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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I'm still willing to say he needs more years to prove he's a superstar, but I'm not quite sure what Volourn has against him." My bad. I don't rate him as one of the top two players in the game. I didn't know that equated with hating or being against him. What a huge insult to believe that Ovechkin, and Crosby are the best. Crime against humanity, I guess. *shrug*
  2. One season = 4-5 seasons? And, it's not like Crosby missed the entire season either.
  3. Ouch. Hurts LA big time. Still, banning drugs is dumb anyways; but hey, rules are rules. Even dumb ones. I guess.
  4. It also says a lot that even when Malkin has a 'great' game both Crosby and Ovechkin still had more points. Go figure. "Would Jagr in his prime be at the same level as Ovechkin and Crosby?" Absolutely. The guy was the no doubt best player in the game for a good 4-5 straight season keeping the Pens competitive even when Lemieux was having his health problems, and their SC championship claibre team was being dismantled around him. He's also the guy who greatly helped Kovalev have perhaps his best season in the NHL. And, let's not forget how he (along with Lunqvist) stopped the Rangers playoffless streak, and he nearly won MVP and the Art Ross the first season back from the cancellation until the very last month or so. The verdict is in on Malkin. He's an awesome player but not at Crosby and Ovechkin's level. But, then aagin, the future is always unknwon until it happens so who really knows. *shrug*
  5. "Wow...Malkin dominated that game last night. So much for not being on their level, huh Volourn? He only had one goal, but so many scoring chances." 1 game, and 1 goal proves nothing. He isn't at their level. This is simply a fact. It's as follows: Ovechkin Crosby Malkin Datsyuk and a bunch of other losers Rest of league
  6. Volourn


    And, people actually claim Malkin is at their level. L0L
  7. " Those extra merchants had some interesting stuff in BG2, instead of some cheat or a new ugly skin." L0LZ
  8. Volourn


    L0L Doesn't make sense though as he did hit the empty net. The goalie just made the save. <>
  9. Largely a product of them disliking themselves because of what they want through. I felt sympathy even though she was a brat. Kind of hard to grow up 'normal' under those circumstances.
  10. "So, action oriented games like NWN I or II, with simple and not challenging combat, are poor interpretation of D&D imho." Except NWN and NWN2 weren't action oriented. Sure, they had lots of combat (as does 99.9% of all rpgings including FO, BG, PST, and so on); but they were not action oriented. And, the combat was far from simple. They, like TOEE were definitely more 'complex' than the vast majority of RPGs. As for 'challneging'; that could mean anything depending what you really mean by 'challenging'. Is a game easy if you never die? is it hard if you come close to death but somehow pull through? Is it only hard if you die 9.765 times per battle? Is it consider challenging when you got to take advantage of overpowered items or do you consider games easy if you use those and still cruise there? Are games considered easy if you rest inbetween every battle so your party is in perfect condition for every single battle? Questions, questions, questions. I don't know much about 4E as I haven't played D&D at all in a couple of years but what I've seen/heard about it I'm not impressed. I'd be curious about a 4E video game depending on who was making it. And, technically, Obsidian are 'partners' with Atari since the companies work on NWN2 together.
  11. Great episode.
  12. Volourn


    "By the way, bring back Jagr to the Rangers? Not very likely, it seems." Good for him. The Rangers don't deserve him though I'd love if he returned.
  13. Volourn


    "Varlamov has looked great in goal" He looked great.. against one of the worst offenses to ever make the playoffs. L0L
  14. Volourn


    CAR VS BOS: This will be a closer series than many think; but in the end the edge definitely goes to Boston. They are playing too well to lose to an upstart like Carolina. BOS IN SIX WSH VS PIT: Kor nailed this one. It will be a tight series; but Malkin + Crosby > Ovechkin. Not fair; but it's life. PIT IN SIX ANA VS DET: Anaheim, like I said in the first round, is just a couple of seasons away from a SC, and they basically have the same team goalie aside. Sadly for them, they are playing the defending champs. Detroit has the better offense which will win the day in a series that goes the limit. DET IN SEVEN CHI VS VAN: Chicago impressed me by throughly dominating calgary (though the series took 6 games); but it won't happen again. VAN IN SIX.
  15. Volourn


