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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    "Benched his favorite player." And, cost our team a victory. "don't be such a "crybaby" Volourn. "LMAO"" Why are you trolling?
  2. Volourn


    LMAO This is so awesome! Way to go coahc you ruined team chemistry and now your goalie has lost his concentration because of your retardedness. What an absolute moron! You are costing our team this series! You pathetic piece of crap and your dumb 'decisions'! P.S. This will be my last post in a row in this thread so I don't start spamming.. just absolutely furious at the absolutely disgusting selfishness of a very arrogant punk who is pretending being coach.
  3. Volourn


  4. Volourn


    hahaha! Take that stupid Rangers! HAHAHAH!
  5. Volourn


  6. Volourn


    Lundqvist wins! Lundqvist wins! Lundqvist wins!
  7. Volourn


    "Yeah, really, "less than 60 points", meaning somewhere around 50, is pretty good." Not when you are being paid 70 mil a year, and you supposed to be carrying the offense. "but he always seemed to score the big goal with Colorado and Buffalo." And, why should I care what he did in those places? He's a Ranger - what matetrs is what he does in NY which has been nothing. All these two have done is made the Rangers into one of the worst offensive teams in the league. "At least they are both strong defensively." Not as strong as one may think. Drury's only strength is faceoffs. Otherwise, useless. Gomez isn't much better.
  8. Volourn


    "Nope, Drury, Gomez and Naslund are pretty good players, just deal with that fact." O RLY? That must be proven by their less than 60 points. By golly, Antropov led the team in points and most of his came with TORONTO. The team was almost dead last in goals scored. That's unacceptable for a playoff calibre team. Nalsund USED to be good. Drury, and Gomez are overrated, and overpaid. And, all of them are wannabe Jagr punks. At least with jagr we'd have a skater who can dominate a game like the Caps have with ovechkin. Instead we're just watching Ovechkin, and friends play keepaway while Luqnvist does his best to literlaly steal the series. What an absolute pathetic performance from the team. And, no, all the block shots don't impress me because they wouldn't need all those blocks if the forwards knew how to play offense ala stupid Callahan missing a wide open net by pinging off the post.
  9. Volourn


    "Yes, I have watched all games of this series so far. And to my knowledge, the Rangers still lead the series 2-1." Caps are the better team. Period. Just deal with that fact. Rangers got lucky to win the games then got DEMOLISHED 4-0. the pathetic morons knowns as Drury, Gomez, Naslund, and co couldn't even score on a pathetic little rookie. NY deserves to lose this series as punishment for retardation. If they win it'll only because of Lunqvist. Period. This is undisputable.
  10. Volourn


    They shouldn't have thrown Jagr in the trash. Moronic Rangers.
  11. Volourn


    "I don't think the Caps are dominating, but they have so much offensive talent.." Have you been watching the same series? they have absolutely dominated the Rangers in all 3 games. It's no contest. "What the..! Amazing defensive play (after his own mistake, admittedly) by Ovechkin! What's happening to the world? I'm scared" Ovechkin is udnerrated on defense as people look at his points total, and assume since his focus is on offense, he cna't play D. That's silly. "Why is Avery punching a 20 year old rookie in the face?" Why not? the Caps seem to think they can slash/crosscheck/punch/murder Avery,a nd the biased referress let them get away with it while claling phantom calls on Avery. Poti's goal was a meaningless goal anyways. The game was over.
  12. Volourn


    It's the same story as the first two games. Washington dominating New York. Only difference this time is, so far, Lunqvist isn't being a theif. This is what happens when you allow a team dominate you.. they'll eventually break through. Hate to say it, but my surprise prediction will probably end up right. Outside of Lundqvist, the Rangers are no match for the caps. They need their own Ovechkin... they need Jagr. MORONS.
  13. "I wonder how much autonomy Josh and the team have to do things their way." Probably as much as they had with their other publishers. Remember guys, this is a Bethesda project developed by Obsidian. Bethesda rules the nest here. I'm cautiously optimistic. I have give kudos to Bethesda though as they definitely are evil geniuses. I had just tried to play FO3 - an absolutely horrible game - and figured I'd be 100% done with FO world after that. L0L Damn them!
  14. Volourn


