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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Probably not. Maybe after 1.69, maybe.
  2. Same here. Not a peep.
  3. "It's also not clear if the NWN2 engine would be able to handle the outlandish models a Transformers game would require. Think of the vertices!" Of course it can. An engine is capable of handling most anything the devs are willing to have it. I mean the Aurora was supposedly 'unable' to do the following: visible cloaks, flowing robes, mountable horses in combat, multiple henchmen, and so on so forth yet does shows a lot. And, since NWN2 is Aurora except with a new graphics engine and updated; I'm sure NWN2's engine can do whatever Obsidian wants it to do. It's only a matter if they want to do it, and how much time, effort, and money they're wilkling (and able) to put in it. As for Transformers games. I'll pass. Transformers has always been royally overrated.
  4. Blind Horizon: A striaght to video hmm movie. The ending isn't as spectacular as one heopes while watching it; but this movie was wacked out. I like it. The beginning was kinda boring though; but once I got a feel for the characters; it was smooth sailing...
  5. "If I mentioned the 360 right now, I'd be laughed out of the thread, right?" You missed my P.S. My new console of choice is/will be xbox 360. Mass Effect trilogy is all I need to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Rules are rules. I make them; I don't break them. I've already bugged Atari with a PM/email over making the newest batch for CD in stores. They better listen! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/insidega...le/5879/qa.aspx L0LLERPISSPANTS
  8. "It's a small wonder that some folks still want to buy a PS3, considering what kind of fiasco Sony's PR has been for the last months." Simple. The last 10 years, they have been THE dominate force in consoles. And, their systems tend to have the most variety of games that arne't kiddified alal Nintendo or stuck on speciifc brands ala Nintendo, or aren't living in the past ala Nintendo. Seriously, i used to love Nintendo. When I was 10. R00fles! P.S. I should point out that I'm likely to buy the xbox 360 before the other consoles.
  9. Cheaper cost? Yet it is only about $50 less than xbox 360... Hmmm............ Poor little Pee Pee Console. It will get murdered. Dumb to release it just 2 days after PS3...
  10. Let's hope NWN2 does! It's 2 vs. 1, it should be twice as fun!!!
  11. Back on topic: It should be noted thata ccoridng to them creators of the module, almost everything in this module is new. This includes tilesets, monsters, palceables, and so on. There's even a new PrC known as the Purple Dragon Knight. And, paladins will now get their mounts as they should in. This will probably be added in patch 1.69 thoguh no guarantees by BIO on that front. It *almosT* makes me want to buy it... but, no, it must go on CD!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. That's what people said about MW, too. The sad part... they were right... and, it still wasn't impressive... G3, on the other hand, I can see lots of things I can tell there's a very good chance I'll like. The new, much improved character system, the drama between orcs and humans, and so on. With Oblivion, on the other hand, we get their lameo idea of their 'dialogue minigame'. That's enough to make my skin crawl.
  13. Buffy, and Angel are two of the best tv shows ever. Once More With Feeling, and Angels' 'counterpart' when he became a puppet are the signs of their greatness. I didn't hear one song I disliked in OMWF. That's pretty impressive in its own right.
  14. I'll buy Gothic in February. Hopefully G3 can win me over. It looks like it will be great, and a much needed improvement over the earlier two which had potential but ultimately failed. Surely beats the horrid, unredeemable ES series. That's for darn sure. GO GO3 GO!
  15. Picking up my pre ordered copy of NHL 2007 (PS2) in 30 minutes! I got it for free (actually traded in 3 old games)!
  16. "vol and visc should get their own forums. " Troll!
  17. No. NWN rules all, and soon NWN2 will too!!!!
  18. So.... The lesson is make a Big Stink tm about the Man tm screwing you, and you'll get your way!! Be quiet, and get nothing!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Another. win. for. the.best. game. ever. NWN. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. "But the trailer didn
  20. Agreed. That was a silly worry to begin with. Perhaps, they woke up, and realized they were throwing away 'free' money even if the PMs don't sell lots, and lots of copies. PMs were *never* a threat to NWN2, and if they were that says more about NWN2 than anything else. Horsies are fully rideable, I believe. The trailer shows the PC riding one. It actually looks impressive.
  21. I believe so. You take part in a jousting tournament. Check the features list in link!
  22. http://store.bioware.com/products/wyverncrown.html Trailer, and features to eb found there. Shocking... I thought PMP was cancelled. What Bizarro world are Atari (and BIo too) living in!?! They better release aCD collection of this, Pirates, and Dunegons for meeeeeee!!!!!
  23. Volourn


    It's more likely than me learning how to type.... :ph34r:
  24. The Island - Fun action movie. Not as preachy as its subject matter could have made it (still preachy though). Solid alla round acting that upped its quality. P.S. 12 Monkeys was a cool movie. :cool:
  25. Volourn


    "This past year it was 450k I believe." So, more than a few rookies, get double the minimum simply based on potential? Anyways, yeah, the Islander Gm and DiPietro screwed up big time here. Afterall, how is DiPietro gonna feel 5 years from now *if* (a big *if*) he's considered one of the top 5 goalies in the NHL, and he's stuck with a 'meaisly' 4.5 mil per year while his fellow great goalie cohorts are signing deals for 6 mil+? L0LLERZ! I know how? He's gonna wnat a rengotaions. And, how are the Isles gonna feel if he gets injured, and has to retire after 5 years? Gonna whine to their insurance company. That's how. L0LLERZ! Dummies.
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