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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "it certainly isnt the holy grail of roleplaying." Sure it is. Unlike PST. R00fles!
  2. Because, it's the BIO game whose quests had the most possible solutions. In fact, very few quests or interactions (beyond the usual one liner placeable npcs) had at least two different outcomes or at least ways on how the PC could react. Plus, despite being an 'action game'; it (to me) felt like it has less combat per foot than other BIO games and it was very rare to have simply frivilous combat just for the sake of it. The vast majority of the combat in JE had to do with the actual stories, plots, and drama going on.
  3. You mentioned an 'oppurtunity'; they didn't have that oppurtunity. Making an 'FPS with stats' likely wasn't even on their radar. Action RPG it is!!!
  4. "Bioware has a great oppurtunity to make a great FPS with RPG-elements," No. ME was never meant to be an FPS. It's an Action RPG where the number one focus is the RPG elements with 'actiony' combat thrown in. Game over.
  5. FO2 was awesome. Don't diss this excellent game!
  6. "Gee, thanks for the spoiler." the game is like 5 years old, and it's been talked about to detah. It's no spoiler, you silly goose!
  7. Why would you bench him now when he had a pretty good game with 2TDs and no picks. The team is 11-3, and is a smuch as I have loved pickin' on him; this game shows he doesn't deserve to lose his job... yet...
  8. "We could get a Jade Empire or we could get a Baldur's Gate. Without having played the game, I don't see how we could say with absolute certainty that Mass Effect is going to continue Bioware's recent slump (if we consider KOTOR to be of lesser quality than earlier offerings, which I think is safe) We can still be surprised." JE is their best ROLE-PLAYING game so I wouldn't call it a 'slump'. R00fles!
  9. Even full heals? if so, can't help ya. Did you try 'chetaing'; by prebuffing before the fight or does the cutscenes inbetween remove all buffs? If not try yoruy character if a spellcaster (or Elanee as I think she offers to fight for you, I think or is that Shandra) and cast hold type spells since his will save isn't that impressive. That way, you cna hold him for rounds on end. Heh.
  10. I have no clue. It gets to the end of the install process, and then brags about some sort of error. Kinda funny since while I played the game I hardly had any bugs at all. *shrugs*
  11. Hmm.. he was easy and I used Kheglar whose as combat orinted as a character can be. Just hack away, and run around in circles while he chases you. Don't eb afraid to drink healing potions. This is one of (ok only place) where I felt the need to drink 2 heal potions.
  12. Roshan, that's a silly reason. You aren't gonna 'recover' your money no matter how mcuh you whine on the baords. If that was the case, i might as well go over to the ES series and start whining about those games. But, I don't, because duh duh duh; I don't liekt hsoe games and no matter how much I whine it's not gonna make me like them any more, make any one like them less, or 'recover' my money. Youa ren't accomplishing *anything* by going on, and on, and on about how crappy you think NWN2 is. Believe me, if anyone has any right to whine about beings ceewed by NWN2 it's me since the game no longer wnats to install. R00fles! Sand, Roshan has his own problems to deal with plus liek you said, you've been more relaxed of late. Youa re cool either way to me. :joy:
  13. R00fles? :crazy:
  14. So, how many times did you play NWN1 OC and how many posts and threads did you make for it? Makes. no. sense.
  15. They've expalined why theya re using just the one characetr mdoel in the demo videos. They'r eusing the character to pimp the game much like, say, Aribeth was used to pimp NWN or that one male character was used to pimp JE. They wnat it so when player sees 'Commander Shepard'; they know what game it's about. "JE having 3 per gender (each of which was tied to a certain character type)" No. No, they weren't. Character model had nothing to do with 'character type' in JE. None whatsoever.
  16. Pop, may I ask what game you think this thread is dedicated to? Your assumptions are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy offffffffffffffffffffffffffff....................
