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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "They clearly had a better storyline than K1." No.
  2. Good retirement by a classy, and underappreciated hockey player. He's one of the best players to ever play the game - at least until concussions did him in. Eric won't make the HOF due to lack of games played, and to me that's a crying shame. Though, his two or so years with the Rangers didn't lead to any big success for the team (he played good for them though); I'm glad he finally managed to wear a Ranger uniform.
  3. Agreed. But, we're posting in 2007 and people were posting like it was 4 years ago.
  4. My chocie is to have thwe sword bearer back, and have advancement up to level 40. Also add more dwarven subraces like jungle dwarf espiciallyif Chult is the setting. Still, I wouldn't complain about a low level adventure. However, epic levels need more filling ala more epic and varied spells.
  5. "Its a console game, and a hand held at that. Who gives a crap about that? If they do someone's elses IP for the PC then you have ground to stand on, Volourn." Irrelevant to the convo. At least follow the thread before spouting off. Someone claimed that BIO had no interest in others' IPs. That is a myth. I pointed it out. What you posted is irrelevant.
  6. "Remember when K2 was first announced about four years ago? Remember the reason BioWare gave for not wanting to develop it themselves?" CODE WORDS: Sonic RPG
  7. "There is a reason there was no big Planescape module for NWN1 full of all of the custom content necessary for such a thing, and there is a reason there -will- be a big Planescape module for NWN2. The reason is the engine. It is emminently moddable, very modular and flexible, and strikes a great balance between the utilitarian and everyman nature of Aurora and the stringent technical challenge of Source or the UE engines. As I've said for 12 straight months and will continue to say, the value of the electron engine will be recognized in hindsight after folks take advantage of it for 5 years." The Aurora engine is moddable hence the reason why the Electron (graphics) engine even exists. People have done a lot of weird crap with it, and continue to do so. The reason why there was no 'big' PS module actually released it wa sbecuase nobody finished it. It ha snothing to do with the modability of the engine. Same, one way or another, of NWN2's version. I do agree that it is no POS. It's a good, solid engine.
  8. "Actually, that's fact." No, it's FICTION. Don't try to argue this as you'll just emabrass yourself. CODE WORDS: Sonic RPG.
  9. Then again, the old Atari bombed itself. Heh. This doesn't neccessarily mean the end of NWN2 expansions/support since those who own Atari/D&D license will still be in play.
  10. Talent enough to get you to buy their games. R00fles!
  11. "Bioware isn't interested in other IP's, true." FICTION.
  12. Just entered Ashenwood after dealing with other stuff. Used satiate after just leveling because I was down to 5 in the spirirt meter. Lost 5k xp; but R00fles! Am level 23 (9 Wiz/7 AS/ 7 RW) with Safiya, One of Many, and Gann in the party. Safiya is loveable, One is cool, and Gann is a whiny punk. Story is good thus far. I only have one major "bug", and that's the expansion crashing nearly non stop on loads creens on the world map/boat travel. I had to attempt repeatedly to reach the Coven, and Ashenwood. And, when I say repeatedly, I mean 10+. GAGGLESZ!
  13. IGMS isn't all thnat over pwoered. I've seen tons of enemies take it and keep on coming. It's only over pwoered if you rest after every battle and can spam it non stop - something you can't do in MOTB after chapter 1. P.S. I just entered Ashenwood so shhhhhh.
  14. Spirit Meter is annoying. I love the concept of the curse, and I like the diea of it being incorporated into the actual gameplay; but at times it seems random on how much it drains down. It's also odd that the energy can fall by tens of points while walking on the same map yet just fall a handful while traveling two days on the world map. L0L Not game breaking (they give you an auto out so nobody should die due to the curse); but not as fun as it could be though the concept is cool.
  15. LA owns the KOTOR IP. Both publishing and developing rights. They could choose to develop KOTOR3 on their own if they so wish (they nearly did on their own; but canceled it awhile back).
  16. "Basically, the act of announcing the team up is confirmation that they weren't teamed up already." Nah. Just because the official announcement came recently doesn't mean they weren't already teamed up. "so I am not sure that Bioware owns the rights to Kot0R, for I believe they sold the development of the franchise to Obsidian Entertainment." You believe wrong. BIO cna't sell the KOTOR rights to *anyone* as LA owns them. LA hired Obsidian to make KOTOR2 after BIO said no. BIO, on the other hand, does own the KOTOR series engine, and they licensed that to Obsidian/LA. LA cna pretty much do what they want with the KOTOR IP.
  17. "Fact: Bioware not interested in doing other companies single player IP games anymore" FICTION.
  18. It should be pointed out that the graphics aspect of both TW and NWN2 are ugraded so much that they are basically new (even so much so that Obsidian has a name for their version).
  19. But, it is. That's a fact. They both just have variations/updates/new graphic engines; but the engine is still Aurora. Hence why on the box of the Witcher it states - quite clearly - POWERED by Bioware's Aurora Engine. Game over.
  20. "They were absolutely right about MotB" Nah. According to them, MOTB is pretty much perfect, and anyone who doesn't think so are morons. P.S. I like MOTB good enough. It's a great expansion. Nothing more, nothing less. Theslug: I'll go into detail of The Witcher sometime in the next few days.
  21. Bought the game yesterday, and installed it today. Only played for like 5 minutes tops; but all I gotta say is: HAHA! AMNESIA! HAHA!
  22. Krookie is jealous. P.S. I'm playing NHL 08, and MOTB still. P.S.S. This is the first NHL game in awhile (well.. ever) that I can sadly proclaim I need a lot more practice before I cna get good on All Star level. BOOOOOO!!
  23. Osgood is very talented, and severely underrated.
  24. "One compound word: LucasArts One other: KotoR Two Bioware is not the Bioware from the BG era anymore. they have been sold, and now sold again. Their quality from the past can not be associated with this new entity. However, LA certainly does not a great track record when it comes to Q/A... thus IMO does not bode well." BIO, and LA have teamed up before, and their partnership did rather well. It's too early in the purchase for EA to make any major changes to BIO's business practices. BIO's quality for their agmes has ONLY gotten better as the years pass by. Espicially role-playing wise. P.S. JE > most BIO games.
  25. "Action Rpg is a fancy word for Hack and slash and their is a lot more to this game then that. It is a True CRPG with Action Elements." It's an Action RPG because it combines role-playing with action/real time combat ala the Gothics, JE, ME, and BL. The games you speak of our known as Action games. "When I play Gothic 3 it has NO loading times..?" Sure, it does. It may not have loadings creens; but it surely has loading times. You can easily tell this when the game pauses to load another section of a map.
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