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Everything posted by Volourn
My predictions! Western: San Jose vs. Anaheim - Anaheim in 6. People are underestimating Ducks. They won the Cup just two years ago with basically the same line up. And, Nedirmayer-Pronger is still the best 1-2 defensive pair in the league. Detroit vs. Columbus - Detroit in 5. As usual. Welcome to the playoffs, Columbus, and say hello to the defending SC champions! Vancouver vs. St. Louis - Vancouver in 5. St. Louis is being overrated. They will not beat a team with one of the best goalies in the league. Calgary vs. Chicago - Caqlgary in 6. Can't find much better than Iginla-Phaneuf-Kiprusoff in the league. Eastern: Boston vs. Montreal - Boston in 5. Montreal's previous post season dominance of the Bruins is irrelevant. The Kanadiens are simply a broken team. Washington vs. Rangers - Washington in 6. I would have preferred NY being 8th seed and match up versus the overrated Bruins. Ovechkin, and co will simply outscore the Ranger ssince the Rangers' offense is non existent. Only change for nmy team is if King henrik outright steals the series. This is a rarity for me to predict AGAINST my team. New Jersey vs. Carolina - New Jersey in 7. Tough series. Broduer should be thankful he won't be seeing the Rangers and Avery again. Carolina will push the paper tiger Devils; but in the end Brodeur will be too much. Pittsburgh vs. Philadelphia - Pittsburgh in 6. Philadelphia is another one of those teams with a good record who I find are paper tigers. Even with all of Carters' goals, they are no match for the Malkin-Crosby duo.
Foolish, foolish, foolish pirates. Not so fun with your 'easy' targets fight back and/or have back up. R00fles!
Too bad that deep down Adelle is a rapist - not really any better than the the guy she sentenced to death a few weeks back. So, it kinda puts a damper on her likeability.
Best episode yet. Biggest let down was the Sierra 'storyline'. L A M E
"Volourn's tone is very inflammatory in his post, as if we all are on the Avery hating bandwagon" My post wasn't directed at anyone here. It was a general rant against the heavy anti Avery assessment, and the general hockey populace that basically tried to make him sound like the most evil person on the planet. You mean people aren't allowed to rant about hockey subjects that irk them? "And what the heck did Mike Modano do?" Mike Modano was one of the biggest mouths from Dallas that decided throwing Avery under the bus for the tea's troubles. I returned the favor. Don't start a war of words Mr. Modano unless you can back it up on the ice. This isn't 5 or so years ago when you were one of the best players in the league.
"Dallas was in roughly last place when Avery was on their team, and right after he left the team they actually went on a run." All teams go on hot streaks. It didn't last, and they just plainly sucked this season. "Ignoring the fact that they were an injury riddled team this year, the link seems somewhat coincidental." Thanks for proving MY point. "Dallas with Avery would still equal = no playoffs, so I'm not sure that it matters to them that the Rangers and Avery are succeeding." Sure, it does. Dallas, and everybody else tried the lame attempt of blaming Avery for Dallas' poor season prior to his trade, and when they went on that streak, they used that as 'proof' of how he screwed them up. Bottom line is Dallas sucked this year because the entire team sucked. They sucked because of injuries, goaltending, and poor coaching. Meanwhile, Avery played MUCH better with the Rangers. This proves to me it was DALLAS who was dragging Avery down to their level. 'Cause as soon as he threw that abatross off his abck, he kicked butt. Just use this a reminder, folks: If you are gonna blame a single player for beingc rappy; you better back it up. Dallas didn't. Dallas + No Avery = No Playoffs NY Rangers + Avery = Playoffs HAHAHAHAHAHA NHL Scumbags! Down with hockey 'experts', Dallas, Mike "the Moron" Modano, the stupid Commish, and the retarded Ranger coach who had to eat his pathetic loser words. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
HAHAHAHAHA! HAHGAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA! I laugh at the moronicy of all the following: Dallas Stars, Mike Modano, NHL Commisioner + goons, 'hockey experts', and pathetic fans! HAHAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHA! Dallas + no Avery = No playoffs NY Rangers + Avery = Playoffs HAHAHAHAHAA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! GAME OVER, Avery haters, GAME OVER.
