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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Heh. And. they had games out of order. the whole thing is dumb. Get over it. BIO is just a game company. Even if the Doomsday folks are correct, big deal. Move on. And, if they're wrong, big deal. Move on.
  2. Give me a friggin' break: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...16491&hl=en I hate fans, and customers! They are horrible human beings!
  3. This means very little, and the I N T E R N E T D R A M A is nonsensical as usual. It's real simple. if BIO makes games I enjoy, I buy. If they don't, I don't. Easy as 1-2-03. That goes for EA, that goes for Obsidian, and that goes for any other company. Duh.
  4. Rangers. My passes get intercepted all the time. It's annoying. If there's an opposing player inbetween, he will 99% of the time get the puck. If I try to skate by someone without a special deke move, he'll auto take /poke the puck away. And, i was edging towards respectability ther euntil the stupid foolishness started now my season is basically over. Heh. P.S. I always have manual aim on so that's not the problem though I tend to get outshot a lot because of giving the puck up trying to pass. On top of that, Lundqvist wa sinjured while I was foolishly fake simming the season so I got stuck with the back up (Montoya) in net during those games too. heh.
  5. Still playing NHL 08. On all star now which cna be hard. My record is messed up because of the anal way the game does auto saves. It's really easy for teh computer players to intercept passes/steal pucks, and the goalies are inept passers. Thanks to auto saving crappage and my foolishness of letting my curiosity of wanting to see results later on, I got some games that were auto played by the computer on my behalf. So, my record is a horrible 14-25-6, and am last overall. Before the auto crap, it wa sstill rather bad but improving at 10-15-3, and I'm 1-2 since the mess which means my own actual record is 11-17-3 while the computer was 3-8-3. Urgh!
  6. The Born Losers - Uneven but okay movie with some REALLY good acting, and some REALLY bad acting.
  7. "The problem is that the majority of those companies thinking that MMORPG's pull in the big bucks is that they are using World of Warcraft as an example." Nonsenical. There are a multitude of MMORPGs thata re financially successful without having WOW numbers. Don't be silly.
  8. I find it funny that people seem to feel that the Palestinians are 'owed' land that wasn't even originally theirs to begin with. R00fles! As for Prez Scumbag, the guy is nothing but The Chosen One for the people who have real power in Iran - The Ayatollahs of Rocknrollas. Some of the guy's views, and other nonsense include the below crap, and I'm sure there's disgusting stuff he is for/has done that i don't even know of: 1. Believes the Holocaust didn't happen or at least is a myth in how it did happen despite any credible proof. 2. Wants to eradicate an ENTIRE country. I repeat he wants to eradicate an ENTIRE country. 3. Is so delusional that he 'honestly' believes his country has NO homsexuals. Give me a break. You may be powerful due to the dictators backing your presidency; but even you don't have that kind of power, Dumbnuts. 4. Doesn't give a damn about Palestinians as evidenced by the refugess in iran thata re STILL in (concentration) camps and haven't been allowed to just live their lives in Iran; but are instead segrated and forced to remain poor and dependent on the Iran's government 'good graces'. 5. Full support of terrorists, and 'freedom' fighters going into Iraq and intervering in that country's battle to save itself all the while bashing the US for intervering in that country. Look into the mirror, Buddy. The list goes on, I'm sure... No justification for any of those to be sure.
  9. Gerber is EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well said, GMD. I just gotta say one thing. The poster Yuusha seems full of hate. So much so Yussha is basically dehumaning an entire country (even two). Gah. And, at that time, claims that it feels bad when it happens to Yussha' people. Look in the mirror. That's all.
  11. http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/mass-e...t/825047p1.html RACES!
  13. Combat looks good. My only complaints are the folks walk funny, and there seems to be some lag. No biggies. The graphics ok; but nothing special. The music, on the other hand, is very nice. Too bad I'm not into ordeirng stuff on line as I'd get this in a heartbeat...
  14. "I even consider the treatment the Jewish people receive in Iran is better than how the US government treats its black and Hispanic citizens." Please don't post delusional stuff. It's embarassing. Iran doesn't even treat its Muslim citizens cproperly let alone their Jewish ones. L0L Black and hispanic citizens in the US have 100% the same rights as their caucasion, asian, and even muslim citizens under the law and in practice. Of course, sadly, sometimes those in powers treat minorties wrongly; but if they get cuaght they usually don't last long. Some silly radio announcer even lost his job because he said some insensitive comments about a group of female blacks despite the country brags about free speech. Racism exists in the US; but it's highly frowned upon. Unlike Iran where racism, and bigotry is accepted and encouraged.
  15. In 2007, only cowards who have no negotiating skills to work with those of different opinions would want to secede from a realitively fee country. Those with guts *and* brains* would work within the country to change it - not take thier ball, and run away like wussies.
  16. Sounds cool. Haven't played MOTB yet to judge. From games that are going to be released before the due date it will likely (for me) be between MOTB, ME, and to a lesser degree The Witcher (if it atcually comes out), and FF12 (if it qualifies). Out of games I've actually played otherwise, TW and BS had the best story (but, I don't think either are worthy of consideration though). Chances are, however, that a mainstream game like Halo 3, Gears of Wear, or Bioshock will win it. HAHA!
