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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. It's not about justice for the commish or the NFL, it's about power. They need to show those evil millionaire players while the players get the money and the fame; it's the league who has the control, the power, and with a snap of their fingers the players are still nobodies who cna be squashed like the bugs they are. Players are basically highly paid servants who need to kiss their masters' butts.
  2. "It's a crappy deal for gamers though" Many games disagree with you. If people are willing to buy, it's a good thing. period. btw, This sin't a personal opinion as I don't go for DLC but I find it hilarious that 'customers' can accuse anyone of greed when customers are the greediest, most selfish, most evil creature on the planet. Companies actually do a worthwhile service while all customers do is whine, and cry about soemthing not being enough, demanding more, wanting to pay less (or nothing at all), and on, and on. The only useful thing about customers is money. Otherwise, they're little punks who deserved to be ridiculed, pited, and hated. Anyone who claims that BG is less balck and white compared to BIO's newer games are just being silly. BG2 is way more black and white than JE, ME, and likely KOTOR. Seriously, ME allows you to allow the Council die and then allows you to justify it. There's nothing in BG or BG2 that is even close to that 'gray'. And, oh, ALL of BIO's games have a personal element to them except with the possible exception of NWN. *shrug*
  3. A lot. He still would be one of the top 20 QBs in the league. Easily.
  5. They love it for good reason - customers WANT DLC.
  6. "I'd prefer a Mako in Dragon Age to Blood Dragon armor in ME." L0L That would be interesting. The similarity between Nalia, and the dwarf are superficial at best.
  7. Cross promotion is genius, and more game companies should do. The Stone Prisoner sounds worthwhile since it adds a character, and extra story/quests/exploration areas. Coolio beanio.
  8. "*pointedly ignores Volurns ranting*" *pointedly doesn't ignore crimson's trolling*
  9. "but the Dodgers just might have had a shot this year even w/out him. Sometimes teams just seem to gel one year." They're gelling because of Ramirez. They were a so-so team before he came there, and just missed reahcing the WS last season. And, continued that hotness this seaosn. And, yeah, they played solid even when he was suspended, but I'd say (and Dodger players agree) that's alrgely because of the go boost he gives them. They *believe* they are a great team. He elevated them all. "In terms of clubhouse poison...well...he was poison for Boston because he didn't want to be in Boston anymore and kicked up a ruckus." Poison? Was he poison when they won the WS the seaosn before? Or when they won it while he won MVP? And, how well did they defend their WS last season without him? Oh yeah, NOT TOO WELL. Meanwhile, he led his new team - once again - to the brink of a WS when they had no business even being in the playoffs. The only poison in Boston was management who are scumbag pieces of crap along with their arrogant, judgemental, retarded, evil, pathetic, traitorous 'fans'. Those are the guys who are poisonous. They treated Ramirez so poorly, I dont blame him for wanting out. Heck, Ortiz got 'caught' in a drug scandal this season and barely a beep about it yet Boston fans were ALL OVER Ramirez when he got caught for taking a 'legal' drug. No doubt if Ramirez was a red Sox this season and was cuaght like Ortiz he'd be labeled poison, once again. "I also don't think Ortiz' decline has anything to do w/Manny" It has EVERYTHING to do with Manny. Ortiz + Manny = Awesome Oriz... Ortiz - Manny = Blaisse. Simple math.
  10. So funny that Boston and their silly fans (as well as baseball 'experts') claimed that the Red Sox shipping Ramirez was a good things because he was a 'clubhouse poison' and 'evil', and 'destroys team chemistry' yet his new team is kicking butt largely because of him while Boston (while still with a good record) looks (though can't count them completely out yet) to be relinquishing their hold on the division that they had a stranglehood the past few years largely because of Ramirez and his fellow partner Ortiz has seemingly hit a wall without the awesome of Ramirez. Coincidence? I think not. Clubhouse poision, my butt. He makes teams better when he is on their roster and playing. And, when he is not on a team, they are worse. Period.
  11. "Hey we suck but it's always nice to beat a team from NY and one that has what 4x if not more our payroll." Yeah, but a good portion of that payroll are cripples.
  12. Yeah, but having the Mets' number this season isn't that impressive. They only field like half their real team. L0L
  13. "It will be better than Mass Effect but that doesn't say much as Mass Effect was the worst game they ever made." Nope. That's KOTOR.
  14. "That's the trouble when excessively playing Bioware games. People develop this condition where, an RPG must look like a BiowareTM product, with a save the world TM plot, in which there is a fuzzy romance TM, likeable replicas of past characters TM, identical plot progressionTM, same but ever devolving gameplay TM and needless drama TM." Nonsense. I like plenty of non BIO style games. Some of us aren't ahrdcoded where it's an either/or proposition. It's why I can claim that BG2, FO2, and NHL 09 are 3 of my favorite games ever despite them not being the same. *shrug* The problem with TW is that it just plainly sucks. Heck, it could have been the most mature game ever,a nd it would still suck as the story sucks, the main character is a loser, the combat is horirble, the gameplay is crap, the C&C is overrated, etc., etc. And, the sad thing is, I was looking forwrad to it prior to release and even defending it on the Codex. I am ashamed of that.