  17. No. I've never been tried for beingw rong. That's a overreaction to someone being wrong, right? Put them on trial. WOWSERS! And, I might be wrong from time to time. Shocking, I know. However, whether he's nice or not is irrelevant. I'm definitely right on that issue. As for where you met him (back seat of a car?); I guess I could be wrong since I wans't there. *shrug* P.S. I kiddin' 'bout 'back seat of car' so please don't get the panties in a twist. Deal?
  18. Everything but last name (Shepard), race (himan and that he's a commander. Gender, appearance, stats, abilities, class(es), even background are all player chooseable. Also, it's been confirmed that the game will have multiple endings and ME1 will be the first BIO game where you can continue playing after you 'finish the game'. Actually, it was 'confirmed' in an interview earlier; but I (and others) somehow missed it. Heh.
  19. Ok, you met him. At a autograph signing. Talk about a time for him to PCness. Heck, TO whose had his shar eof trouble is often labeled nice by many people around the league. So has Vick. *yawn* And, again, him being nice or not means nothing here, imo. Congrats to LT for being one heck of football player!!!
  20. Oh? We're playing this game now? BL - 8 F02 - 9.5 BG1 - 9 KOTOR - 7.5 PST - 8.2 BG2 - 9.5 Arcanum - 8.5 TOEE - 6 FO1 - 9 JE - 9 KOTOR2 - 7.2 NWN2 - 7.7 NWN1 - 7.5 G3 - 7 (final rating may drop or increase if I ever bother to play it again) ES series games - 3 or lower
  21. "One could almost go as far as claiming the story to be a complete ripoff from Vandread." Eh? The basic premise of ME is as old as time. It's not original; but I think it's rather hard to point out something specific that it's 'ripping off'. That's silly talk. "In a more traditional conversation system, the acting takes place in the players head." Eh? I'm iffy of this new dialogue system myself; but that's a silly reason to dislike or be ary of it, imo. It's no different than normal BIo dialogue since even there the character will never get to say exactly what they want to say anyways. The one positive here is that at least the player's intent can be more in tuned. Still, I perosnally prefer seeing exactly what my character is gonna say even if it's not soemthing i'd 100% exactly say that. Acting in one's head? What the heck is that supposed to mean? And, don't use the cop out of 'player imagination' because if you will; I'd have to suggest go back to playing pnp since the whole point of playing video games vs. pnp is being bale to see your character ons creena cting things out (hopefully with as much direction from the player as possible since it is a RPG).
  22. 7.5. About the same as NWN1 OC; because while it's more 'fun' during the first play through; there is very little motivation to replay it. And, right now, I'm ticked off as I had uninstalled and tried to reinstall it and the game won't allow it so I cna't even enjoy user made mods and pretend work on my module. R00fles!
  23. How do you know he's nice? :crazy: Still, congrats to him in his achievement, and it doens't matter if he's nice or mean.
  24. "Why am I so sure that this happened in America?" You're a bigot? :crazy:
  25. "I just found the constant media talking head man-love for Romo really irritating." True; but the media is always like that. To them, it's always overbaord. X guy sucks big time, or is the best ever. There's rarely an inbetween. Your example of Vick from earlier this year further illustrates. Heck, my Giants are the samne thing. When they started 1-2, it was 'Giants are horrible', then they won't 5 in a row 'best team in NFC', then 4 losses 'horrible, horrible', and because they won last night 'they can catcht he Cowboys b/c the Cowboys had one bad game'. It's annoying. Darth: LOL Lone: Fans are scum. Let's just admit that. Want more evidence: fans booing Garcia because he didn't become a cripple a week ago, fans throwing things at players, fans shouting racist, and other extremely dergoatory remarks at players, etc., etc. Fans are scum. Paying money to watch players playing a game as yiou say doens't make it right to DEHUMANIZE another human being. A waiter gets paid to wait tables; it would not be tolerated if a customer treated them like trash either - at least not in any respectable restaurant.
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