  17. "I judge by the extremes." I'd say this is ridiculous; but it's just so Sand, and it's not based on logical or even morals at all. It's immoral and illogical to judge an entire group based on the extremes. People who do this are referred to as bigots, racists, sexists, etc., etc. R00fles!
  18. O RLY? Even with all the multiple soultions to quests? On the other side, it is kinda linear in the way of where to go next...
  19. "It's raining" R00fles! "My experiences with Two Worlds are vastly different from Volourns." Nothing wrong with that. I did ask for differing opinions. "The controls were clunky and it was difficult to a level which was absurd." I'm sure controls were different on PC; but xbox 360 controls weren't perfect. switching between spells, and special abilties took awhile to get used to for sure. Levelling seems easy as I'm level 23 in about 9 hours of play. That's pretty quick, and the pacing of gaining the levels is smooth. "Walking along the road only to get assaulted by 10-15 bandits every now and then (and each such fight was as tough as they come) is not exactly my idea of fun." Hmm.. My maximum number of enemies I've faced thus far is about half a dozen (I think 7 was the most). Best way to deal with numbers is attack for a bit, back off, heal quickly, and get back into it. Make sure you have decent health though. "What they did was throw in random old english words here and there, it just sounded so tupid and out of place)" Heh. I agree. The use of Olde Englishe was silly. It was so silly, and over the top that in the end it simply amused me with the absurdity of it. "My summary of it before was that I felt it took the worst design decisions made by Gothic 3 and Oblivion and combined them into one game, and I stand by that. So if one really liked both those games, maybe Two Worlds is worth checking out." I liked G3 well enough; but eventually got bored of it. I hate the ES series so much I didn't even bother with Oblivion. Coolio beaneos, good sir.
  20. You can change hair colour/style, face, body types (chest, arms, etc.). You can pretty much to do what you want, and go where you want (except a few places with factions but you can work your way in various ways). It's an Action RPG so most quests are solved by combat (but, not always). TW is the type of RPG where the focus is mostly on epxloration, and discovering the world as opposed to multiple solutions though again there is some. Character types do make a difference in how you approach encounters I presume, and you can deal with the npcs you meet in various ways.
  21. I have been playing Two Worlds for the past week on the xbox 360 (it is also on PC). It is described often as an Action RPG or by those who want to bash it as a Diablo or Oblivion wannabe. I have also been reading the reviews for it - both professional and random joe - and it's been mostly uniformly trashed. I don't get. I personally find Two Worlds to be a fun game. I have played it for about 10 hours (not counting reloads after death) with no end in sight. I'll explain why I like the game, and for those who have tried it or decided to avoid TW; and explaination is DEMANDED (ok, not really, just asked for) on why you hated it. Graphics: Solid. Nothing too fancy; but nothing out of the ordinary in awfulness for a game in 2007. The character/monster models look good, and the background scenary looks fine. Item icons look good for the most part except the really small things (plants and the like) because they're too small to really make out. 8/10 Music/Sound: The music is underrated. It fits the fantasy setting no doubt. The opening tune is pretty darn good as well. It kind of reminds of the Arcanum opening song in its effectiveness. Voice overs are okay ranging from horrible to good. Definitely not as bad as many claim; and I've definitely heard worse. Sounds effects are solid; but not really memorable. I love the way the main character often talks about what's going on including critical hits, day/night changes, seeing monsters on the horizon, and finding interesting new items, etc. 7.5/10 Character System: An awesome system. It has all the combat skills one would expect (weaponry, bonus damage, etc). plus some neateo ones including D&D stuff like knockdown, and balance (helps against knockdown). It even has some fun odd abilities like being able to kick the dust into enemies' eyes. Theres' even non combat skills like swimming, horseback riding (and combat skills to go with it), alchemy, and some others. Of course, it also has roguish skills like sneaking, thieving, and assassination (backstab).The only 'must have' RPG skills it is misisng are dialogue ones. Otherwise, awesome stuff with 30 or skills including 5 magic spell schools (basic ones like 4 elements + necromancy). You get 1 skill point per level (plus bonus one time to time based on quests, and achievements) to level up skills. Very nice, indeed. The spells are nice and range from damaging spells to summons to defensive type spells. The schools seem to be well balanced though I've only seriously tried the Air domain. Magic also works with boosters which can improve your spells' effectiveness. This makes spell work even cooler to take part in. The character has 4 attributes which are rather self explanatary (vitality, strength, dexterity, and willpower). You get 5 points to increase them each level so expect your mana and health to be really high (though monsters can hurt ya a lot). Items also play a huge part as well and will be explained later on. The travel system is pretty good with the choice of walking(duh!), riding the horse, and perhaps the best teleport/portal system I've seen in a game. Thumbs up there. Overall, like I said above the character system is amazing with lots of skills and abilities available lots of which have to be traind in by finding those willing to teach (get it by paying or completing quests). Very nice system. One of the best I've seen. Everything seems rather baalnced, and it only loses a point due to the lacking dialogue skills. 