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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Meta and others have it. That's where. Or they did. They likely deleted it by now. Hehe.
  2. "Actually I was referring to Grom's post, not yours." I know. I was suggesting leaving him to his fun. He ain't hurtin' anybody. "well, no doubt vol's imagined module is chock full o' role-play goodness." Nope. I need a spellchecker 'cause I often can't spell R00fles! right. R00flas! "Nah, you really need a proofreader for your text." Heh. That, and finish it. But, I just might release it so instead of hearing about it not being finished, I coulkd instead hear about teh evils of releasing something 'unfinished' just like the professionals!!!! p.s. Grom: I know it's easier to label soemthing than to think; but you don't nesseccarily need ADD to not finish soemthing. Spagehtti for thought.
  3. Umm.. yes. Don't ruin Grom's fun. If that's the way the module is. That's the way the module. Grom is a lawyer who cna beat the crap out of anyone. He knows all. P.S. The patch looks good. I won't touch it 'til it's final though... My major problems with NWN2 started when I downloaded that one beta patch thouygh I think there isn't a connection. Heh.
  4. Yup. You know my module perfectly! Awesome!!!! Every second word is R00fles! HAHAHA!! It's not subtitled 'The Roofler' for nothing.
  5. Iraq was confirmed to have WMDs. That was the whole reason why they were ordered to destroy them. LOL It would seem odd for the Un to order Iraq to destroy soemthing they don't have or for Sadda, to admit to having them. Not to mention the fact Iraq has used WMD so it is a fact they had them. As for the topic, it's an odd way to go about spying on your neighbour. While it seems silly for Kanada to spy on the US and vice versa. I'm sure they both do it as a matter of course.
  6. btw, I think I know what the problem with the tilesets are. In the tiles folder, they all show up as baisclaly white spots while the overland area stuff look like they do in the toolset in their folder. So, it seems, for whatever reason, my tileset folder is corrupted/fubared/whatever. I don't know how though... Sand: yeah; but I'd rather do a whole new module so I can take advanatge of the the new dialogue/scripting power. Plus, I don't want to repeat myself. I like new stuff... and, besdies, I need to finish it first, anyways. Heh.
  7. If I ever get the silly interior tilesets to show up; I'd be making a whole new module for NWN2. A rather short one though, and more combat focused than my NWN1 module in question. I'm still working on the Witcheta module which has lot sof combat if you choose; but has lot and lots of dialogue, and is definitely role-playing/story focused. L0L I suck at finishing it. It is pretty far along... :crazy: But, I'm not gonna redo it for NWN2 even if (and I hope I do) finish it.
  8. HAHA! Love that screenshot. The eyes say it all.
  9. Hehe. Like the pics... but, they do dance well.. like, anyone, training and desire is the key...
  10. No. Using that logic he'd have used them in the Gulf War against the evil US... but, he didn't... *shrug* His war plan consisted of hoping the US and allies would buckle udner other countries' pressuring them.. He played the Blinking game... and, he lost...
  11. Yes. yes, they do. In fact, it's a honoured career choice in dwarven cities. Did you read the Complete Book of Dwarves?
  12. "vol never did nothing useful with old nwn toolset, so why he is interested in new nwn toolset?" None of your business. L0LLERZ I use it to jerk off to the sexy dryad models. R00fles! "Actually, I beta-tested his module and it was pretty good." Nah. if it was good, it be released instead of inlimbo. Perhaps, to show Grom wrong, I could release it as is. LOL And, then i can say i released soemthing. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  13. "3) The engine doesn't support climbing but could it be implemented through a dialogue window (as in Prelude to Darkness and the upcoming Age of Decadence)?" Sure. Just uses scripts ala NWN1.
  14. btw, I should point out some stuff. When i create an area, I choose interior yet all the property tabs are still set to exterior for that area. The tiles button on the mains creen does nothing either. R00fles! It's like, accoridng to my toolset, tiles simply don't exist...
  15. "However, Iraq was more stable when Saddam was in lead" No, it wasn't. If it was, Saddam wouldn't have lost control over a large part of the country. he didn't even rule over the Kurds, anymore. He was in constant fear of assassination so much he constantly used body doubles. The country was not stable. At least not under my defintion of stable. Think of the state of No while Katrina was going on, and that's what iraq reminded me of under Saddam.
  16. Didn't move the tab as I just reinstalled the game after a month of trying to. The tile tab simply isn't there not even where the 'help file' or the guide says it should be. it's weird ebcause it was so easy to find when i first got the game. It's also funny because some of the stuff I complained about eralier ar enow not as annoying.. but, this is. It has to be a bug. LOL A whole subsection - espicially an important one like tiles - cna't simply vanish.. can it? Hmm.. Thanks for the effort.
  17. So weird. When i first got the game, I found the tiles within seconds... Now, they vanished. I'm in the tooslet now.. in blueprints.. and nothing. got itesm through prefabs and that's it... urgh.
  18. Eh? I checked every tab.... Unless there is a secret one... which I won't rule out. It must exist somewhere...
  19. Yeah. But, that's the same excuse Sony is using. That's the advantage of having a head start. That's one of the main reasons why Sony one the last generational war - they had a head start on the competition.
  20. R00fles! I *finally* got the game to install. However, my toolset has no interior tilesets available. None. zero. Zilch. Nadda. What the heck? That was the whole reason for me wanting to reinstall the game. R00fles!
  21. "Just because they are playing it doesn't mean they are out buying their own. The instances I have heard about have been at family gatherings, which require only 1 Wii to be present" So, in reality, the 'non gamers' playing the Wii are irrelevant to the competition between the Big Three. They reallya rne't adding much to sales then. "Its outselling PS3 in Japan which in turn tromping all over the X Box 360 over there." And? Japan is only one market. XBOX 360 is still outselling them overall. And, PS3 isn't that far behind consideirng the limnited number actually shipped and its price.
  22. Yup. Saddam, and his cronies DESTROYED Iraq. His decisions caused Iraq's downfall; not someone else's decision. His decision to go to war with Iran, his decision to treat fellow Iraqis as dogs, his decision to spend money on himself instead of infrastructure, etc., his decision to invade Kuwait, his decision to break UN Resolutions, his decision to play games with the Oil for Food program, his decision to play chicken with a super power. See the pattern here? It's obvious.
  23. "If that respect is unfounded or misplaced" That's the key. Coughlin simply doesn'td eserve the respect as a football coach. Like I said before, when you come in bragging about discipline and your team gets too many silly penalties there's somethingw rong your coaching. When you come in and start fining players because they were EARLY to a meeting; you lose credibility. "Volo, you sure love to defend whiny receivers." I defend humans from personal attacks thata re uncalled for. So what if r eceivers whine. It's not a big deal. All i gotta do is watch how Burress performed on Sunday, and nod my head when he demands the ball. I want the best team. And, a team is better when they have Burress on it. A coache's job is to deal with different personalities. if they can't handle it; that's their problem. What you guys seem to want are drones. Drones are boring. I watch football to watch HUMANS play their hearts out. That's what Burress, Shockey, and Owens signalfy for me. Espicially the latter two. "I still believe a coach needs to his players to fall in line." Absolutely. But, the coach needs to know how to get that done the proper way.
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