    "What about Sather, Volo? Don't you feel he's responsible too?" Eh. i've been Sather should have been gone ever since the off season. The fact he let Jagr, and Avery (and even Shanahan to a degree thanks to the replacements) go and picked up also ran Naslund, and never was Zherdev as 'replacements'. Not to mention, he's the fool who thought Dury and Gomez were worthy of 7mil+ contracts and then forced Jagr out because he felt it was time for those two punks to 'take over the team'. Well, great stuff, Mr. GM. They took the team out of the 2nd round of playoffs... back to 1st round. L0LZ And, if wasn't for Avery and Lunqvist, and a solid defense, we wouldn't have even gotten that far. P.S. My 'consolation' prize is I went 6-2 with my predictions. L0L
  16. Suspension likely won't be more than a year if even that. And, I guarantee you, one of the 32 teams will most definitely be interested. I cna see the contract already; minium salary + heavy incentives, and very extreme 'moral' clauses. No doubt about it. Players you have done worse things than Vick have come back to play. *shrug* And, that so called 'negative PR' will probably canceled out by all the Vick jerseys that team will sell, and the extra tickets sold, and the high media coverage leading to higher ratings for games Vick plays.
  17. Volourn


    Torttool should be fired for ruining the Rangers' chances. And, the biased refs should be fired too. Ah well. The better team won.
  18. "The Firebirds' contract offer requires that Vick donate $100,000 to a local humane society." heh. They really expect him to donate more than the salary they are willing to pay him? Espicially since Vick is in debt. He's turning down that contract since it's only been put out there to insult, ridicule, and put him him down. The league is now considered trash. Besides, he's NFL suspension will be lifted eventually, and a team will give hima contract. It won't be like his old contract but it will most assuredly be better than this one. Heeck, I believe Vick has a construction job offer on the table that will pay him more, and isn't as insulting.
  19. At first, i thoguht this wa sjust an okayish episode. More I think about it, it was a fantastic episode - one of the better ones. Ms. Eliza did a fantastic job as her character today. The two subplots were solid too. The murder mystery was rather pathetic though, and drops the episode's value down.
  20. Volourn


    I doubt the Kings would bring him back, and I doubt he'd want to go back. I'm sure someone would sign him; but it would be a greats in if the Rangers release/trade/get rid of Avery - espicially considering all the garbage other Rangers have done in the last few games recklessness wise. "The Rangers will have to decide who they want to get rid of here. I'd say side with Avery and ditch Torts, but I don't think that will ever happen. Siding with an already controversial player is just not how NHL teams operate." Which is really sad considering how hypocritically bad Torttool comes off when the very next game after benching Avery for 'bad behaviour', he gets suspended by the NHL for 'bad behaviour'. L0L And, because of his selfishness, the Rangers are gonna blow a 3-1 lead for the first time in team history. And, the Rangers' record with Avery compared to without him says everything I need to know. Meanwhile, their record pre and post Tort is not a bit of a difference; but if they get eliminated they'd have done worse in the playoffs than the last two playoffs.
  21. Volourn


    Way to go Torttool! You just destroyed the Rangers' will to win with your selfishness! You cost the team a 1st round victory unless we get lucky in game 7. Absolutely moronic! I have missed the game so far (overslept); but I have little doubt that Avery was likely way too tentative as he din't want to make coach take a temper tantrum again. Fire him, quick, before game 7!
  22. Volourn


    http://www.hhof.com/graphHome3/header_banner.gif LMAO Rangers should fire him for behaviour that hurts the team, and their public image. HAHAHA! Torttool is such a tool! LMAO "Tortorella's suspension comes just days after he criticized forward Sean Avery for his behaviour in Game 4." GAME OVER, tort, GAME OVER! I *really* hope Rangers win in game 6 so they can show once and for all that this pathetic hypocritical excuse of a coach and human being is a piece of crap who shouldn't be coaching road hockey. How the heck did this bozo ever win a cup in TB? "It's amazing that the Sharks have doubled the shots of Anaheim in 4 of 5 games, and they are the ones with their backs against the wall." Yeah, they have company in that club with Washington.
  23. Volourn


    Oops. i posted in the wrong thread. Thought this was the NHL thread. My bad.
  24. Volourn


    Why are you trolling, and just stick to discussing actual hockey issues? If you want to post about some dink named Volourn start a thread called 'Volourn is a dinky whiner'. This is about hockey. R00fles!
  25. Volourn


    "I was just okay pointing out that you do similar things when other people say stuff like that" So.. you admit to trolling? "Did you see his press conference?" Nah. the less I have to listen to Torttool speak, and his pitiful exuses the better off I am.
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