"There was not a middle ground that I encountered (the "let's just stay friends" and "**** you I hate you" dialogues brought about the same resolutions in terms of the relationship) and there was no "score" that you had with a character." Simply not true. I managed to stay friends with both Jaheira, and Aerie without getting romantic. NEWSFLASH: i never claimed they were exactly the same. All I said was that obsidian did not create the idea or system of 'influence'. Games have been doing it well BEfore Obsidian was alive. BIO wans't the first either. Giving something a fancy name doens't eman youc reate it. Afterall, in BG2: TOB you can influence two characters to change alignment. In BG2, you can influence a certain cleric to change alignments and view. You cna also influence a certain paladin's actions too. So, no, no matter how you slice it, Obsidian did NOT create the influence system. I am however not shocked that an Obsidian fanboy would claim they did when they did not.
"(LOL @ BioWare for ripping off Obsidian's influence system" Obsidian didn't create it. All they did wa sgive it a name. BIO had been using an 'infleunce system' since BG2. And, many other games in the past have sued. And, oh btw, you cna't get more 'ripoffish'; than making sequels to somebody else's games. *cough NWN2 KOTOR2 *cough* so Obsidian owes BIO a little ripoff. Besides if you actually read stuff, you'd realize that the 'bribery' doens't always work. I seriously doubt (well hope) that the goody two shoes won't look the other way if you burn down a village because you gifted them with a flower. *lol*
C00li0 beani0.
"just like gamers often confuse what they like with quality. " Not confusion, just fact. if I like somehting it is good. Period. It doesn't matter if you disagree with me. Your opinion is irrelevant to me. Vice versa too. "That's why the realist in me posted the lowest common denominator comments, which I stand by" And, you are simply wrong. Just soemthing you have to deal with. *shrug* "Bio could have used their popularity and muscle to take us in a direction new enough to excite jaded fans but familiar enough to be commercially viable, but they've clearly chosen not to." You are assuming wrong. BIO doesn't have that kind of power. Not even close. They can't afford to go against what their customers want. " I like these sorts of games. I'll buy it. I might even enjoy it" This. This is why they won't bother to do anything 'different'. Why should they? Why shoudl they when someone like you who is bashing them will likely still buy the game? If you aren't happy with BIO; don't buy their games. Period. Money talks. Whining solves nothing.
They stole money that they owed him. That's the veryd efintion of betrayal, and disloyalty. Loyalty isn't about being nice when things are going well; it's about being there and supportive when things go wrong. Being loyal to Burress when he catches the SB winning TD is easy, and proves NOTHING. Being loyal to Burress when he screws up is true loyalty. Taking a whiney fit because a player is not perfect is not loyalty. Being loyal to my brother when he's being awesome to me is not loyalty, and proves nothing. Being loyal to my brother when he screws up, and does soemthing I disaprove of is how I'd prove my loyalty. This idea, btw, that loyalty cna be bought is retarded. "(a crime carrying no less than a 3.5 year mandatory minimum prison sentence)" Except this isn't true. Many people confict of this crime never 3.5 years in prison. And, it's doubtful Burress will see that much time in prison unless that scumbag loudmouth politician gets his way. And, to try to compare Burress' crime to real scum is silly. He shot HIMSELF in the foot by ACCIDENT. His illegal firearm is more about not filing papers, and not licensed in a certain state. It's not he's some street punk who bought it on the black market planning to murder death kill or commit robbers against innocent victims. "To the extent that demanding concessions from an employee" The only concession is to fire him. But, firing someone over that doesn't prove your loyalty it proves you weren't loyal to him in the first place.Not to STEAL from him. Just because person A commits a 'crime' doesn't mean person B is now allowed to STEAL from him. Tsk, tsk. And, oh btw, it's not like the Ginats let him go out of some moral outrage. They let him go because he wouldn't let them blackmail him, and allow them to get away with STEALING his money. But, hey, keep justifying their theft.
