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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. NHL 09. Always NHL 09.
  2. "If their objective with these trailers is to appeal to the Baldur's Gate crowd then I don't think anything could possibly fail as hard as these trailers." Good thing these action based trailers arne't trying for the BG crowd. They don't need to pitch DA to the BG crowd because they already have the BG crowd's money. *shrug*
  3. "I don't know if the 'playoff choker' applies to Hossa anymore, Volo. He has 12 points in 16 games." I guarantee if Detroit loses these Finals with him that label or something eqivelant will be thrown his way. I won't agree with the assessment but no doubt the bashers will be there with the name calling. In fact, on certain boards, it's already started...
  4. Now 10-4. This next series is gonna be tough. Pens are a much different team, and Crosby/Malkin seem to be on a mission. But, Detroit is Detroit and that means they are damn good. Wings have their share of injuries. There's also the Hossa factor. The guy screwed himself by going to Wings. If Detroit wins, he gets no credit because they did it last year versus him. If Pens win, then he'll probably be relabeled a 'playoff choker' and someone lameo will probably call him a curse for losing back to back finals with the two teams who played in both. L0L So, for Hossa's sake... I predict DET in 7. But, Pens can win. *shrug* The two best teams are playing as it should be. GL to both!
  5. "roid-rage like celebrations" Huh? You need to be inflicted by roid rage to celebrate and have fun? You should watch old time highlights of celebrations. They can put Big O's to shame. "That's always been the rub in Basketball and hockey, the benefits of 'roids are fairly negligible in a sport where strength conditioning is only one aspect of training." Well.. in baseball, strength is far from the most important thing. Hand-eye coordination, and timing is. You can't hit the ball far if you can't hit it. Strength in hockey is very useful. For bodychecking (giving and recieving), digging in corners, etc. Do not understimate. That said, as always, steroids - like 99% of illegal drugs - should be legalized, anyways.
  6. I have a habit of not believing drug dealers. The Caps including Ovechkin have supposedly passed all drug testing so this is just a trouble maker causing trouble. He got caught, and now is pointing fingers at other. It doesn't even matter if he is telling the truth as likely has no proof.
  7. Yeah, i agree with that. Then again, sweeps in the Conference Final, should always be unexpected. But, what can ya do?
  8. I can. Boston isn't as good as Pittsburgh.
  9. No doubt. Kudos to boith. Carolina simply has no answer for those two.
  10. Mike Keenan got ****canned by the Flames. Dissapointing as he's one my favorite coaches of all time; but not too surrpsing since they couldn't get past the first round despite having some good talent. Coach always goes with that kind of combo.
  11. Shouldn't that be obvious? I came to Obsidian boards to discuss Obsidian, and their games. I post in the NHL thread to discuss hockey. It's not complicated, complex, or quantum physics. Why would I want to be ''friends' with fellow internet geeks I'm never gonna meet espciially when they post crap like this: "Sometimes your stupidity boggles the mind"? On top of this, this post and your post above it is useless because it's discussing us and not hockey. I'm here to discuss HOCKEY. Period. To be on topic: Crosby is a better player than Malkin. Even tonight's game with malkin having 4 points doesn't prove otherwise espicially since Crosby had two himself including the first goal of the game. No doubt in my mind a Malkin led team would NOt be as good as a Crosby led team with all other things considered equal.
  12. "I think Malkin was reading some of Volourn's posts...Hat trick tonight...Pretty sweet." Heh. good for him. "How dumb is that? Wtf do you think a point is? It's either a GOAL or an ASSIST. So yeah, scoring goals or setting up others is the only thing he's good at. Gee, who'd would want a player who's the best in the league at that?" How dumb is the above quote since I never said any such thing? I never said nobody wanted him? Nor did I say he sucked. I said he wasn't as good as Crosby. This is a fact that the hat trick tonight doesn't disprove. "Sometimes your stupidity boggles the mind" Troll, a nd flame all you want and argue something I never argued in the first place. Crosby > Malkin is the only argument I've been making.
  13. "Yeah, he is just doing it to argue" Wrong, and all you do is take things personally while I try to discuss the actual hockey. "Malkin > Crosby > Shanahan > Ovechkin" This, of course, just proves you are just trolling for a reaction. That's cool. Doesn't matter anyways. Pittsburgh is an awesome team and it's all because of Crosby. Malkin is just riding on his coattails. And, no matter how much you attack me personally and make it about me and not about hockey stuff isn't gonna change the actual hockey facts. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=423339&...vid=DL|NHL|Home And, more and more people agree with me all the time. It's all about the Crosby. Malkin can win the Art Ross trophy all he wants since points seems to be the only thing he's good at. And, oh, also playing second fiddle too.
