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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Wow, where did you get she was a racist bastard?" From the game. She's racist. Why? She hates other beings based on their race. That's the definition of racism. She is still an interest, and mostly wellw ritten character.
  2. Nope.
  3. "You should have it full turnbased or actual hands-on realtime control, that kind of half-assed compromise only makes nuts like Volo happy" The hilarious thing then is thata ccording to you there's a lot of nuts like me then since A LOT of people seem to enjoy and are happy with the IE/Aurora/KOTOR type combat. R00fles!
  4. "We're talking about Bioware here. They'll never get combat right." All BIO games had good combat... except KOTOR. "Sidequests in ME2 will now tie directly into the main story (or quest) in ME2" BOOO! "All Bioware's previous game used the old IE-NWN system of the 6-second round, that was inherently flawed" You are double wrong. A. Je didn't have that combat system. I doubt MDK2 or SS had it either. B. The 6 second round system is awesome.
  5. YAY! Now, Chuck just needs to be renewed and all my fave shows will be back!
  6. People are pretending that this is the only preview of the game. Other previews by BIO have talked about improving random planets/side quests, and the like. And, oh, the person who thinks the dialogue system should be improved is out of luck. There's no reason why ME's dialogue system should be changed and I doubt BIO has any plans to do so. "30-year olds talking like 12-year olds. *sigh*" Oh, please. Plenty of adults talk like that. Look at all the adult oriented action movies as evidence. Heck, look at Jack Bauer's popularity despite the fact in the real world people are often anti torture yet they idloize him. *shrug* "The "AI" had the enemies get stuck behind pretty much anything and just wait for you to gun them down." ME's AI was the best BIO AI ever, and better than 99% of games' AI espicially the overrated KOTOR series. "In KoTOR you could at least set up some actions without worrying about people getting stuck on everything." ME > KOTOR For the most part, my AI companions AI would actually use their abilities intelligently even when not being directly controlled, and rarely if ever got stuck. GO ME2 GO! DOWN WITH KOTOR 4EVAR!
  7. Went 2-2 that round making my current record 8-4. PIT vs CAR: Never bet against the superstar so I believe Pens will take this though Carolina won't make it east. Staal will bring a fire and play thoguh but is likely no match for Crosby. PIT in 6. DET vs CHI: Hawks keep proving me wrong so my pick here will probably end up wrong; but a tad impossible to go against the defending champs. DET in 6.
  8. Nope. It's NEVER pathetic to be beat by a superior team in a game 7. Heck, it's not pathetic to lose to an 'inferior' team in a game 7.
  9. "At the third time, your internet connection is closed, but you still have to pay for it and you're not allowed change your ISP." This is dumb. You are forced to pay for a service you ar eno longer allowed to use? That's retarded. That's like being caught sneaking into a theatre, being barred from the theatre for 2 years, and being forced to pay for a ticket once a week that you cna't even use. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Or someone convicted of murder and legally barred from owning/using guns including hunting yet still being forced to pay for a hunting license. or someone who is no longer allowed to drive yet forced to still pay for car insurance. And, I'm as anti piracy as anyone.
  10. "Pathetic" No.
  11. They got beat by the better team. Not pathetic or surprising. That's what happens when you get stuck with a rookie netminder against a team that actually knows how to score. *cough* not the rangers *cough* No shame for Washington losing to Pittsburgh in 7 games. They should be proud just getting it to 7 games...
  12. Malkin hasn't choked. He's played well - he's just not as good as Crosby or Ovechkin. Nothing to be ashamed about.
  13. "SEE I TOLD YOU ALL VOLO WOULD DO THIS!" Conviently you forgot my earlier post where I state my actual opinion on the trailer. *shrug* "Crap trailer, and YES I WILL *BUY* DRAGON AGE." Game over.
  14. I cannot believe all the crying over a silly trailer. LMAO Espicially since most of the whiners on the net are either a) hate BIO anyways so BIO could litterally crap gold and give everyone a nugget and they still hate on them or b) Made the decision to buy the game years ago and will end up buying, playing, and enjoying the game when it is released even if they publicly bash it. Exceptions, of course, do exist, and kudos to them. Here's a newsflash, people: BIo doens't really have to market the game to the BIO or BG or 'hardcore RPG' fanboys as they already have that money locked up. It's the casuals/people who love other genres who BIo has to convince to buy their game. In essence, the RPG/BIO fanbase are basically irrelevant in the marketing scheme of things. R00fles! In conclusion, this trailer - while far from my favorite - was a smashing success.
  15. Nah. My post could be viewed as flaming. The one I quoted was definitely a troll.
  16. "I anyone can start and arguement by taking a retarded stance it's Volo." Don't be a troll, BLANK.
  17. Some people hate chocolate. I love chocolate. I do not cry over the fact some hate chocolate, though. *shrug*
  18. I'm thankful DA is not BG. BG is dead. I played it, I enjoyed it, I moved on.Good riddance to good rubbish. Been there done that, don't have the tshirt but I got the memories. If someone wants to play BG then go play BG.
  19. The video itelf was great; but definiotely over the top which, of course, was the whole point of a video termed 'Violence'. However, that song is one worst songs ever. I hope it will not be in the actual game 'cause that will make DA's soundtrack the worst BIO game soundtrack ever on that one song alone. H O R R I B L E
  20. "Sierra should be the lead actress" No way. She's not that good. Whisky, yes, she'd be a worthy lead. But, Sierra for the most part barring 1 or 2 episodes - mostly dealing with her handler raping her where she was fantastic emoting - she has been horrid. Case in point: when she snuck into the government offices as a spy. *puke* Worst. acting. ever. Well, not really, the blond who played 'Caroline' was even worse last night. But, that's a one fof character so no worries. "It's like Volourn lives in the upside down, backwards land. And I don't mean Canada." I'm not the only one. But, hey difference of opinion and all that. Can't have that on the internet, I guess. R00fles!
  21. Whatever it takes to get a win.
  22. " The girl who got imprinted with Caroline played her more believably than Eliza, I was surprised at how good she was." You kidding right? She was horrid. Whisky was awesome, and definitely a greta part of the episode. Echo is fantatsic as a lead. The episode, while not as great as the previous one, was a very solid season/series finale. Hopefully it'll be renewed but I dunno if it will be.
  23. "That's partly what makes so many fans so mad/annoyed" No doubt pure jealousy is the high motivator for what makes 'many fan' "mad" and "annoyed". No doubt most of the people pointing fingers would be the first in line taking steroids if they thought it help them get millions of dollars no questions asked. Besdies, imo, there's nothing inherently immoral about steroids. It's just another make believe evil that people can use to crucify others who aren't actually hurting anyone.
  24. "the player is still exactly the same capability wise as they started" Nope. Without the pain killers they likely wouldn't be able to perform at the level they do even when injured so it most definitely enhances their performance.
  25. "he's got to pay the price, or the league rules are meaningless." The rules are meaningless anyways as long as they allow performance enhancing drugs like pain killers. If you are in too much pain to perform without drugs then don't perform through artificial means? m i rite or m i rite?
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