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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Why is Blizzard crying like babies? WAAA! A player spent money to get a character. Big deal. I say to WOW get over, and unban the guy. If somneone wants to spend 10k on it then go ahead. In fact, if Blizaard was smart they'd create prepackage characters and sell them for a profit for those who want it. That would stop this private market. But, no, they have to flex their pathetic muscles.
  2. Yes, yes you are. Jerk. P.S. I'll switch difficulty levels just to embarass you (okay, probably myself). HAHA!
  3. Heh. Weird. I must be incredibly lucky then. How's your season going?
  4. 16-10-4, 2nd in division, 3rd in conference (4th in rankings though). Middle of the road goals for wise, tops in GAA. My top scorer (my created player) is rnaked 12th in points with 36 points (19 goals, 17 assists). Jagr, and Drury have 33 and 30 points respectively. Lundqvist has 3 ShO, and my back up Montoya has 1 ShO (in 3 starts, heh). I'm 1st in power play, and last in penalty kill (time seems to slow down during power plays so a 2 mjinute power play is like 3 or so minutes in regular time). This is on Pro (the middling difficulty anyways). I am likely to move up to All Star soon. btw, Are injuries possible? I have injuries on, and at max yet I have 0 injuries...
  5. "And how many times has your backup goalie asked to be traded, Volo?" Once in about 30 games. I get about 1.5-2 penalties each game for and against.
  6. NHL 08 - Awesome. Best hockey game in years. Worst aspect is that to make the outcome reasonably realistic take playing 5 minute periods, and because of that penalties don't occur that often. Two Worlds - Not super; but a dcent action RPG. Heavy on the action. Good character system, and while the story is not original; it's at least interetsing. Music is top notch, and the voice acting is better than what some claim though it won't win no awards.
  7. Morgoth, it's not how long it'll take to develop for the PC; it depends on their contract with MS. With JE, they had IIRC a 1 year exclusive deal with MS. I don't doubt it's the same with ME.
  8. Got my new copy, and it is working... so far. I've alreayd played 20 games of my first season of franchise as the NY Rangers. I'm 11-7-2. I'm 2nd in the division, and 4th in conference (3rd in points though). I'm only playing 5 minute periods or else scoring, and shots would be ridiculous. Too bad, it's hard to get powerplays/penalties and get into fights. Game isn't super hard; but it has decent dififculty on pro (I'm gonna move up to all star soon) mostly because you cna't really control how good your goalie will be in a certain game... I'll probably check out the on line version tomorrow sometime.
  9. NHL 2008 mostly with some NFL 2008 thrown in. NHL 08 is the best hockey game in years.
  10. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24938.html These videos show gameplay, interrogations, combat, and choices of the game. ME is shaping up to be darn good. And, yeah, while the dialogue isn't Shakespearean, it easily beats most RPG writing that is for sure. Music, and graphics in the video are top notch as well. P.S. ME > KOTOR series P.S.S. BIO site has other links to ME hype as well.
  11. "Gee, I wonder why good ol' O'Reilly thinks there was any terrorist connections to Saddam's government prior our invasion?" gee, it's becaquse Iraq did have ties with terrorists prior to the invasion. NEWSFLASH: AQ is not the only terrorist group out there. imagine that! So, even if you say Iraq had *no* ties to AQ doesn't rule out ties to other terrorist groups. Gah.
  12. "so we can set up an Obsidian online league for hockey." I'll join once I exchange for a new copy tomorrow. R00fles!
  13. Bought the game on Friday. Pretty good, and a HUGE improvement over the past couple of years. It doesn't seem too hard. Not easy either. That said, I need to return the game to store for a new copy on Monday; because the CD is already scratched so badly, it can't load past the start screen. BOOO! I wanted to start a season...
  14. EA is awesome. They're a company that I am guarnateed to buy multiple games of this each year , and be satsified with 99% of them. They're also the only company that I've probably bought 100 or more games from. GO EA GO!
  15. That's good news even though injuries suck for those injured. Nobody deserves to suffer pain. But, anything that leads to a higher likelihood of the Giants having a bad season,a nd getting rid of Coach Trash gets the thumbs up from me. That is all.
  16. McDonalds is awesome. I have NEVER beccome sick when eating there. LONG LIVE MCDONALDS! This officer is retarded. That is all.
  17. People die all the time, I didn't know him or his music. So i'm supposed to feel bad because he was famous ? No, I think the point is that you're just not supposed to post about it at all. If someone holds a memorial service do you just walk up to the podium and say "I didn't know this guy, I don't care." This isn't a memorial service. It's a public message board. No comparison. If someone wants to start a thread here they can, and if someone want to respond they can. If someone I care about died, I wouldn't invite you guys to the service; but if I posted about it here, you'd have the right to comment about it in any way you want (within board rules, of course). That said, I'm no opera fan, but I liked Pavarotti's music anyways. So thumbs up to him for that.
  18. Yeah, they seem to happen more then they should. For both sides. Had about 6 total in each game I've played today, and they were 5 minute games.
  19. Bioshock, and Madden 2008.
  20. Got the game today. Played a little bit of it. It's pretty good consideirng the type of game it is. The earlier hype for it was big time misleading. Thankfully, threads like this fixes one's expectations so it cna be enjoyed for what it is not what it was thought to be. Best part of the game is the atmosphere plus the music. Combat is blaisse (very early though), and everything else is eh.
  21. I like reviews even when I ultimately disagree with me. Pretty much all reviews include facts about the game. And, reading someone else's opinions is cool whether it's 'prfoessional' or not. LONG LIVE REVIEWS! P.S. I have never been convinced to buy (or not buy) a particular game based solely on a review of any sort.
  22. That was months ago. I'm sure she hair now.
  23. Britney, despite her many personal problems, is an underrated singer. She has a great singing voice. That said, this particular song is below par. It's not completely horrible; but she's had much better.
  24. "Well, yeah, but is that gonna stop him complaining?" You win. That said, where is everyone getting this 'only 3' thing from? It's 2 seperate choices of background stuff so you have variant background combo checks. And, I'm sure it's used more than just at the start of the game. It's supposed to effect certain quests, too. You can choose your first name. P.S. Sand, xbox 360's price has lowered so buy it. You know you want to.
  25. "Huh? Who said that? Even the developers always claimed it's a FPS." Pletny of people. And, as for the devs, yeah I know BS was always a FPS; but I also remember bragging about its 'RPG elements'. No biggy anyways. I'm sure, and can see it has other good qualities. I'll likely pick it up next week along with Madden 2008, and reservation of my NWN2:MOB copy.
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