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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Then you are screwed... which is probably why you have a rash in the first place. :D
  2. "You'd be lucky to get anything other than adding mouse support to the console interface and having them call it a "full reworking of the interface for the PC version" like they did with Knights of the Old Republic." Aye, but KOTOR wasn't a port. JE was optimized for the x-box so I think to even be playable on the PC it most certainly needs a reworking or else you'll likely hear even more complaints about the PC control unlike KOTOR wher eonly us hardcorez PC users complained about the controls...
  3. Good interview; but other than the named npc, nothing new there. Still, good stuff.
  4. Actually, from that article, all I got from it was Bethesda stating: "Yes, Mr. ESRB, you the boss... We will kiss your butt and do as youd emand." R00fles! :D
  5. Grom, Fergie owes us boardies nothing. Previews, reviews, and interviews are more than enough to get info out out. Considering the fact that only the German site through the silly Codex has even hinted that the the campaign 20 hours perhaps Fergie and the rest of the Obsidian feel it's beneath them to clarify such stupid rumours. Heck, some silly site anniunced JE PC yesterday (before taking it down). Some silly poster asked if it was true at the JE boards... it was promptly locked... Again, I feel it silly for us to expect hard working developers (or their bosses) to put down every single asanine rumour.. espicially when there will be tons of interviews, previews, and reviews to do that. Besdies, if you want answers from Obsidian on baords about NWN2... post on the NWN2 boards... that's what they exist for...
  6. Volourn


    Horrible first round for me espicially with the Rangers deciding to play gold before their series was even over. My (hopefully) better Round 2 Predictions: Ottawa over Buffalo in 5 - Ottawa proved they cna handle upstart teams NJ over Carolina in 5 - Brodeur over anyone Sharks over Oilers in 6 - Cheechoo and Thornton are bound to get some points Ducks over Avalanche in 7 - Selanne and co managed to upset the Flames... Oilers managed to upset Wings... Pretty much a toss up here
  7. So were the casualties of WW2. Your point?
  8. We agree! P.S. Though some will surely point out that while the hurricane itself was nature's doing, the situation was made much worse than it needed to eb due to mad emade mistakes, inaction, and sloppiness.
  9. I have definitive word that NWN2 is gonna suck, folks! This is undisputable proof, I swear! SolidXtremeZ posted on Gamespot Forums: "I played the intro tutorial of this game tonight. I dunno if it was because it was an early build or what, but based on what I played this game sucked. I wanted to like it because I heard the first one was good." http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/neverwinter...2667&pid=922154 Do not dare try to deny his truthful words. It will only embarass you!
  10. "Its not the worst tragedy in US history, but it is the most recent." How quickly they forget you Katrina. How quickly they forget. I mean, I cna't recall how many times 'Katrina is the worst tragedy ever' comments I had to ehar. "I think that one of worst tragedy for the United States and possibly the world was when George W. got re-elected." No. What's even worse is that a SLAVER was elected to be President of the Untited States before, and that people like you think that's a-ok. R00fles!
  11. "Somebody is cashing in on the worst tragedy the US has ever faced." Worst? You on crack, dude? Or did you forget to add 'the last 5 years' onto that?
  12. "YOU'RE saying Im making stuff up.. IM saying Im beign creative. Thats your problem, you're always so thinking in negatives" You win just for this. :D
  13. You are blind. There are multiple interviews where BIO stated that JE on PC was a possibility. They *never* said it would *never* happen. Stop making stuff up. Wanting to stop a billion threads whining about them 'betraying' their PC fans or why there's no JE for PC is not the same as saying 100% no chance for JE on PC. Stop making stuff up.
  14. You remember wrong. They *never* ruled it out though they were adamant that they weren't working on it at the time and made ahabit of locking spam threads whining about a PC version verbatim.
  15. Could be it's true, and someone on the site annoucned it before BIo wanted them too.. then BIo saw this post and decided to tell them tot ake it down.. 'cause they're not ready to announce dit on the official site.
  16. "You'd have to manually select which survivors to pick off though right? Wouldn't work in a queue." Yes, it would. After a fireball, most (typical) hobgoblins (oops, my bad i believe it wa sbugbears in TOEE, slong ago) are low on hp... so one hit per one should be enough to just qeue up a n attack on each - espicially since you'll have the other PC/NPCs' help. "So what is the point of having a queue if you have to interrupt it frequently? I very rarely had to interrupt even full queues in KOTOR. Maybe that's mainly a result of KOTOR's combat being so simplistic, but it seems to me whenever queues are present, the combat will probably be a snoozefest. NWN is another example." KOTOR is a poore xmaple. 'Cause its combat (other than how it looks) sucks (imo). Queue is cool, and the point is that it's nice to plan ahead to strategize and all that. But, like any good strategizer, you have to be ready and willing to change your strategy mid game.
  17. I'll cut you some slack on this due to your past A+ performance in these threads... but, just this once... Until BIO denies this news I'll believe you that JE for PC is true.
  18. You jokin' right? It's a friggin' message board and we're to take it seriously? LOLOLOLLIPOP This simple is a waste of a thread. Come on, Llyr. Your 'BREAKING NEWS' threads are usually cool. :cool: If BIO announce dit you'd think there'd be a mention at Bioware - either on the baords on the main site... Hmm.. The plot thickens...
  19. Why isn't NWN1 rated mature? Its mods have B00BIES and sex. In fact, you can see B00bies even in the normal game by stripping your characetrs. R00fles!
  20. Aye. SP wins. And, as mentions, even in TOEE with its awesoem combat SYSTEM (poor combat though), you still mostly repet the same actions - ie. fighters swing their respective weapons while mages tend to use spells in a certain order.. Big group of Hobgoblins: Fireball then pick off with crossbow any survivors: "Boss" Battle: Defensive spells first then the same offensive spells. What StillLife is missing while you can qeue up 6 rounds of actions; chances are you will not likely go that long before having toc hange it... Outside of rpeating melee/missle attacks, I *never* went that many rounds without having to stop the qeue anyways. So, in essence, SL is wrong... and, for once, I'm enjoying being on the side of the majority. LOL :D I humbly thank SL for bestowing that honour on me.
  21. Just because someone doesn't know where x country is doesn't mean they're stupid. It just means they didn't neccesarily care enough to find out or remember is all.
  22. "They can play it while heading to their PnP sessions. Or if they are waiting for other people to arrive." LOL :D "Hmm, this doesn't actually sound like a load of crap." Too bad it's for the PSP. Hopefully, they'll transfer it to another machine - be it PS3, XBOX 360, or PC.
  23. "Capture instead of kill? Sure, only to torture information out of someone. How often have I had to lift an eyebrow when some cleric of the golden haired savior god decides that it's more convenient to kill the surrendering goblins?! " So true. Which is where my orc example from that other thread came to fruitation.... from the penchant of all players to hunt down every last enemy even if they flee. Players are bloodthirsty for the most part.
  24. No. Nothing of that magnitude.. cna't believe your players totally ignore the 'brains as a power source' hook. Did any of the 'good' characters at least pretend to be offended by the whole idea? Hmm..
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