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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Every single time I played the NWN OC it always ended the same." Don't blame the game that you make repetive choices. " Aribeth ends up dead, Klauth ends up dead, Morag ends up dead. Dead. Dead. Dead." Neither Aribeth or Klauth need to die. Aribeth can be imprisoned, and you don't have to kill Klauth to get what you need from him - in fact he gives you the Word in exchange for killing that gold dragon. Of course, Morag ends up dead. It's either she dies or she enslaves everyone INCLUDING you. HAHAHA!! So, once again, you embarass yourself by making things up about the game. R00fles!
  2. "No one is talking about the BG series. We are talking about NWN 1." Haha. That's funny. I thoguht we allw ere comapring NWN to BG. Afterall, that was a big part of the disucssion - that NWN was a 'step down' from BG role-playingw sie which is a bunch of hoodwinky. "There is only one way to solve the main quest and that is what matters, for that is what everyone has to do." All quests matter. Afterall, side quests take a large chunk of the game time up. Not to mention, there are different ways to solve the different parts of the main quest. ie. How you deal with Aribeth, how you handle getting Big Red's Word, etc., etc. Again, why are you making stuff up? You can't be forgetting these things since you've played the OC 3+ times so you must be trying to save face from embarassment of making things up... Hmm.... "why? Because we say so! lololoilolipoprooflesdeniedcopter!" Hey, that's the best coiutner one of you have had on this topic! For that, youa re the only winner of three of you. I YOU!!! :">
  3. "Taking gold for doing a quest is not evil. Evil is capturing someone and tearing one layer of flesh at a time from their bodies. Evil is not doing a dangerous quest and expect getting paid for it. Evil is creeping in someone's home, then putting a dagger in their chest while they sleep. Being evil is not fighting a stronger force because they threaten you. Evil is joining said force then from behind kill its leader then taking over." We agree. I was not talking about 'taking gold' however. Again, there are multiple ways to solve many quests in the game that don't simply involve the exchange of gold. BG series is more guilty of that than NWN ever was. LOLOLLLIPOP The one being blind is you.
  4. "There was very few instances where you can solve quests in different ways and" Wrong. There were lots. 'in the main quest there was only one way to solve it." Well.. it's either stop the Lizard Queen, or become her slave.... yeah, someone's gonna wanna choose that. R00fles! " Also there is no real way playing evil in NWN." Sure there is.
  5. "I started with an evil character and became neutral good just by playing the thing " That's funny you emntion this as this is imposisble unless you purposefully played the goodie two shoes as the main quest (and it's one of its negatives) doesn't effect your alignment at all so why make things up? Obviously, you weren't role-playing your character.
  6. "Well, I guess if by roleplaying you mean" Many quests had multiple ways to complete them, and dialogue skills mattered (would have mattered more if in some instances you simply couldn't 'retry' them which was a problem in NWN as well as both KOTORs). Hopefully, that part will be fixed in NWN2 though.
  7. "No right now it's an Obsidian game. Now if the same thing that happened to K2 happens to NWN2, well I guess it became Ataris game." R00fles! :D
  8. "You mean breaking games." That must explain why most people here are going gaga over NWN2.... an Atari game. R00fles!
  9. Atari still exists and making games (at least for now). Troika is split apart. I think this proves that Troika was more at fault. "
  10. "In NWN 1 they were quite simple to kill." Read the NWN1 OC Spoilers Section to be proven wrong, Mr. Werewolf. "Actually I though the combat and role playing were quite worse in the NWN OC than BG 1 and BG2." No. " he writing was definitely worse." No except in the case of joinable npcs. All of them had interesting backgrounds and personalities but the way they were written was a turn off so most people missed them. Other than that the quality of the writing is equal to BG2 and BETTER than BG1. "Volo, whenever you post, I always find something that amuses me."
  11. "I mean, a great wyrmdragon being soloed by a 16h level character is simply outo f the question." Can be done in BG2... with a lower level characetr even. Nice try though. "The best AI in a CRPG so far is the Radiant AI in Oblivion and even that is... well.. weird." Can't comapre that; but comapred to other games I have played, NWN's AI while far from perfect is definitely amongst the best. "NWN 1 was a step backwards compared to the Infinity Engine games." No. A step up. Better role-playing. Better combat. Better options. Better longtitivity.
  12. No. You are wrong. The NWN AI is better than most plus. And, it's also superior role-playing wise than role-playing a 6 Headed Hydra... That said, at least for the NWN2 OC, I'll be controlling npcs as I'm sure it'll be balanced with that in mind. Role-playing will suffer in that regard; but there's other role-playing that should make up for it.
  13. "I have to side with Volo on this one" MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! Outside of my mod, you rarely agree with me and even then it's iffy!!! "Yes, constantly inputting commands is more engaging than shoving them all out at once, sitting back and watching things unfold for a minute or two." I (and, apparantly others) seem to disagree and do find it enagaing. I find it more engaging than many games that don't allow qeues.
  14. Blame TOEE for not doing so well! DAMN YOU TROIKA!!!
  15. I don't work that way. I don't buy games to fund othe rgames. I buy games because I like them... but, they ahve to available on something I own or something I'd be actually inetrested in owing... ie. the PSP ain't it. I don'town either a 360 or a PS3 (duh!) yet but I'm diffently likely to down the road.
  16. Same 'ol stuff which sound sgood. I just wish both Obsidian and BIO would stop trying to trick people - the NWN OC had Expert Hirelings. SOU, and HOTU had Henchmen as does NWN2 (and the IE games sans IWD). And, they seem to forget that outside of the OC, NWN henchmen were really well done, and even the OC Expert Hirelings had good stuff but did have 2 (one major flaw and one minor 'flaw'). Still, can't wait for the game!
  17. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060502/nytu020.html Atari has announced a new D&D game; but sadly it's only on the lameo PSP which I have no intention of owning. It's too bad too as this new game actually sounds rather interetsing. Here's the snippage that actually makes me mad at Atari - so good yet so sad I cna't have it! "D&D: Tactics offers an original, intriguing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS storyline. Players take on the role of a mortal child caught in a conflict of two competing dragons striving for godhood. Alignment is critical, as it affects the end of the story and allows players to change from good to evil, or the other way around, depending on which quests they choose. Gamers will play through a series of adventures, completing various objectives along the way. D&D: Tactics offers all the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS base character classes including Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer and Wizard. Five Prestige Classes are available, as are two Psionic classes, the Psion and the Psychic Warrior. Players will be able to customize their characters and store as many as their memory stick can handle" Turn Base! Psionics! Party! Cool classes! Neateo story! Alignment matters! WHY ATARI WHY!?! WHY DO YOU TEASE US D&D GEEKS IN SUCH A WAY! MAKE IT FOR PS3, X-BOX 360, AND PC~~~
  18. It costs you time, and time costs you money. P.S. This post cost me 1 cent.
  19. Volourn


