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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. V For Vendetta - Overrated. The main character is a retard. Pathetic. If it wans't for Natalie Portman doing an awesome acting job, I'd have thrown this in the trash. Some of the other actors did a greta job too. V was a bit more toelrable as the movie went on (still bad though); but at the start he was so annoying I nearly shut the movie off in disgust.
  2. "There are rarely points in JE where you stop to think, or you stop to wonder, or to feel dilemma" I have never played the game that makes me do this. Not one.
  3. "I hope that they just not stick with pure verbal options, but also options which will involve physical actions like grabbing someone at the collar and shake the info out of him" One of the main examples is of the main character pulling out his gun, and sticking it in the face of the bartender as he demands answers.
  4. FO took les than 20 hiouyrs. How can anyone take 60? WOWSERS! Heck, even FO2, whcih is substantially longer than FO1 was 30-40 hours taking your time. JE took me 25-30 hours. Anyone who finishes JE in under 20 hours obviously ddin't try to experience the game; but rushed through it. I could see even 15 hours udner certain circumstances; but unde rthan that, you are simply lying or it's your 2nd+ time through and you are just rushing through.
  5. "If it was in fact done bad, would you critize your beloved Bioware?" No. Everyone knows I have, and will never criticize BIO. Never. You will never find one post out of my thousands of them on any interent board ever criticizing BIO in ANY way. Not even once. Not even by accident, or a moment of weakness. Everyone knows I believe BIO is perfect, their games are perfect, they are gods. Period. "And from what I can tell, you don't get to play your own character either, but rather Commander Shephard." You shoudln't discuss games you know so little about espicially ones thata ren't released yet. There are three things that you cna't choose about your characetr in ME: 1. Last name. 2. You are a commander. 3. Race. You are human. You even get a choice of background (along with the usual stats, sex, first name, skills, etc.) much like DA has planned (and NWN2 as well to a lesser degree).
  6. Benchwarmers - Better than it ought to be. Some of the characters were simply beyond irrating; but a lovely dovely sports film. She's All That - Some of the acting was over the top; but I overall enjoyed it. Amanady Bynes makes a beautiful young woman, and a very scary man. Too bad she's too young for me, and I'm a pig for even looking at her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  7. I'm iffy on BIO's plan for their dialogue wheel, and keeping the actual content of the words secret from the player. That sounds silly. Hmmm. However, from what I've seen and heard of Oblivion's 'dialogue system'; it's just friggin' lame. The mini game is retarded, and has no soul. If done right, ME's dialogue system might be really good. Done poorly, it might be really bad...
  8. "I never used transformation styles." You should. They're pretty cool. the Jade Golem is over powered though. Hopefully, for the PC buyers' sake (and in anys equel) they rebalance it. "Of course, I finished the thing in one day and gave it back to the DVD store, so." You must have over half the day, and skipped most of the dialogue (or skimmed really, really fast).
  9. "then why was it initially marketed as "Only for XBOX!" when they started it's campaign? they knew that the pc version was going to come out eventually why not just market it normally?" Ask the marketing people. But KOTOR was always designed with a xbox/PC dual release. Unlike JE, a PC version was announced when the game was announced. JE was a true exclusive by design.
  10. BIO has no comment. MS says yes. It should be noted, however, that BIO has an unannounced xbox 360 action RPG in the works listed on their site...
  11. "I expect the sales for JEPC to outnumber the mere 600k in Europe alone. " That was about 6 months ago. It's been like 9 months since. I'd be shocked if JE sold over 600k copies in Europe over 6 months time or even a years time.
  12. "(damn console-exclusive deals *grumbles*GTA*grumbles*)" KOTOR didn't have a 'console exclusive' deal. It came out a few months after simply because it wans't ready yet. JE was a xbox exclusive. Still, no exuse, BIO supposedly has this mass of PC focused fanbase... where were they when KOTOR PC came out? I know where. Playing KOTOR on xbox mostly. LOL "They don't have to go through the entire development process again would they?" No. And, sure they won't have to sell as many copies; but I'd be surprised if they sell even half the console version. JE is over a year old. Most of those who really wnated to play it have alreayd played it most likely.
  13. "Note "near invinvible". We can mention in that case (quick grasp first 2 acts); Vampires (gas when dead... kind of sucks... no XP) Thaxll'ssillyia (altough you could level up and then kill him...) The Eyeless One Some Golems I think... (atleast I never found out how to kill 'em and they SUCK) Kangaxx (altough the Ring of Ram + Calysymar (or whatever that +5 Two-Handed Sword was called) nicked him)" Outside of Kangaxx, nope, you are wrong. And, even Kangaxx, it wasn't limited to one way way to kill him. Weak, weak, weak examples. I'll give you Kangaxx, and that's it. Barely.
  14. Whatever JE actually sold on console; I have very little doubt it will have less sales on the PC. L0llerz! Great goin' 'PC fanbase!'! Where were you when the KOTOR console version CRUSHED its PC counterpart?!?
  15. JE bombed! Why would 2K waste time, effort, and money in publishing a game that bombed on consoles!?! Are they so arrogant they think they can out market MS? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLIPOP
  16. "BG2 does it all the time..." Really? ALL THE TIME?
  17. RV - Meh. I Will Always Know What You Did Last Summer - Uhuh. Passably watchable. Deritve, and below par acting.
  18. "It's not falsifiable!!" Except he's side stepping the actual question. The question was never "prove that microsoft isn't planning on making je2?"; but "prove that MS was dissapointed in JE2's finanical performance" or "prove that MS wasn't interested in a JE sequel.". The article I linked to shows that the likelyhood of MS being dissapointed in JE is rather low, and that they *are* interested in a JE sequel.
  19. "The only character that should be unkillable in a game is a vital npc that is part of the story" Disagree. In an ideal world, no NPC should be that 'vital' in a RPG.
  20. Read the question, and answer AGAIN.
  21. Alanshu admits to trolling!!!!
  22. Seriously, folks, as funny as the whole 'Werewolf ate Hades for lunch' shtick is funny; it's beyond played out. That said, I'm the last person to talk about 'shticks' being played out' so keep it up! :D
  23. "oh come now. that is hardly an announcement o' a sequel. microsoft is in contact with bio regarding the possibility of a sequel... somehow that became a sequel in vol mind? no wonder you gets so tweaked." I never said that particular link was the announcement. I used that link to rpove that you didn't even try to find anything about MS and their thoughts on JE, JE2, or whatever. What that link proves is that that MS though JE was anything BUT a failure, and have every intention of having a JE2. Read the question, and answer AGAIN. Please. P.S. I'm not gonna spend x amount of time to find one partiuclar article for you. I did more than enough already to squash the idea that MS felt that JE was a failure.
  24. After 2 seconds I found this. Not the article, I referred to earlier; but one that should (but, won't, I know) let you know that you simply don't know what youa re talking about. Link: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/619/619046p1.html Quote: "IGN: There was an interview on Xbox.com with you about a month ago, and you said that in the future, yes, Microsoft would see sequels to the best sellers -- Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Project Gotham Racing, and Fable. Are you working with those developers right now on sequels on Xbox 360? Shane: Yes. All of those. We have nothing to announce right now, but what I said in that interview still holds true going forward, which is that I think customers of those franchises can absolutely look forward to seeing them on the Xbox 360." Game over, man. Game over.
  25. LOL My horrible typing strikes again. HAHAHAHAHAH! Leak is supposed to be link. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!
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