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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. ST - espicially STTNG - is awesome. of coruse, you pick the most overrated one to pimp. *shrug*
  2. Not surprising. ATL is a decent team. TOR just plainly sucks.
  3. "Trying something different and failing isn't that much worse than trying to do the same old and succeeding. " It's 100% worse. I want a good, and fun game. As a player I don't feel the nedd to pat the dog.. err.. developer on the head and 'Good boy... At least you tried." That's silly talk. Oruiginality is overrated. Goodness is all that matter. Besdies, you can't do better than the origins which were pretty cool additions or the dialogue wheel. While neither fo these are 100% truly original they are different and better enough to matter. Then again, none of the aformentioned Troika games are 100% original either. ARC - FF did the tech/magic mesh before. Tons of other games too. Steampunk is not. TOEE - It's a D&D turn based game based on a very popular pnp module. NOTHING NEW HERE. BL - It's based on pre made IP, and is basically a semi (but not really) kinda sequel (but vastly superior) to the other BL game. NOT NEW but outside of the crappy combat, a pretty awesome game. "Hey, it's sci-fi. It's not "save the world" it's "Save The Galaxy!" DAMN YOU! You beat me to the obvious retort! L0L
  4. Useless as it doesn't even include his most recent game. L0LZ
  5. " I wonder how he landed that role. " He auditioned, and won? That's how it tends tom work unless you are a big star and the movie is made around you. *shrug*
  6. Stop being such a Troika fanboy. Seriously, none of those are original. "but it was well made in many parts." It was crap. Only thing made well about TOEE was the character system which they copy pasted from pnp. Heck, they couldn't even do a pre made module right. LMAO ARC + BL are good games but are not original. Deal with it
  7. "Yes and that's my major gripe with them, because that was not my impression of them and their goals after playing through the Baldurs Gate series." BIO always intended to go for blockbusters. "I'm a sucker for unflinching dedication to either giving something fresh each time (eg. Troika)" Nope. Doesn't describe Troika at all. I enjoyed ARC and BL just fine and even TOEE had some good things but none of them were 'fresh' or 'original'.
  8. Post the topic. Not the volourn.
  9. Edwin is overrated. I liked him a lot, and he was one of my fave npcs of all time... when I was 5. As an adult, he is a nodboy. He has absolutely no depth, sould, or heart. Seriosuly, his greatest path to fame is he gets turned into a girl. Big deal. That's bnoring and it happens in RL all the time. *yawn*
  10. By, definition, that's exactly what they are. Whether one likes them or not is irrelevant.
  11. "The Postman and Waterworld" Both underrated. True epics. Then again, I didn't see them when they first came out so I probably didn't overhype myself like others did. "they ruined the story with the new ending." I agree that the ending was too light and fluffy (and seemed too tagged on); but those last 5 minutes don't destroy the 95 minutes before then filled with great action, drama, atmosphere, and fantastic acting. P.S. Screw the book. It is useless, and cant match Will Smith and the dog's awesome acting.
  12. Nah. It just be boing much like these trolling flames. R00fles! Obsidian forumites are so concerned for me. It's sickening. I'm irrelevant. Deal with the topics. L0LZ
  13. "Actually you can't" YOU can't; but I certainly can. It was completely obvious how each spell/talent works. You don't need to kno that it does 2.2 damage exactly or last exactly 3.476546895847834 seconds. Gah. Why do people feel the need to be forcefed EVERYTHING!?!
  14. INDY vs NYJ - This won't even be close. Colts will win going away. MIN vs NO - This could go either way, and it will be interesting. Petersen is the one who decide this game. He has not been the ASP of old this season as he's been legitly overshadowed by Favre this year. I think Minny and AP will put it out but...
  15. Book is irrelevant. This is the movie thread. The book was likely rubbish. I probably read books when I was 5 that were better.