"so he's not out one dime." No thanks to his ex employer who tried to steal his money. Yet, people are claiming he was disloyal and rude and evil because he wouldn't rengoiate with them to avoid the hearing? Give me a break. They stole from him. If my employer did that to me, you damn right I wouldn't want to work for them either. Giants betrayed Burress and he's the evil disloyal one. Give me a breal with that 'logic'!
Being a moderator is overrated.
Except i've tried the Gothics so why do you lie unless you are simply trolling. The Gothics may not have loading SCREENS; but they most assuredly have loading TIMES. P.S. You obviously care enough to spam false 'facts' about how the Gothics don't have load times when they most certainly do.
Bob the Butler: Better than it had any right to be considering who starred in it. A low key comedy for the most part that was pretty sweet. Biggest weakness, hwoever, was the film was pretty formulac in its plotline which withholds it from greatness.
I never said anything about loading screens; but the Gothics most assuredly have loading times. This is a fact. You call it stuttering; but it's so obvious the game is using the 'pause' to load areas. I have no reason to beleive that future patches I didn't download somehow magically stopped the loading times.
Update: Not only are the Giants morally guilty of stealing from Burress, a judge agress that they LEGALLY stole from him. Link here: http://blogs.nfl.com/2009/04/06/report-bur...against-giants/ Quite frankly, he should file a civil case against them for theft, and then push for the prosecutor to charge them criminally for theft. Theft is immoral, and against the law. They should be punished for their sins. Yet, people continually attempt to justify corrupt professioanl sports team for STEALING from the innocent employees. This is why I support players wholeheartedly. 'Cause teams are scumbag theives who try to steal as much money as they can, and 'fans' support them in their attempted theivery. Thankfully, at least this one time, they got called out on it. As a Giants fan, I hope they do well; but moral side of me would kinda smile if NY continues to struggle without Burress. SCUMBAG THIEVES SHOULD BE IN PRISON!!!
"But if you enjoy a living, breathing, absolutely massive world with no loading times, lots of combat, quests, treasures and three different story lines (you can only finish one per playthrough), you'll have a blast. " It has loading times. Just look for the pauses as you are exploring.
"Lowest common denominator isn't necessarily pejorative, is it?" Yes, it is. "So, call me an elitist snob in petty ad hominem insults if you wish" Referring to people as the 'lowest common denominator' is the very defintion of ad hominem. P.S. The fact that the combat looks like previous BIO games is awesome.
"Every Bio setting has been lowest-common-denominator. It's just becoming a bit more brazen about it." Wrong. There's so much wrong about this statement, it's hilarious. "there's not much reason to rail against the 'elitism', either." Actually, there is. Elitism come sinto play when someone thinks their crap don't stink when it obviously does yet will point out others' anyways. P.S. If BIO was shooting for the mythical 'lowest common denominator' (which doesn't truly exist); they wouldn't be making video games - espicially RPGs (action or otherwise).
NHL 09 though I just squashed in my league's playoffs. And, I'm 'playing' FO3.
"I would be curious to know what you think." Nah, you don't really mean this - espicially if you like the game. Anyways, i was gonna make a new thread with my thoughts on the game; but that would be a waste of time... much like the game. I'll start with the positive: Character creation is fine. The music/radio is cool. The opening sequences are very solid and entices one to play one for the most part (minus the stupid baby crying). Negatives: Graphics are good at bets; but are ruined by the blandness/sameness of everything (and, not just because it is a wasteland). The role-playing is ehh. However, the two things that annoy me the greatest are the combat which is some of the worst combat of all the time... and, the 'exploration' which is just ugh. All it is and running around randomly for more baddies to kill. Gah. I haven't TOTALLY given up; but bah, FO3 early on is HORRIBLE, and since the combat/exploration is the main reason why, I don't see it improving. Yeah, yeah, I know. People are gonna say I have to state these things because I was biased from the getgo. But, oh well. It's my fualt for buying a Bethesda game even if it on discount and a sequel to FO3. This game has such poentital early on but why did they have to ruin a good thing with such crappy combat, and exploration!?! R00fles!
You have nothing to be elite about. You simply aren't that special. Only someone who *is* the lowest common denominator would think he was special. Espicially since you will be one of the first to buy, play, and enjoy DA. R00fles!