  15. "You know repeating that like a mantra might brainwash somebody into believing it the end." I'm not the only person repeating themselves in this thread.
  16. "The way you people react to sex and nudity makes me think its a culture/mentality thing." Don't be ignorant. I have no problem with sex, and nudity. In fact, I love them. The problem, hwoever, is that TW is not a mature game. It's also not unique, special, different, or original. It's just another crappy overrated game.
  17. "BGII was about Irinicus." Nah. Irenicus played a huge part; but the game was still about the PC. Irenicus was just a starting off point to get the action moving but the focus was still on the PC, and how he/she dealt with being a 'Bhaalspawn' and how they interacted with others to do with it. In fact, Irenicus is irrelevant outside of his hostile relationship with the PC. Even in your dreams, he basically plays the role of the PC's subconcious with some feeling he was just a 'stand in' for Bhaal until Bhaal himself showed up. Irenicus played a huge part in the story as any good antagonist should but he was not the focus. Story wasn't written from his point of view.
  18. "Which really doesn't invalidate the game in any way. Third time I've said it. It was meant to be good intentioned fun, a bit of comic relief and that was what it was. Just like in Dogma: Metatron: ...Take sex, for example. There's nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus Bethany: Sex is a joke in Heaven? Metatron: The way I understand it, it's mostly a joke down here, too" You insult Doggma. TW is a piece of crap, and was NOT funny. Dogma was hilarious. Bottom line is TW is not a mature game. Not even close. But, then again, neither is Dogma. And, that's okay. 'Cause it wans't meant to be. TW was, and it failed. With its poor characters, poor writing, poor combat, poor C&C, poor b00bie useage (which was actually my favorite part of the game, lol), etc., etc. There is very little quality in TW. I cna't believe I was looking forward to what ende dup being one of the worst RPGs ever. Thankfully, I still have the FOs to fall back on. Now, those are good games (not counting FO3, of course). P.S. DA > BG series. No contest.
  19. Are you saying Mitsoda isn't awesome? You hate Mitsoda!
  20. "You're just repeating your previous argument of judging a game by its one optional - almost comic relief segment. Its biased, and therefore invalid. In fact strong personal dislike is all I get from your post, justified by repetition of one sentence, unfounded and unsupported by proof of any sort. Besides your signature would raise the eyebrows of any serious RPG player, as to the value of your judgment. Therefore what's the use of arguing?" I agree. It's hard to have a good discussion about maturity in games with someone who believes a game that has nudy pictures that add nothing to the game is one of the most mature games ever.
  21. Good luck to Mr. Mitsoda!
  22. "I can name these people, and I know their gaming background. If you can name yours as well and their arguments- fine" A good protion of the Codex dislikes TW. That place has tons of people arguing on both sides. And, i seriously doubt you can name 'a large aportion of a very large crowd' by name unless your definition of 'large crowd' is a dozen people. L0L "Your focus on nude cards really shows you didn't even consider the game properly. Its a lame argument - the equivalent of me saying that Jade is a stupid arcade game because it has a flying minigame." Nonsense. Not the same thing. Your claim is that TW was a mature game. It isn't. A game that rewards you with nudey cards for having sex is not mature. You cna't pretend to be mature and do stuff like that. Not to mention that the reason why it has no 'black and white' scenarios (even though it does) is largely because most of the scenarios are illogical to begin with, and the characters in question don't have any rhyme or reason. throw in some rather poor and one dimensional writing, and it simply becomes a joke. To comapre all this to trying to claim that JE is a 'stupid arcade game' because it has a flying mini game is beyond silly. Not even worth refuting even further. "Superficially different, the basic setup of the games is the same. I should have replaced stories with gameplay, and overall game design. My mistake." No. They are different. They have superifical similarities largely because they're developed by the same company. How can anyone claim that KOTOR and JE are the same espicially in terms of game design or game play? It's illogical.
  23. "The Witcher did it right because its developers did what they wanted - political correctness be damned. Plus they were mature people working to please a mature crowd." TW was *not* mature. The game had nudey cards that added nothing to the game (outside of b00bies). How the heck is that mature? "general consensus amongst a very large crowd of veteran RPG gamers was that it was a superior product to almost everything that came out since BGII." And, there's a general concensus amongst a very large crowd of veteran RPG gamers that it was a very inferior product. *shrug* You should stick speaking for yourself instead of some invisible group that cna't even agree with each other, anyways. "But their stories are all the same from KOTOR onwards" Not true. KOTOR, JE, and ME all have different stories. "This kind of not pompous storytelling, unburdened with moral absolutes is probably only seen in fallout 1 and 2" Do not comapre TW positively to F01, or FO2. That's insulting those awesoem games with a piece of crap like TW. "Please let us not forget that the main focus in the game seems to be on the romances in the game, and the possible love (sex) acts, it will allow the player character to have within the game with different NPCs, depending on his or her choice." Simply not true.
  24. The tattoos ar emagical I hope.. otherwise, the idea is lame.
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