  16. The Departed - Great movie with great acting. I liked the twists for the most aprt; but near the end they just got dumb and it almsot felt they were just throwing twists for the sake of it not for the story. If I figured out the end, and I think I did, we're supposed to be that Whalberg's cop was a plant as well? Or did he just go rogue out of anger? K. 300 - This movie was way more entertaining then it had the right to be. Gotta give credit to Butler as I was all set to hate his character but he actually managed to bring some humanity to the over the top role. The plot with thw ife was interesting, and weird, and fun though not really needed. I did like how she handled things, though. The voice over was absolutely not needed as it just annoyed me. I Am Legend - Great movie. Ending was too over the top perfect; but fine. The part with the dog was incredibly sad, and suitably dark. KAW - WTF WTF WTF Lake Placid 2 - Not as good as the original but fun horror movie nontheless.
  17. You must be using a different defintion of scrub.
  18. "You really can't tell what's useful and what's not just from the description." Yes. Yes, you can. Barring a couple. *shruG*
  19. "Even Volo doesn't disappear without attempting to incite a flame war." Troll. Don't ASSume to knowm my motivations. Then again, you are the one who thinks a rodent is the best npc ver. Dunno why I keep taking you seriously. L0L
  20. That pic of Yvonne is horrid. You certainly can find better.
  21. "As far as male romance options are concerned the 3 in BGII haven't yet been matched let alone surpassed." Jokin' right? Oh, I forgot, BIO's newer games don't allow youm to romance a mouse. L0LZ
  22. "However, based on ME and DAO, I have to think the design of the game will still be crappy, as Bioware has either lost the recipe, " Crappy or not, it sure beats the BG1 recipe. You can't go much lower than retarded ranger with a stupid hamster for a master.
  23. Text message was wrong, but she isn't ms. innocent. You can't personally attack someone without expecting to be verbally (or written) attacked back. That said, the 'your gonna die' is really dangerously stepping over a line since it can easily be viewed as a death threat.
  24. "It's called money and allocation of resources and making game design follow after the visuals and the audio instead of the opposite. The writers in Mass Effect had to adapt dialogue writing to the fact that full voice acting costs a lot of money, for example. " Nope. Doesn't work that way. BIO has hudnreds of employees and they range from graphics artists to writers and everything else. Again, how does the graphic artists doing a great job somehow make the writers do a poor job? It does not make sense. "Mass Effect, more graphics > less content Dragon Age, sh!t graphic > much more content (content = quests, areas)" Opinion. DA's graphics are not '****'. That's silly talk. And, ME's writing is just as good if not better than DA's. And, the main story certainly is. DA has more content this is true, but it can be argued that lots of that is filled up weith random fights that don't add to the story. Outside of the random planets, ME doesn't have this problem. DA took me 70 hours. ME took me 40. But, ME didn't make me spend hours in the inventory (thank god since ME's inventory was KOTOR levels bad), or fighting encounters that didn't add to the plot. This is why i laugh when people claim JE is too short - JE doesn't waste time with inventory, useless combat (JE is easily BIO's best when it comes to limiting non story oriented combat which is impressive considering it's a kung fu oriented game), or as much traveling (though the world map was a dissapoitinge), or owrthless inventory matrix. On top of this, content wise, Citedal for ME is way better than any civilized area in DA with the possible exception of Orzimmar. Again, to make it clear, it makes absolute no sense and is not based on fact, to claim that graphic designers doing a great job meanms writers will do crappy. It's illogical. It might mean a little less contentbut not worse content. "Or, apart from the few pivotal, choice conversations, most main character lines were simple, direct basic questions which set up the aforementioned monologues." True for every RPG ever created. *shrug*
  25. I doubt the graphics designers whoa re paid to make graphics look awesome somehow make the writers, and gameplay designers, and combat rules guys to do their jobs worse. How does that math work even? It's like if you work at a restuarant and then claim because the cooks aere so damn awesome that somehow that will make the servers even worse. Illogical logical at its worse.
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