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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    "Why doesn't anyone like Nedved?" I do. Which probably explains whye evryone here hates him. "That's the bitter Oiler fan in me lashing out at Nedved for bailing on us last time around." Wrong. the Oilers, and their fans bailed on him. They have a history of doing so. Why is it 99.9% of the time the player who gets the blame when the employer-employee relationship goes bad? That's silly talk. P.S. Rangers win their second straight! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
  2. Best to complain both. It's both their product, and both their responsibility. That said, KOTOR2 (last time I played which the first and only time) was rather stable for me including the ending. It had its share of weaknesses though; but still a fun game. Both LA, and Obsidian should be proud in delivering a quality, award winning, best seller to us fans! Good job! :joy:
  3. Volourn


    "And the Rangers have what, one win in their last five?" Is that the best you got? The Ranger ssuck so it's ok for the Oilers to suck too? L0L
  4. Volourn


    "And when was that last time that Edmonton won a game?" Since Pronger was an Oiler. Ok, ok. I kid, I kid. :D :D :D :crazy: :crazy:
  5. There are ties in football. There were ties in hockey until a few years ago. I believe soccer in NA has ties as well.
  6. Even though it pains me in some ways, I have a funny feeling the Giants will manage to sneak past Philly and then get blown out in 2nd round. Indy over KC - KS will crush Indy's run defense; but Manning will refuse to lose in the first round. Dallas over Seattle - minor upset; but only if Romo actually passes to the best reciever in the league known as T.O. NE over NYJ - NE has too much play off experience to lose in the first round this time. NYG over Philly - Surprise pick; but Philly will have a bad game finally. This will likely svae that idiot's job to my shagrine. Chicago over NYG- To cap a disasterful year for me, Grossman outclasses Eli just so K can have the last laugh. L0LLERZ! Dallas over NO - Again, T.O. will beat Brees if his QB actually passes to him when it matters. SD over NE - NE's time has passed. SD with their RB will just crush 'em. Indy over BAL - Baltimore is a very good team. pretty much underrates despite their work; but I think Manning will find a way to beat a great defensive team. Dallas over Chicago - Chicago has the defense; but Romo + T.O pretty much is too much for Grossman to handle. SD over Indy - I hope for Indy to win because Manning deserves a SB; but quite frnakly; their rund efense just plain sucks and that simply spells doom against the top running back. SD over Dallas - Again, I'd want T.O. to win just so all his whiny detratcors can cry some more; but sadly; SD is simply the better team. So... The team with the best record will win the SB.... even though, I don't care for them much...
  7. I used to read them a lot in school. Good fun.
  8. "Yes, mommy." You've been nice in this thread. I think she was referring to my buddy Alanshu and myself. :D "Majority." Nope. The facts don't bare that out. Sorry. the truth often hurts. "Lets just stick to playing what is fun." Eh? I cna't speak for Alanshu; but I do find this *fun*. R00fles!
  9. Your point? :crazy: If you cna't see a connection between your line about BL and JE as well as your silliness in calling BIO and MS liars than so be it.
  10. Hey, I'd buy a sequel despite my complaints. I did enjoy BL, overall. Espicially B00BIES!!! Of course, we're likely in the minority which is why a sequel is not being made.
  11. "Not really. You just suddenly brought it back up. I made no comment about Jade Empire, but you felt it prudent to bring it up again. I suspect you'll continue to do so, regardless of whether or not other people respond to you" If you can't see the connection between what you wrote about Troika/Activision's possible expecations with BL along with how hypocritical of you to try to whitewash BIO/MS's expecations for JE then you ar ehaving a ahrd time connecting dots. You wrote, IIRC, the following: "True. If Troika/Activision only expected 50k sales (unlikely) with Bloodlines, then you could easily argue it was a success." Clear cut connection. Just because you didn't write JE in flashy colours doesn't mena there is no connection. Also, if you ntoiced, I hadn't brough tup JE since like page 12. I will costantly use it whenever it is RELEVANT to what I am replying to. "Why do you care so much?" Why do you, Grom, and others care so much? It seems you despertaely need to prove that JE was a failure. That must expalin why that thread wa sso long and you still are going on about how much a fialure it is yet depsite your BL 'expecations' remark. *shrug* Raven: R00fles! Sand: Sand wins.
  12. Not until you guys either bring prove that MS and BIO are lying, admit you are wrong, or let the issue die. Afterall, it takes more than one to keep topics going. R00fles!
  13. "True. If Troika/Activision only expected 50k sales (unlikely) with Bloodlines, then you could easily argue it was a success." Yup. It's too bad certain people cliam that JE was a failure despite both MS and BIO stating otherwise. You'd think they'd know how many copies they figured they'd sell. R00fles! "must have many personalities, more than hades! first yo say a game is good, later on you say it not so good. make up ur mind buddy." My mind hans't changed. At all. My opinion has been rather consistent. The game has changed. R00fles! "As difficult as it might be to read, Volo, I haven't read one post in your NwN2 topic." Rumours, myths, and innuendo!!!
  14. "must admit I have trouble keeping up with your mood swings, Volo." Why? How is it confusing? My feelings about KOTOR2 has NEVER changed; and my reasons for my 'change of heart' in regards to NWN2 should be quite clear by now. R00fles! And, yeah, both KOTOR2 and NWN2 are successes sales wise. That isn't shocking. Sequels to already successful games tend to do that. D0uble R00fles!
  15. "I don't think it's so easy to find another developer who can create atmosphere as good as VtM:B, for example - that really could have been as big a hit as Kotor. So it's a shame that Atari couldn't knuckle down and do what needed to be done to help Troika release their game in good condition - that would have been the win-win scenario." Atari had nothing to do with BL, and the Troika game they did published lacked any worthwhile atmosphere. BL, on the other hand, was a good game that should have been rgeta if it wasn't for crappy combat and bugs up the wazoo. Don't forget that Atyari gave Troika TWO extensions, and Troika played tiddlywinks (or didn't) depending on who you ask with BL. As for Obsidian. i have compalints about KOTOR2; but overlal it was a good game. About equal with the original. With NWN2, I had a favorable first impression; but for me perosnally now; the mere mention of NWN2 disgusts me.
  16. "I'm just saying that if you get into bed with a Creative outfit you need to be willing to put up with a certain degree of weirdnesss as teh price of their excellence." No, you don't. Not when you are a publsiher who can just find an equally talented developer house who can make a quality game that won't turn off gamers including the actual intended target. If, as TOEE (and POR2 too) proved... if you can't sell a turn based D&D game based on popular modules/old games to its actual fanbases then perhaps the problem is the game's quality; not the customer base or the publisher. not counting the first couple of weeks/firts month where the stupid D&D fanboys like myself who pretty much buy the majority of D&D games no matter what. Espicially since Atari has actually published successful D&D games. Go figure. *shrug*
  17. Volourn