    As much as I like Keenan, if they can't beat the Hawks, he should be fired. No excuse for losing to Chicago. Hawks have some talent but they are a newbie team to the playoffs basically, and Keenan has a great team.
  15. "To be obese, you'll need to be more than ten pounds overweight" Wow. 10 pounds oveweight is considered obese? LMAO That's why I don't take these statistics seriously. Being 10 pounds overweight should barely qualify one being considered 'fat' let alone 'obese'. It seems it's just an easy way to call everyone obese. I guess, pretty much by this defintion most people are gonna be either skilly or obese with hardly any inbetween. When I think obese, I think unhealthy/bad shape. 10 pounds overweight just doesn't equate that to me. WOW!
  16. "The thing is, I've never seen sales figures for it. I've seen figures for KotOR, NWN, and Mass Effect, but none for Jade Empire. I think if it had sold as much as those other series, they'd make the figures public knowledge." Then youa ren't looking. Sales figures have been shared, and while it's not as high as the other games, it's nothing to be ashamed about. "Bioware is just ashamed because they couldn't hit the magical 1 million mark, that's why." Proof? JE sold 600k+ copies in the first 6 months of the xbox version alone. I have no doubt that combine that with future sales including the PC version it easily hit the 1mil mark.
  17. "About americans being fat... Maybe the reason is that obesity is more prevalent in the US than in other countries? In that case, the prejudice that all American are fat can be easily explained, and is as reasonable as any prejudice. And even though all prejudices by definition are inferior to knowing the actual facts, honestly, who is without prejudices altogether?" Then, i guess it's okay for one to be prejudice against Blacks since statistically they're more likely to be criminals, right? Very reasonable to be prejudice against the group most likely to criminalize you. *shrug* Of course, the BIG difference, is fat people don't hurt you. Criminals do. Seriosuly, your reasoning is just silly. Even your silly chart - if it's to be belived - shows that 30% of Amerika are 'obese' (which probably means they're like 10 pounds overweight ahahaha). That means 70% are NOT. So, that prejudiced is based on a MINORITY. Game over.
  18. Nope. Honesty doesn't get you banned. Posting style does. Just like anywhere.
  19. Volourn


    "Lundqvist totally stole that game" Nah. More like Theodore threw it away. Lunqvist had an aweosme 1st period; but he was merely okay in the last two periods. But, Theodore was just plain crap.
  20. Volourn


    "Volo: I think it's just that your statement is like saying the Sun is hot haha." Touche.
  21. Volourn


    "Has anyone ever said otherwise?" Then why whine about it? Just because I posted soemthing doesn't mean its argumentative. Not all posts are directed at individuals. Again, if I'm not quoting someone or mention someone by name, don't worry about. P.S. King Lundqvist rules!
  22. I love how the pirate crybabies are trying to paint the Big bad Meanie US as the villains for killing their friends. Kinda like the rapist pressing charges against the victim when they stab them with a knife in self defense. Perhaps, they should have thought of what would happen when they started targeting Amerikans. Now, the US is their '#1 enemies'. HAHA! Stupid pirates. Don't mess with the big boys if you cna't handle it, and don't expect symapthy when you are criminal scum.
  23. Volourn


    Lunqvist > Theodore Avery > DALLAS WUSSIES + ALL CRYBABIES
  24. Volourn


    "Sorry Volo, but Lundqvist and Avery aren't going to be enough to get past Ovie and the Caps. They should have kept Jagr!" No need to apologize. I predicted against the Rnagers, too. New Yorkers were dumb to let Jagr walk. Now, they have no real offensive threat. Not one player with 60+ points, and their points leader got most of his with the Toronto Make Me Laughs.
  25. Volourn


    "luongo has it over mason by 0.004 sv. and 0.07 GAA" Stats aren't always the key factor. Henrik Lunqvist, statistically isn't even top 10; but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't name him as a top 5 goalie. Vancouver should be heavily favored over St. Louis becauae as well as STL a splayed, Vancouver is simply the better team with better players. Yeah, an upset could happen, and the Blue can be proud of making the playoffs. But, they are not the Canucks' equal. That's why the Canucks will likely win this series, and should eaisly be the favorites. And, don't blame the goalies for St. Louis' poor play in past post seasons. Blame the entire team. Blaming the goalie is just scapegoating.
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