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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "all the BI games personally BG2 is my favorite (though I know some think BG is better)" From you post, I'm sure you mean BIS in which case, you are wrong. BIS no more made BG series than Atari made TOEE, or NWN. BIO made BG series. BIS, on behalf of their parent company, only published it. That's not dissing BIS, btw, as they did a very good job publishing it. Just a pet peeve of mine when people try to give BSI credit for BIO's work. It's just as bad when people try to give BIo credit for PST, or IWD which werne';t made by BIO and are just using an engine made by BIO. Graphics Topic: Alanshu wins at 95.678% correct. Good job, Alanshu! :cool:
  2. Damn. That's worthless then. They need to have them both on the same system. Gah.
  3. BIO wants it all, I guess! WOWSERS! I don't do handhelds really; but between this in D&D Tatics; I dunno, might have to change my mind. That said, which handheld is D&D Tatics for? A different one, I think? If so, damn...
  4. "Or NWN? I remember tracking it regularly for about 3 years, half of which was after the first projected release date." I don't believe NWN had an actual specifc release date. NWN2 has had two. not to mention the fact that NWN1 had to deal with the whole Interplay vs. Bioware War tm. NWN2, despite Atari's apparant financial state, has none. This is neither good or bad news outside of not getting the game sooner. There's examples of delays helping and not helping a game. So, meh. I'd be lying though that despite the fact I'm looking forward to NWN2 that I have some serious doubts about how Obsidian has managed NWN2's development. And, at this time, I will be surprised if Obsidian bothers doing anything with the DMC until the game is released. Even then, I won't hold my breath for one, anymore. This delay could be as simple as moving NWN2's release date away from G3's so the two games don't clash over each other.
  5. "TOEE" TOEE's release was delayed twice. I wouldn't call that an 'early' release, and definitely not pushed to one. I think TOEE is an example of a developer taking on more than they can handle.
  6. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=43703&st=75 Anyways, 'tis life; but constant delays are never a good sign. Hopefully, it works out this time.
  7. 1) 1 2) 4 3) 12 4) 2 5) 3 6) 8 7) 11 14
  8. Happy Halloween!!!!!
  9. WOW!
  10. EA is awesome. Plain, and simple. those companies you listed who died out died out because of their own patheticness. Not, because of EA oustide of EA being awesome that is.
  11. No. Origin Systems killed Origin Systems.
  12. Ok. My earlier thread was wrong. I admit it. Games are getting more expensive. This is UNDISPUTABLE proof.
  13. "I hate those publishers who didnt want to fund their 4 game which was going to be a Post Apocalyptic RPG, the spiritual succersor to fallout." I hate developers who can't convince any publisher to publish their game. You have to be rather poor negotiators to not be able to convince someone to give you another shot. Then again, 3 different publishers, basically the same result. Now wonder publishers were done giving the 'makers of FO' a break. "We'll you're right about one thing. We did make them fail. We are all to blame" Nope. There's only one group of people responsible for Troika's success or fialure, and that's Troika. "They didn't fail as game developers." Sure, they did. 3 different games, 3 different publishers, 3 different styles of RPG, 3 different 'failures'. They could not make a quality game that was also successful enough to warrant them developing more games. That's failure no matter how you cut it.
  14. "Tried the PC version????? If not you are missing out. The best baseball game ever made even better. Goood Stuff." No. How are the controls? I'm not a big fan of sports games on PC for some reason. If the controls are reasonably good, I might check it out for PC as well. Also, what makes it improved comapred to the console (PS2) version? It must be really good to be better. As for FO series. A greats eries no doubt; but not perfect. No game is. I can see why an intelligent gamer might not like it. Joinable npcs are lacking comapred to the BG-PST-KOTOR-JE-NWN counterparts that ar eoften in that circle of games, the stories (well.. one story shared by the two games actually) is adequately good at best, and while I personally LOVE the combat; I coudls ee why the system isn't for everyone. Good stuff. :cool:
  15. No. Best sports game is MVP baseball 2005!!!!!!
  16. I enjoyed, and liked both Arcanum, and BL myself despite their fualts. I didn't care for TOEE though it had some good qulaities as well. However, I am NOT sadden by their collapse. They brought it upon themselves.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Don't read the Codex like its gospel.
  18. It's your reward for liking PST so much. Each post that sattes in some way that 'PST is the best game ever' nets you an extra 50 freebie posts. Just like every one of my 'NWN is best ever' posts costs me 50 posts. Otherwise, I'd still be dominating the post counts. LOLOLOLOL Damn you Obsidian!@ P.S. In all seriousness, post counts mean squat. Don't worry about it. :D
  19. Better yet, release the game first and see if it was a financial success. LOL Of course, G3 will be a financial success no doubt. It's been hyped as much as the other two big CRPGs this year (NWN2 and Oblivion) plus its a sequel to two pretty successful games.
  20. No, you guys are all wrong. Troika went out of business because their games are the most complicated and complex software ever created and publishers didn't know how to market it, and consumers just don't udnersatand them. They don't have bugs. They have design decisions beyond us 'normals' (not that I'm normal, heh) comprehension. Hence, they didn't fail; we did.
  21. That was changed, thankfully. You get to choose your starting alignment within the normal class parameters.
  22. Brother Bear 2 - Dissapointing after the original. Just a typical 'love story'. Yeha, yeah, I can watch and enjoy kiddie cartoons. Woo hoo! United 93 - Ok movie. Totally overrated. Acting was subpar overall (though some of the actors were impressive). If it wasn't based on a true story; this movie would have lost most of it ssupporters as it is simply a run of the mill movie.
  23. I think anyone still interested in playing/downloading WW would be. Afterall, most casuual players have probably stopped playing NWN years ago. So, iof someone doesn't know, it's their own problem.
  24. Actually, no, he didn't. Remember, you called BIO 'greedy' for turning WW into PM... yet... Llyr pointed pointed out that WW is still FREE at the vault. So, how is BIO being greedy with WW!?!
  25. Oh snap! LLyr defeats the Great and Awesome Raven!!!
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