit card necessary to be purchasing games on-line." Aye, that must be it.
  22. "How do you assume that all or even most games you will like will be offered retail? Aren't you putting your own gamign experience at a lower priority?" Unlike some, I'm not at the stage where I assume all highly marketed games are crap or have become 'lower quality' than old ones. In fact, I'm a firm believer that quality in almost all aspects of gaming has only improved as time goes by. With games like NWN2, DA, Madden, and a host of other in store available games being developer by 1st class development studios, I got no complaints. I also doubt DD games are even better and their production values are likely far, far less. I have yet to see anything that remotely disproves that.
  23. Same here. Not buying it when it comes. Probably well when it's $20 to add to my PC Game Collection; though... But, I cna't justify a purchase of a game at full price I already played/owned espicially since I gave others like Eldar a hard real time for doing that with KOTOR. LOL Maybe the price will go down enough a year or two after its PC release. If not, oh well.
  24. What's the question again? Not real clear on it... "I'm not criticising your purchasing preferences at all here" Sure you are. Nothing wrong with criticism; but don't pretend you aren't. As for publishers, unlike most hardcore gamerz, I don't the publisher as evil or enemies of the people. I have no obligation to 'help' develoeprs nor do they owe me anything. If I see something I want to buy, I'll buy it in the format I choose. It's why I didn't bother with the NWN PM depsite me being a 'fanboy' until the In Store Expansion came out. It's also why I haven't played the Pirates one either. If it's not in the store, and I don't know you, you aren't seeing my money. It's that simple. My attitude might change in the future; but I'd need prove it's worth it.
  25. "Those bullet points really sound like it could be anything from "Virtually Nothing" to "A lot"." Yup. Which is why one shouldn't buy the game *just* for those enhancements but only if you want JE for PC on its own merits (good or bad)>
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