  14. "But in all seriousness, how can you say "Malkin would be a nobody" when he lead the league in scoring (not on Crosby's line most of the time)," Much easier to get points when the otehr team has to play their best defenders, and lines against Crosby. " and DOMINATING the league when Crosby was injured in the previous season? " So dominating he didn't even win the Hart. And, Crosby wasn't injured the entire season. Sorry, malkin is a good if not greta player but he is not as Crosby. Not even close. This is why Crosby, and Ovechkin put on a show in the PIT-WSH series while Malkin played tiddlywinks as he's an afterthought. I have no doubt in my mind if Crosby and Malkin were on sperate teams, Crosby's team would almost always outperform Malkin's team. No question about it (unless Malkin's team was stacked ala Detroit). Also, no doubt in my mind if Malkin was on Washington and not Ovechkin, the Caps would be a much worse team. You want to see domination? Watch how Ovechkin controls a game. Or watch what Crosby does. That is domination. Not throwing a lazy backhander at the net and the goalie letting a weak one in.
  15. Yes, last night. For sure. Did you even read the article? Crosby > malkin even if Malkin collects 10 points. Malkin would be a nobody on a non playoff team if it wasn't for Crosby.
  16. So, you believe in slavery? Wonderful.
  17. "People who don't support the death penalty confuse me almost as much as socialists do. If you kill someone, you deserve to die, preferably in a worse manner than did the person you killed" It's much harder to pretend you are morally superior to someone when you demand they be murdered in a 'worse manner than they commited their murder'. isn't the point is we should be better than the criminal? btw, I don't uniformly oppose the death penalty; but the decision to go there should NOT be based on simple emotion. Many things should factor into taking the punishment that far. As for the case itself, the 'man' is obviously a sick piece of crap.
  18. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=423172 Crosby > Malkin
  19. "Just hopefully they will add a male/male romance option. But I doubt it." Why? It wouldn't be the first BIo game to have male/male romance. *shrug*
  20. "@ Volo, the overly dramatic trolling for reaction was fun the first 726 times, but it has worn a little thin since then." Stop trolling me. I'm talking about Micheal Vick, and the NFL. The topic isn't Volourn. If you want tod iscuss a poster named Volourn make a topic. And, you can quote all the statistics you want, none of the numbers prove that he isn't worthy of being a top 32 quarterback passing or otherwise. And, this was proven where the Falcons crashed and burned in his absence. They just got some luck with another good young QB this season which is the only reason why they managed to rebound so quickly. "He also averaged 13 fumbles per 16 game season, which would've been enough to tie for the league lead in 2008 (with Tony Romo)." Except, unlike Romo, Vick ran a heck of a lot more and was basically acting like a secondary running back at times so of course he fumbled more. Most QBs only have to worry about fumbling when being sacked..., Romo had to worry about fumbling when running. Fcats speak for themselves. Vick had a pretty good record as a NFL QB. that was luck, fluke, or coincidence. It was pure talent, and skill.
  21. "Not because he'll get banned, but because after 2 years in prison, away from NFL-caliber conditioning, training, diet, etc., he's just not going to have the athleticism that made him such a dangerous player in the first place. (And his passing skills absent that athleticism were never strong enough to make him a credible starting QB.)" An NFL calibre player like Vick who isn't some old geezer isn't all of assuden gonna be so out of shape that some training and hard work can fix. If 40 year olds cna 'retire' and come back, I'm sure a man around 30ish can do it espciially when that player had freakish innate athleticism like Vick does. "(And his passing skills absent that athleticism were never strong enough to make him a credible starting QB.)" Simply not true. While his apssing skills aren't gonna be confused with Montana or Manning; he was still a good enough passer to be a top 32 QB. Easily. He'll be back in playing in the NFL barring any new legal problems. The NFL will lift his suspension, and a team will sign him. Likely minimum salary + incentives to start with. "But, public/media reactions aside, Vick's treatment by the authorities and by the League has been, in my view, pretty reasonable considering the scope of his actions." Doubtful. I'm sure the vast majority of animal cases don't face as strict punishment as he has. The guy went from Richie Rich to pretty much poor house (relatively speaking), has spent a couple of years in prison, and just as much to do with who he is as what he has done. "fans feel betrayed when someone they previously believed in and cheered for turns out" They 'feel' betrayed because they ar emorons. In order to be betrayal there has to be loyalty. The 'fans' had no loyalty to him nor did he have loyalty to them. As for the Falcons, and the NFL. No loyalty there as loyalty cannot be bought. "OK, who went and encouraged Volo in his "pity the poor millionaire athletes" schitck?" yeah, yeah, they're rich. That's why it's okay to not treat them like humans. Just admit your jealousy and envy, You wouldn't care one whit about Micheal Vick abusing animals if you didn't know he was. In fact, if he was an unknown, he could have been shot a dozen times, raped, thrown in the ditch to die, and you would go 'how sad' and move on. CELEBRITIES > JEALOUS PEOPLE WHO ACT INDIGNANT
  22. It's real simple. It's about money, and fame. If it wasn't for who Vick is, people would read his story, say what he did was wrong, and then they'd move on. But, because it's Micheal Vick, they want him tortured as inhumanely as possible in some sick twisted revenge. Not ebcause those people care about the dogs; but out of sheer jealousy of what success he has had. He'll rebound. He'll be back in the NFL contrary to what some want. Seriously, epople will not be happy until he is literally fed to dogs as a meal.
  23. Chuck, and Bones are officially renewed. Now, all my shows are coming back. YAY!
  24. Fear of flying? He's been doing it for 3 years... why did he just back out now? WOW!
  25. "Ashley" Ashley is no damsel in distress.
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