18.5/20 Role-playing: This is where TW is lacking, and is deserving in major criticism. There aren't usually, with some exemptions, different ways to complete quests. And, with no dialogue skills, there's not much differing the dialogue choices based on character. The SP game is limited by having to be male (for story purposes I guess *shrug*) The main saving grace here are the different factions that you can work with (or not work with). Your relationship with each one can limit or expand what you can or where you can go. Some examples include not being allowed to see the ruler of the area, or not allowed near the rebel leader, and even getting discounts from the merchant group. Overall, role-playing in TW is lacking; but it's there. 11.5/20 Story/World Setting/Characters: The story set up is rather basic. Your twin sister is kidnapped, and you are trying to find her. During that, you get roped into a large scale world effecting drama not to mention your family's history comes hack to haunt you. The world itself is HUGE with many towns, villages, and enclaves. The lore of the past dealing with the dwarves, barbarians, and others isa absolutely fanastic. One of the best parts of TW is learning about the world. The towns are varied nicely. The characters, for the most part, are basic townsfolk and guestgivers; but others are rather cool most notebaly a fellow you meet early on who has connections with those who kidnapped your sister.... The world in this game feels like a real world for the most part and is living/breathing. Creatures sleep at normal times, day/night cycles matter, and the law will punish thieves. Admittedly, some of the Olde dialogue stylings are so over the top I can't help but crack up while I roll my eyes at the absurdity of it all. L0L 9/10 Combat (everything that effects combat too like equipment): With a great character system, it is no doubt a great combat system follows. I enjoy TW combat. Early on, I found it challenging since TW doesn't pull punches as it is not linear at all, and you can go anywhere you want so be careful lest you go off the beaten path. Once you gain a few levels, and some nice stuff TW combat becomes much more manageable with most enemies/encounters not bothering you (like most games); but with a share of encounters that can be tricky including a certain beasty that can kill in one hit pretty much no matter what shape you in. I have encountered enemies like skeles, death knights (they love to disarm!), ghouls, ice orcs, dwarves (yeah, dwarves seem to be hostile as they aren't on friendly terms with the ever poaching humans, heh), ogers (ha!), as well as various animals. I have heard whispers of; but not seen stronger enemies like dragons though I have seen their bones. Combat is in real time; but character skill does play a huge role in things. Though, being able to dodge attacks, and learning how to manage large crows is a must. Really ahrd to stand to toe with enemy packs of 3+ until you get high level as you'd like be knocked around. Magic is useful espicially boosting and area attack spells. Summons I'm sure are useful too though I have yet to use them myself. Mana regenerates though I think it's too quick. Helath only regens when your weapon is sheathed and does so slowly so prepare to heal. Combat abilities are fun like knockdown, disarm, and the variant archery ones though I personally haven't tried them but seeing ane enmy archer shoot two arrows at me at one time cna be annoying. Heh. Using a horse in combat has its benefits too since a good trampling can instantly kill some baddies though, at times, a horse can be tricky to handle properly though it just takes practice to master. Awww.. Equipment. TW also shines here. Equipment is varied and and awesome. Combining weapons, and armour is terrific and makes it less likely for one to ignore the common weapons thata re found. A normal axe is wimy; but a normal ax combined to the that has been double up to the 5th degree can be rather useful espicially if you decide to imbue the weapon further with an elemenal damage gem. Add this on to the alchemy potions you can craft, and you got an item system that is very great and useful in combat. This makes looting and purchasing at the HUNDREDS of stores worthwhile. Some claim that TW uses scaling; but if it does it does so wisely more like NWN series than, say, the rumoured Oblivion method. Like I said ebfore, you can find really tough enemies like the cyclops at the start, and really easy enemies like wolves later on in the game. Items found in chests do seem to scale a bit to your level; but that seems reasonable in an exploration type Action RPG like TW. Overall, the combat, item, and scale system is terrific in TW. 18.5/20 Personal Bias: The more I think of it, I believe TW isn't just a solid bgame; but it's outright good. At least so far. Between the world setting/history, the character system, the fun combat, and exploration any flaws it may have (and it has a few) is well worth it. Some claim the game just plain sucks; but I believe they are wrong. They talk about things being unbalanced, buggy, a rip off of other games, and whatever; but I simply don't see it. TW is also a huge game. Some claim to have beaten it in about 20 hours or so; and if they ahve more pwoer to them; but I see me playing this game far beyond that. 9/10 Overall: 82/100 = 82% A good game that seems to get a lot of flack for reasons that escape me. Hmph.
  22. Two Worlds - a completely underrated game.
  23. "OMGZ we can also has powers and commandthings? This is so going to be best RPG ever" Lets' not forget the dialogue skillz...
  24. "Since that arbitrary year, how many difficult games have been released since then?" Probably the same amount per year, on average, as before that cut off date.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMRi8tYYnEs 'Nough said.
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