  18. Way to go Tiki! Do niothing for weeks on end, and then actually try for one game so people will remember you as a 'hero'. Where was this effort previously? Damn. Part of me still hopes Coughlin gets canned. Worst. coach. ever. Pisses off of his player sdue to HORRIBLE coaching than uses a scapegoat, and pushes a greta player into retirement. HAHAHA! He probably played Tiki to actually play with some drive just so he could look like a 'genius' for making the coaching change. NEWSFLASH: This game had nothing to do with any coaching chnage. It ahd to do with Barber basically kickin' butt. Gah.
  19. Someone should look in the mirror.
  20. "given the half finished but high quality elements" The problem is that some of the elements in Troika games ar ejust plain crap. Not half finished, or unpolished. Just plain, old fashion crap. Atari could have given Troika another 2 years on TOEE, for example, and it still would have had a crap story, horrible npcs, worthless role-playing (though it *did* have role-playing), etc., etc...
  21. SS is QA IIRC. You know, that super duper uncomparable, unimaginable, horrible, awful, most difficult job in the world... according to you, at least.... :joy:
  22. "meh... the country he used to rule has decended into anarchy. Personally I'm not sure if we're better off with, or without him in charge." Oh, please. When Saddam first got into power in Iraq; Iraq was one of the mosta dvanced Middle Eastern countries. By the end of his rule, the country was one of the least advanced. His rule was rather poor. The country was/is better off without him. There would have been likely no war with Iran, Kuwait (lol), and the two other wars as well if Saddam was anything resembling a good ruler. "It will, however, stir up more ethnic violence." Nonsense. It might be used as an 'exuse'; but it would do anything of the sort. Those committing 'ethnic violence' don't need any more excuses. They have enough - they hate each other. Saddam Hussein's execution won't chnage this either way. "It's also a great example of how the Shi'ite community isn't in any way above their Sunni neighbors, what with that mockery of a trial and all..." Yeah. A trial that finds the obvious guilty guilty is a mockery, and putting to death someone who has mass murdered thousands if not millions (depending on what numbers you believe) is somehow considered immoral? LMAO
  23. P.S. I don't go off on my 'JE defense'; I get off on it. R00fles!
  24. Grom's sig sums it all up.
  25. "and vol is again comparing xbox to pc... not same. don't go off on your je defense again." The facts defend JE just fine. The fact that it is even coming to PC shows that JE was successfule nough to warrant a rerelease. And, MS 9though BIO denies it) has already announced a sequel. *shrug*
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