    No worries. You were too excited to pay attention. Just wipe the drool before typing next time! :D
  20. Unlike others, I don't steal other people's shtick. That's yours so you keep it. R00fles!
  21. Volourn


  22. Volourn


    Congrats Oiler fans! "4 unanswered goals in the third. Four!!!!" No.
  23. Found this on the REAL NWN2 boards.. link to IGN and the "first" NWN2 videos. Good stuff 99%, and 1% bad. Totally sweet. :"> http://pc.ign.com/articles/704/704146p1.html Repost from The Evil Ones Board tm. : Good stuff. ye all should have showed the really huge creatures like a dragon so we can see the size difference in comparison to NWN1 large creatures. The UI looks about the same as NWN with some differences so that's cool. I noticed soemthing in the upper left corner that i couldn't tell what it was though (too dark). Targeting spell icon thingy is cool. I'm not the biggest fan of controlling henchmen like others are; but if youa re gonna do it do it right, I say and it seems thou hast! The videos were really dark though so it wans't 100% as clear as I'd like.
  24. "Volourn, that's like saying no one is forcing you to use some Uber Sword of Unbalancing you find in the game, decent character builds, or health potions if they make the game too easy. Outside of difficulty setting choices, it's the developers job to keep things from being too easy for the player." Queue doesn't really make the game any easier unlike an overpowered weapon or too many heal potions. There's no need (and no reason) to queue 2-3 rounds ahead. Afterall, if you are say catsing magic missle at a fellow wizard and you notice the first magic missle is blcoked harmlessly (ie. enemy has shield up) you'll have to cancel your queue anyways (or waste your spells to no avail). So, like I said, it gives no advantage in the game. It just makes the gameplay smoother so you don't have to wait until the next round to choose your next move - you are alreayd ready. In fact, it makes it closer to tb combat this way. It's no different than in tb combat when you already have an idea what spell/skill you will use in the enxt round. Example: You see a dragon. As a caster what would you do? Buff yourself (short term one(s) since you should alreayd have long term ones than your best offensive ones. As a wizard: You'll liekly go this: 1. Haste 2. Fire shield 2. Best offensive spells Unless you get injured and need to heal (or run), you alreayd know what your character is going to do. This is ture no matter the game style. An exmaple of this is TOEE or Fo (both tb games) where I mostly knew what i was gonna do 3 turns away (if not further). it doesn't take genius to figure this out. Of course, don't qeue too far or you simply have to cancel it and start anew. No big worries. Thinsg change in combat all the time.
  25. And, tb doesn't? Weird... Besdies, no one is forcing you to use them if you don't want to so what's the beef?
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